Infinity’s Time

Infinity’s Time

15-16 September 2016



Blue waters

Encircling the port

Carry weight

Of stories

Lost sailors buried under

Pirates that plunder


They wage wars

The heavens deny

Our wage peace

Light kindred

Our daily toil rewarded

Twenty-three hundred


The clock marks

The eleventh hour

The skin breaks

With the quakes

Infinity joining code

Mutations process


Winged creatures

Birth from my bosom

Ghostly tales

Seek my mind

In playgrounds where we rewind

Birds becoming whales


Hammered Truth

In minds agonised



Shards of memory retrieving

In frames hung on nails


We design

Spacetime’s cavities

Weak promise

Thought forget

Strong keep promises not made

Will in the intent


We find ease

In lives lived unbent

The regret

A shadow

The meek speak the proud bellow

To each speech fellow


Gathered crowd

Crisscross of patterns

Raised lanterns

Eight rivers

Crossing at the peak of Tides

Infinity’s Time


Reading of the poem: 


Canto dell’Alma / Alma Mater – Flavia Vallega Krystael

Il volo dell’Angelo – Flavia Vallega Krystael

I Am that I Am / The Moses Code – Flavia Vallega Krystael

New age contemplate

New age contemplate

26 August 2016

come George-Redhawk-5




Fragmented postures

Body parts

Grave imparts

Millenary stoned landscapes

Bittersweet the grapes



Necrotica whim

Dented skin

Body thin

Planted seed of the hunger

Deathbed to linger



Finding the divine

Inside shrine

Freedom thine

Body a mirror template

New age contemplate


Reading of the poem: 

come plus google com

Return to Outremer – Irfan

Otkrovenie – Irfan

Star of the winds – Irfan

Frontal collision

Frontal collision

19 July 2016

tabularasa david galstyan pinterest com 12
Courtesy David Galstyan on


Black widow

Mourning lost vigil

Of her death

Rancid breath

Hovering in morning chill

As Time sweeps over



Hammering vision


Stuck in loop

Stroboscopic impression

Frontal collision


We were strands

Twirling through eras

Fear disbands


Scorching lips smothering fate

Melancholy’s slate


Burning pyre

My inner realms dire

Desert space

None to face

No judgement but fall from Grace

Upon green-blue fields



Mind’s repetition

Your kisses

Heal my wounds

That flay my every layer

Between core and skin


Hope runs thin

Time is a slayer



A move away from fences

Disturbed defenses


Reading of the poem: 

frontal youtube com 3 (2)

Late Goodbye – Poets of the Fall

War – Poets of the Fall

Daze – Poets of the Fall

Heal my wounds – Poets of the Fall

Dreaming wide Awake – Poets of the Fall

Rebirth – Poets of the Fall

Unfolding mysteries spin

Unfolding mysteries spin

11 July 2016


blue singsnap com


Three fingers

Woven in the skin

Define me

Pink contours

The flash seen without detours

As the heat rises


Still glances

As the ship glides on

The icebergs


Above and below now bound

The law of fusion


Hot and cold

Term me dynamics

Balance point

Zero stance

Two heads one bodied soul joint

As the wizards dance


Dead freedom

Measures of the sleep


False we keep

Lulling us into the fields

Where orphans will weep


Writhing frames

The wilting will slain

Our bodies

Fallen stars

Mummies preserved where we’d lain

Tucked into the folds


Death akin

To ecstasies’ flames

Subtle grounds

My mind hounds

Unfolding mysteries spin

A blue heart to win


Reading of the poem: 

spirit universal-link-888 com

Uloin – Tenhi

Näkin Laulu (1997 version) – Tenhi

Haaksi – Tenhi


Meet me in July

Meet me in July

3 June 2016

karol bak karolbak com 6

Daffodils wither

Alongside the riverbeds

Like bleak blackened suns


The waters swirl fierce

They bear weight of thousand griefs

As the shadows set


Darkness speaks thunders

The bolts firmly set in place

Rekindle the flame


The candle burns bright

Like token of forever

Springs into motion


Dying flame belies

Engraved thoughts of revival

Etched within my skin


The blindness sets in

Unmoved by extra senses

The hopeless trod on


Meet me in July

I will swing to lonely tunes

On the other side


Reading of the poem: 

journey hatsheput mcleans ca

Whisper of a thrill – Thomas Newman

Of Love in our eyes

Of Love in our eyes

3 June 2016

water pinterest com 3


I remember Times

When all that glittered was stars

And we were stardust


The days were sunny

The moon was forever young

Our skin night’s pallor


We belonged to life

Its rivers ran through our veins

Like endless jugglers


The tides obeyed none

They scorned moon and shunned sunlight

Patterns bearing tune


Through the rocks we jigged

Every footstep a foothold

On lake memory


The sun-kissed waters

We waded through their shimmers

Our bodies alit


When the day was done

We skipped through the moonlit air

Sustaining our frames


The flowers bloomed red

As we ran through the meadows

Our shadows suitors


We danced in playgrounds

Where light was but reflections

Of Love in our eyes


Reading of the poem: 

ghosttango pinterest com 3

The Good Things – Bill Laurance

Swag Times – Bill Laurance

Ready Wednesday – Bill Laurance

Will you see?

