Change the Earth

Change the Earth

17 December 2017

change earth weheartit com


Take my eye

See blossoms rising

From dead leaves


Everlasting green in brown

From wasted the clean



Bandwidth mean

Average effort

Middle path

Needle math

Summoning the craft in hand

Making no demand



Tears in eyes

Compassion extreme

Renewed birth

Change the Earth

Blue green vision from a dream

Now freed from the lies


Singing of the poem: 

Reading of the poem: 

And they have escaped the weight of darkness – Ólafur Arnalds

Les intentions palustres posent un tréteau si las / The marshland intentions lay a tired trestle

Les intentions palustres posent un tréteau si las

(Poème écrit sous forme de sonnet Italien, Petrarch, en Alexandrin traduit en anglais ci-bas ou ici)

6-7 octobre 2016

intentions pinterest com 3.jpg


L’entends-tu qui virevolte le temps de nos amours

La danse des cerises moites en tiédeur des étés

Les reflets qui miroitent dans tes yeux hébétés

Le silence de révolte points de croix en ajours


Le dédain qu’on récolte au royaume des atours

Où les yeux ne convoitent qu’apparence apprêtée

Champ de vision étroite fleur de chair appétée

Médisance désinvolte le déclin des toujours


Me verras-tu venir en un temps composé

Des océans illustres de blancheur des lilas

Verra-t-on avenir à nos pieds déposé


Les amarrages lacustres pour enseigne qui lit là

Clair de lune revenir dans un corps reposé

Les intentions palustres posent un tréteau si las


Lecture du poème: 

intentions buzzerg com.jpg

Cyclo – Zazie



The marshland intentions lay a tired trestle

(translation of an Italian sonnet written in Alexandrin form in French. See original above or here)

6-7 October 2016

ninerealms aliexpress com.jpg


Do you hear it twirling the old time of our love

Dance of sweaty cherries in the lukewarm summers

Reflections that sparkle in your eyes that were dazed

The revolt of silence cross points in openings


The disdain we harvest in kingdom of attires

Where the eyes but covet appearance that is primed

Narrow field of vision desired flower of flesh

The casual slander declining forever


Will you see me arrive within a composed time

Of illustrious oceans of whiteness of lilacs

Will there be a future at our feet to settle


The moorings of the lake for a sign that reads here

The return of moonlight in a rested body

The marshland intentions lay a tired trestle


Reading of the poem: 



Don’t Leave Home – Dido

Frontal collision

Frontal collision

19 July 2016

tabularasa david galstyan pinterest com 12
Courtesy David Galstyan on


Black widow

Mourning lost vigil

Of her death

Rancid breath

Hovering in morning chill

As Time sweeps over



Hammering vision


Stuck in loop

Stroboscopic impression

Frontal collision


We were strands

Twirling through eras

Fear disbands


Scorching lips smothering fate

Melancholy’s slate


Burning pyre

My inner realms dire

Desert space

None to face

No judgement but fall from Grace

Upon green-blue fields



Mind’s repetition

Your kisses

Heal my wounds

That flay my every layer

Between core and skin


Hope runs thin

Time is a slayer



A move away from fences

Disturbed defenses


Reading of the poem: 

frontal youtube com 3 (2)

Late Goodbye – Poets of the Fall

War – Poets of the Fall

Daze – Poets of the Fall

Heal my wounds – Poets of the Fall

Dreaming wide Awake – Poets of the Fall

Rebirth – Poets of the Fall

In the name of Love

In the name of Love

7 July 2016

flower david galstyan pinterest com
Courtesy David Galstyan on

Their vision scorched me

Thousand soldiers of darkness

Of untruth their flag


Is this as it is

The sum of all our hardships

Walking on the knees


I roamed the deserts

My hair running its own way

Talks of centuries


My shadows cast light

In the silence of their screams

As the widow dreams


They hardened their hearts

In the name of freedom’s rings

As their chains tightened


Martial waverings

Their walks valleys of despair

As orphans huddled


The suns in me tire

Of the cycles of tales dire

Reinventing hope


The blind men will grope

Their hands panic stricken tools

Their hearts emptiness


Power’s not prowess

Only throne of loneliness

Rotten arm in glove


When I live again

Walk with me in the valleys

In the name of Love


Reading of the poem: 

heart of love rassouli

Kafartu – Dhafer Youssef

Soupir Eternel – Dhafer Youssef

In the name of Love – Dhafer Youssef

The transformation occurs under deep narcosis

The transformation occurs under deep narcosis

1 December 2015




The expanding coils catch our breath

Mutation, the origins of metamorphosis


Multiple transformations occur

For hybridation, an excruciating process


Would we then break before we shatter?

Multiple fragmentation of our inner walls sear


The road to birth is paved with the pain

Wilful inhalation of atmospheric mushrooms


Sailors of the future gift us ills

Breathe in, now breathe out, explosion of the sixth senses


rising Mt Shasta on pinterest com (2)


A new born I learn to breathe with gills

Epilepsy strikes, stroboscopic light soul cleanses


Showering through me photons in rain

Excavation of me leads to lower hidden rooms


Speleology of caves’ matter

Whispering lights speak secrets to the familiar ear


As the vision would blacken and blur

The probing orbs wind through my body’s every recess


Dilating sheer frames lost in their breadth

The transformation occurs under deep narcosis


nymph archive wizard com (2)


Yakuro – Requiem for a space










Alternate realities

Alternate realities

1 October 2015

leap wookmark com_svetlana-belyaeva_7600_507


Illusion spread dark

Within remnants of true sight

Less light I behold


No blank slate to draw

I lose more than I would own

Drift in conclusion


The seeker spirals

Wake of dawn brings more than light

Wings flapping upwards


My essence I know

From blue world it appeared slight

Timeless adjustment


Losing airborne frame

Cast into a sightless world

Mutation of Heart


Remnants of vision

Alternate realities

Meet my perplexed eye


Choice? A leap of faith

Death is the road to wonders

That my soul creates


leap dailynewsdig com