In branches of light

In branches of light
20 November 2021
Petals multiply
In intervals of breathing
exhaling essence

My heart reaches out
seeking out the knowing mind
hidden in the eye

With careful fingers
I unveil the flower’s core
Myriads of colours

There are silent trees
tall yet minute they resume
growing in my heart

Winding through mazes
they teach me the wise lessons
of imbued stillness

We wait together
for the peace that was revealed
in branches of light

Reading of the poem:
The Valley of Dreams - Stive Morgan
Written in the context of Ronovan writes weekly haiku challenge using the words “wait”, “wise” and their synonyms. For more information on the challenge and other artists’ work, please read here

Bark oozing shed tears

Bark oozing shed tears

27 May 2020

Courtesy Stefan Gesell


Grasshoppers’ clamour

Enchanting tunes in the wind

Green grass their stronghold

I knelt to the grass level

Mind connected with the Earth


Fallen leaves crunching

Pathways strewn bloody green trace

End of the leaves’ life

Thoughts roaming to other ends

Life and death in pendulum


Trees whisper in wind

Language of mother to child

Bark oozing shed tears

Motherless, childless I roamed

My balance above all odds


Reading of the poem:

Michael Jackson – Earth Song (Official Video)

The Shaman Tales 9 : the mutation

The Shaman Tales 9 : the mutation

8 May 2020

Courtesy Christian Schloe

The spell seemed to have worked. It was sent out in the collective consciousness as she knew it needed to be sent out in the open. It was more effective with being read and she knew that she had to inspire herself three years ago from then. She had slid into the timeloop during her altered state of consciousness and inspired herself back in 2017. She had then watched as she created the poem that would provoke the onslaught of what was happening just now. She knew it had to be done. The flu had to be released into the world because the end effect was the mutation that needed to happen. This was the only way that they could resist what GAIA had in store for them. Their lungs needed to mutate into one lung, breathing in a completely different way than how it had breathed up to now.


As with every time she projected herself into the past with the altered consciousness, everything went haywire for her in the present. Devoid of her consciousness, the brain alone was not able to function normally and was clouded by the overwhelming synapse points where the memories were being mixed into the present state of being. The past, the present and the future seemed to all merge into one apocalyptic moment and she could see the waters engulf the land as well as see the ice age that was to follow the overheating of the planet. All those thoughts raced into her head like realities that presented themselves to her. She could see all of it happening as if it were happening in front of her eyes. Meanwhile, her consciousness was inspiring her in the past to create the worded intention and put out the magic spell into the collective consciousness.


Her consciousness saw the words and at the same time saw them manifesting. It was a flu alright, but it was a flu that needed to fundamentally change the human body. Like every time there was a significant shift in the Earth requiring a shift in consciousness and in the bodies, it was always done through a flu or some other pandemic. Her consciousness was then satisfied by what was released and came back to her in the present, right in the nick of time before her mind would go into overdrive with all the stimuli and shut itself out forever. The flu was not as deadly as the Spanish flu before it but they seemed to be afraid of it even more. They called it covid-19 and treated it like it was an enemy. Little did they know that they had to go through the process of catching it in order to mutate. If they did not mutate, they would not be able to survive the shift that GAIA was preparing for them. It had had to be done despite the thousands of deaths. They must all catch the flu to avoid humanity becoming extinct on the planet once GAIA’s program had come into place…


Dead Can Dance “Yulunga” 2005

My feet are weary

My feet are weary

8 April 2020

Courtesy New York Times


Catch my breath

It escapes in lakes

As I whirl


Essence of life is hidden

Between tree and bark


Remind me

Of jewels in chest

Studded pearls

Hold moonshine

Revelry began with wine

Ending in my salt


Fill me words

My head is tired

Lay them down

Near bosom

Fly me to castles in sky

My feet are weary


Reading of the poem:

Jon Bryant – “At Home” [Official Audio]

Tireless tides

Tireless tides

15 October 2018

tireless tides moon deviantart com teenwolfismylife


Random scars

Redesigned patterns

On our minds

Winding pits

Our arms gallery of fate

Tokens of our faith


Renewed vows

Gathered in the soul

Leaning trees

Quaking knees

The heart a banner to hold

Lessons for the bold


Moon and Earth

Took us through new mirth


Tireless tides

On shores where we stood our grounds

Feet shaking heart still


Reading of the poem: 

Sweet dreams – Emily browning

The Fallen

The Fallen

11 November 2017

Christian schloe pinterest com 26
Courtesy Christian schloe on


I watch them

Intelligent play

In Encores


Conquering us within Time

A crestfallen mime


Rise above

Walk into the love

Whisper me

I am wind

Reverberating silence

When the treetops dance


Listen well

We are hearts that swell


The Fallen

From dreamtime uncovered hell

No story to tell


Reading of the poem: 

Delerium – Fallen (Превод)

The Old Souls Chronicles 3 : Aron’s trip to the extreme and the Superim Library’s forbidden data

The Old Souls Chronicles 3 : Aron’s trip to the extreme and the Superim Library’s forbidden data

22 August 2017

twin twinflame1111 com


Tony looks back at Aron and Hemshaw as Hegat’s cube takes off slowly from the point where it had been hovering, waiting for them. He realises his wife is guiding the cube to drive slowly as he had lost the capacity to sustain balance within the cube. It was indeed a while that he had not used it to avoid being discovered through the cube’s biometric data tester.