Will you see?

18 May 2016

heartsee1 insacredways com


Constant flow

Illuminates skin

Empty space

Between cells

Renewing with rising glow

Diffusion of light


See beyond

Matter dissolves slow

The skin fades

Trace suffuses

Retina optical play

For phantom member


Cast ember

Redefines the dawn

When suns rise

Dark powers

Dilute into nothingness

Wild horse to harness



Exercise of wild

Shaking limbs

Frothing mouth

Decaying North going South

Heaped insanity


See the light

Observe its darkness

All defined

By opposites

The Queen in her castle sits

Pantomimes her voice




Shades of Pi

We rely

Upon the squared circles lie

Stars’ definitions


Will you see?

She voices puzzles

Unseen calf

Rays nuzzles

The cow mother gathers green

Tender baby spleen


Reading of the poem:

karol bak pinterest com 11
Courtesy Karol Bak on

The nature of Daylight – Max Richter

Embers – Max Richter

The leftovers soundtrack – Max Richter

Tango to Centre

Tango to Centre

29 March 2016

tango pinterest com


Brushed aside

Like the dust in piles



Shake it off briskly step out

Tango to Centre


Raked raw

The prongs seeping through


Shining skin

Rid yourself of iron clasps

Tango to Centre


Twirling world

Building from chaos

Hurtling through


Dance in heart through Illusion

Tango to Centre


Threefold aims

Written in the book

The gait slight

The page white

Flurry of inky black words

Tango to Centre


They lay claims

Partner a male choice

Feet nimble

Waist thimble

Connection for direction

Tango to Centre


Inner worlds

Revealed through whirling

Skin on skin

Cheek on chin

The Spirits twirling like twins

Tango to Centre


Reading of the poem: 

tango spelogdans no

Querer – Francesca Gagnon

Gente que sí – Narcotango – clip film “Wygrany”

Tango to Evora – Club version

Spring cleaning

Spring cleaning

7 February 2016

springcleaning igreeny deviantart com
Courtesy igreeny on


Life condemns

The flailing fledglings

Cast on limb

Broken souls

Searching for key in other

Inside dwell answers



Of partners flurry

One night stands

Hurried love

Immersion in dark dwellings

Caves for the half-baked


Truths simmer

Under the fleeced skin

Wincing taut

Stand at ease

There is light in the shadows

Not all courts martial



A haunting thought creeps

Diving deep

Into hides

My skin seeks more than the touch

Invading senses


springcleaning lohdro deviantart com
Courtesy lohdro on


Senseless games

Playing one’s own mind

Losing fast

Hand in sling

All the doubts that they will bring

These pawns that we move



One hand claps never

Alone pale

Barely snap

Fingers attempting some joy

Whistle stuck in throat


When to learn

Perhaps when skin peels

Efforts lost

Clapping hard

Against chest flanks jagged ribs

Some hands claps sever


I aim soft

At moving targets


Breach of trust

The steely will now does rust

Red the waste matter


springcleaning nameisavailable deviantart com
Courtesy nameisavailable on



Colours of a beak

Glory’s peak

Word to speak

Iridescent mouth hardened

By years of trials


The wise ones

They arm with patience

The waiting


Going through the kernel’s path

The way to the self


You can clean

Arches of doorways

Rid cobwebs

Of spiders

The room’s content lost treasures

Other lifetimes’ hunt


Spring cleaning

Relentless forte

I wear it

Bright motto

Speleologist grotto

My search sane and blunt


Reading of the poem: 

springcleaning lhianne deviantart com
Courtesy lhianne on


Seafret – Atlantis

Seafret – Oceans

Seafret feat Rosie Carney – To the Sea

Seafret – Give me something

Seafret – Wildfire

Veil so thin

Veil so thin

3 February 2016

veil fanpop com

She was freed

Twice in a neat row

The bluebirds

They sang so

Their beaks memories of honey

The bees had gathered


I flew high

Keeping company

With her wings

Lost anthems

We move in skies with phantoms

The moon our witness


We all die

Before we can live

My years stretch

Into skies

Desolation I forgive

I love green meadows


The true love

It is never lost

Just sleeping

Beauty fades

We may exchange hearts for spades

Breathe within shadows


The night’s kiss

A story of dark

Of lovers

And clovers

Clubbed to death by the wit game

In love we place shame


Nothing moves

The wind is dead cold

The breath warm

Tired bees swarm

Just around my window sill

As I face the winds


Flies hover

Suspended wings gleam


Noise sullen

Picking up the mornings din

I soak it in skin


It vibrates

Snakes crawl up my spine

Sun troubling

Dream divine

We were free upon a rhyme

When teeth clicked tight shut


Fleeting Time

I gather my hands

Rubbing oil

Through snakes kin

The true which people think false

The best hiding place


All numbers

They are but targets

Floating within

Veil so thin

We discover what we choose

The rest we let loose


Reading of the poem:

veil fanpop com 2


Painted Veil – Walter & Kitty

The Painted Veil – Love Scene – Gnossienne 1 (Classical Piano)

A la Claire fontaine – The painted veil