Random walk

Random walk

25 March 2017

flower david galstyan pinterest com 10
Courtesy David Galstyan on pinterest.com


Single tone

The ring of your voice

In my head

Like undead

Flowers gardeners behead

Regain new stem life


Undone strife

Unsheathed once the knife

Safely tucked

As they clucked

Disapproval a constant

Dissonant assent


Once buried

Hare and mice scurried

To the fence

For tuppence

The show a manner of calls

That dead man recalls


Sing the night

Through the larky day

They saw hay

We saw green

The hue somewhere in between

Our truths and their lies


The baby cries

When the milk turns sour

Jaded hour

Wane power

Cities where eyes look lower

Thank meekest sunsets


Waste regrets

On the living mouths

Double talk

Random walk

On brink of togetherness

Living in caress


Reading of the poem: 

flower f-dog net (2)
Courtesy f-dog.net

Take me somewhere nice – Mogwai

The Flaming Doves on my face draw Light

The Flaming Doves on my face draw Light

13 November 2015

Flaming doves


Looking back, rubble and ash faded

Walking in sun the herd more than one force transmission


Pulsing through the night, destiny’s skies

I guide, we sow the seeds of change in fall’s universe


Oracle survives change, knows sees dreams

Mother protects visions, my mind frees, the blind alone


Carry me through burning sun jaded

You made my faith, mother, love forever my mission


End suffering pinterest.com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Take away darkness end submission

End suffering, brace me healing light now pervaded


Courtesy pinterest.com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Time’s pearls, wasted stars, I will atone

Lonely show me, beyond space, might and light I sew seams


Cross Heart with angels, design reverse

Hear timeline redefine souls come home theory lies


The Flaming Doves on my face draw Light

Loud I speak: the greater the Dawn, the starker the Night


embrace naturalignment com

Les Friction – Louder Than Words

Les Friction – What You Need

Les Friction – Who Will Save You Now (2012)

Les Friction – Here Comes The Reign

Les Friction – World On Fire

Les Friction – String Theory

Les Friction – Come Back to Me

The Illusion of your Face

The Illusion of your Face

21 September 2015

time ijstv com 


Minds myriads speak

Of an illusory bond

Coincidence struck


Replicating cells

Creating netherworld Love

Within my Dreamland


water pinterest com 2
Courtesy pinterest.com



Impossible Twin

Jaded melancholic voice

Falling in shadows


woman fotokritik com 2
Courtesy fotokritik.com


I gift to Oceans

With salt of my fading tears

The Illusion of your Face


For a love so deep

Only dream world gift could be

My own creation


illusion visualfunhouse com
Courtesy visualfunhouse.com

The foghorn blows not

The foghorn blows not

2 August 2015

foghorn pinterest com 3
Courtesy pinterest.com


Mist covered the Earth

As she exhaled past sorrows

Pervading all thoughts


The lighthouse faded

Jaded memories walk past

Flickering in dark


A light shines sudden

Like a candle in the house

As shooting star falls


Footsteps in the night

Weary traveller is lost

The foghorn blows not


Earth shifted again

Countless stories washed over

As pale new dawns rose


Memories cords loosened

Strumming to toneless voices

Bees hum in playground


The fog now thickens

Let wilderness spread around

Don’t blow the foghorn

foghorn pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com