Hegat turns and smiles at him reassuringly and he feels his love for her well up inside him. It strikes him as strange that he could pass so easily from a point of wishing with all his being to die to a diametrically opposed point where he wishes he could live forever together with his beloved wife. Hegat can sense what is going through her husband’s mind. She lays a hand on his forearm and squeezes his hand with the other.

  • Don’t beat yourself about it my Love, she says in her soft though grave voice
  • I am so sorry to have made you waste all those years, says Tony
  • It is okay now. We just need to forget the past, says Hegat
  • I love you so much, says Tony. I don’t want to ever lose you again
  • We will live together forever, says Hegat.

Tony looks back at Aron. He realises that he has a huge responsibility in communicating the vital emotional scale. He also realises that Aron is going to have to apply for a special permit to experience the full scale of emotions and that he, Tony, would need to endorse that request. The youngsters have only known mild emotions and have never experienced passionate feelings. It was the new way of being and none of the newborns had ever wanted to live the full scale of emotions that would include grief and other painful emotions. When they came to the Old Souls, it was merely for the positive experiences emotions. The youngsters had coined the series of emotions that one could experience through the simulation pods at the Superim library or through direct contact with the Old Souls the « feels ».

Youngsters often refer to the Old Souls with an endearment term such as Paps Feels or Mama Feels depending on the gender of the Old Soul in question. Tony and Hegat had taken into their ethical custody a large number of youngsters and most of the youngsters had been very promising and willing to share the knowledge they acquired to other youngsters. This multiplying effect had made Tony and Hegat the most popular and respect Old Souls so it had been a bad surprise for the health facilities authorities and the Library when Tony had stopped coming in to help youngsters.

Hegat looks back again at her husband and smiles as she sees his face resume the appearance it had just before he had left. She embraces him fully and can feel the peace restored within him flowing through her. Tony holds his wife tightly cursing himself for having been so foolish to have made her leave and praising himself at the same time for having had the insight to give in instead of making a dash for the door when Aron and Hemshaw released him as his earlier egotistical instinct had guided him to do.

Back at their home, Hegat goes through the documents they have to send to the health facilities and streamlines all the data through her’s and her husband’s retinas. Tony lets Hegat pull him and center him as he has lost his knack to get the image straight enough in front of the retina reader. At the same time that they are going through the papers, Aron reaches home, his heart beating as he opens the door and expects his wife to be there again in her preternatural form. He has never told anyone about this nor about the fact that he experiences high levels of emotions including those of what he is taught is called sadness and grief as per the Superim library. The first time he had logged in with his official id but as soon as he had realised that the emotions he felt were considered undesirable, he had only connected to off the net data to learn more about his emotions. He felt that Tony could help him but was not sure whether he could trust him fully. Something tells him however that because of what Tony had gone through he was probably the best to help him out.

The next day, after some insistance of his wife to go ahead with it, Tony heads towards the Superim library where he has been restated as Old Soul tutor of feels. At the door of the library he finds an impatient Aron who tugs at his sleeve and almost pulls him into the library.

  • You seem to be very eager, says Tony. I have not seen someone so eager among any of the youngsters. Your emotions appear to be rawer and stronger than anything I have seen in decades
  • Yes, answers Aron. I feel a lot of things stronger and I also feel things that seem to be undesirable as per the data condensers in the Superim
  • That is a standard labeling for anything that goes beyond what is in the greatest good of the group of young ones. If one is granted special access then the sky is the limit to what can be experienced
  • Can I have access to emotions that are not happiness emotions ?
  • You can have access to anything that is authorised once you make a request and I endorse it
  • Would you do that for me ?
  • Of course, I would.

Aron ponders this and then proceeds to the counter where he fills out the form through his thought process jacked into the Superim’s authorisations virtual plug. Once it is ready, he signals to Tony who adds his thought of endorsement of the request. Shortly after this the Superim library opens up a section that was hidden until then and Aron and Tony are requested to go ahead and enter the section. Tony knows for a fact that it does not need to be closed because not only nobody would venture without endorsement but also the section is walled off etherically and does not show as existing anymore for the youngsters.

Tony picks out a data condenser and puts it in Aron’s hands. It has on it a skull and two roses. When questioned by Aron, Tony mentions that it is the effect of the crossover on people in love as he has sensed that Aron’s quest is connected to that. When Aron had first touched him, Tony had felt something that resembled grief and had dismissed it at the time because Aron was a youngster but now, with Aron’s insistance, he realised that what he had felt was true. Aron looks at the data condenser and then back at Tony.

  • Not only do I feel a lot more than others but I also feel emotions that the Superim pod could not describe, says Aron
  • That is because you were only looking at data condensers from the general section. Here you will find an explanation to your feelings, says Tony
  • I am not sure how to deal with this
  • You need to just go ahead and process the data condenser and I will then upload you the related emotions so that you can then download the related feels into your body
  • Will I become a freak if I do this ?
  • I know you think of it as freakish but back before the Time you were born or that which is available in data condensers of the general section it used to be the standard feeling of everyone. We had not only the happy emotions but also the sad ones and both types could be light or extremely strong
  • I wonder how you went through all of that. I can barely endure what I am feeling these days
  • I think I have a solution for you but please download what you need to download

As soon as Aron signals to Tony that he has finished downloading, Tony summons within him all the grief felt for the loss of his wife and communicates portions of it to Tony. At the same time, he takes great care to also quickly communicate the feelings of joy that he had experienced when his wife had come back into his life. Even though barely few minutes have separated the two feels, Tony feels Aron cave in under the pressure of the grief so he quickly puts him in a chair and infuses him with solace through direct physical touch. Aron who had passed off regains consciousness and slowly smiles at Tony. I feel he says and in his eyes Tony can read the birth of a new sort of being, neither the Old Souls nor the youngsters but a blend of both…

sunflower erasmusu com

Raaga Bhairavi

Woman on the Top

Woman on the Top

27 August 2016

ten wallpapersxl com



Your empty wordings

Flowing free

Withered tree

Unwatered by your limp hand

A mouth to demand



Your hatred coursing

Black rivers

Bring shivers

Brethren replicate the quakes

Judges make mistakes



A burning willow

Nooses flow

Like the waves

Your mountains’ glory but caves

Sheltering the knaves



Congratulate self

Twisted doll

Tightly knit

Into clothes that barely fit

Reintegrates shelf



My nerves leading way

From decay

To dismay

Prosecuting intention

Witnesses galore



My fiery breath

Heated frame

Sorry lame

I will not stretch below tame

Woman on the Top


Reading of the poem: 

ten justingedak com

The Eternal Return – Irfan

Monsalvato – Irfan

Peregrinatio – Irfan


In floating

In floating

23 August 2016

floating abstract desktopnexus com 3


Lost in thought

Grey tendrils that sink

Absorbed ink

I spill mind

Windmills within me unwind

As the will decays


Tree’s branches

Reach out towards me

Its bark pulses

With my blood

My heart is a liquid flood

Nourishing its roots


Sweat and toils

Increase pulsations

The tree feasts

On the spoils

Winding flow does undoes coils

Self preservation


The soul shoots

Arrows of self loss

Across my frame

Withered tame

The lions face my dungeons

Where dragons breathed hard


Selves aligned

Face the roaring beasts

Random feats

Lone heroes

Misaligned in the death rows

Willful surrender


The heart beats

Like nothing matters

Soul repeats

In floating

Shimmering of blood coursing

New life pervades me


Reading of the poem: 

floating pinterest com

Mehman – Azam Ali

Dandini -Azam Ali

Neni Desem – Azam Ali

Alice did wondrously land

Alice did wondrously land

12 August 2016

Alice deviantart com comes_alice_to_the_wonderland___new_collection_by_wesley_souza-d61n2xh
Courtesy Wesley Souza on

Out of hats

Birthed the best rabbits

To follow

Trees’ hollow

The tumbling an experience

Otherworldly tales


The mind fails

When seeking lessons

In solemn

Straight-faced chalk

Classrooms for chicken that baulk

From the screeching hens


Lions dens

The cubs profuse meat

Feast to beat

Flesh and blood

Souls carry within the flood

Of the hearts matters


Ink splatters

From rooftops that leak

Dead that speak

Through my tongue

Dangling from heavens now wrung

Their bodies my kite


Bitter fight

Before birth in light

I let go

The failed care

The threads that tie slowly tear

Balloons now lift off


Weak hearts scoff

The mighty forgive

No Malice

In my hand

Alice did wondrously land

In the none sense band


Reading of the poem: 

hatter deviantart com alice_and_hatter_wallpaper_by_shaydedxlightning
Courtesy Saydedxlightning on


Alice in Wonderland – Vitaliy Zavadskyy

Little Lady in a Large World – Thomas Van Oosting

Alice’s Theme – Danny Elfman