Pray fall into heart

Pray fall into heart
5 November 2020
 Bitter happenings
 of bleak landscapes of the mind
 frozen in the core
 Crisp thoughts of morrows
 numbing the flow of heartbeats
 biting raw of flesh
 Icy winds swept fast
 through the ebb and flow of time
 They spelt love’s decline
 Cool winter mornings
 Chill of a frosty sunshine
 dawned upon our souls
 A dip into hope
 Drops of wonder cut through doubt
 A dive into faith
 Your hands are so cold
 Warm them upon my bosom
 Pray fall into heart
Reading of the poem: 
Diamonds – Rihanna

Written in the context of Ronovan Writes weekly Haiku challenge using the words “cold” “fall” and their synonyms. For rules and other contributions, follow this link here

The Edge of the Light

The Edge of the Light

24 June 2018

edge Christian Schloe
Courtesy Christian Schloe.


There is dark

On the road to Home

It revives


When we feel that we’re alone

It cloaks us like ink


We reach brink

Of our own limits

Fortune tells

Unheard Tales

The faithless the self impales

Carry no crosses


Heartbeats still

Raging fires cease

The disease

Self made ache

We commit the same mistake

Over and over


Withered eyes

Seek out the lanterns

Look outside

Not inside

Curtains ruffle as they slide

Concealing outcomes


The Light shines

I hold it within

Starry skies

Breath that cries

Outreach of my inner depths

When the will wavers


Seek the star

When the night is dark

Like a spark

It will guide

Know that in darkness you ride

The Edge of the Light


Reading of the poem:

Shine a Light – Banners


« When you come to the edge of all of the light you’ve known and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen. You’ll have something solid to stand on or you’ll be taught to fly » Patrick Overton


Prayer to the One

Prayer to the One

3 July 2017

spirit lambofgodglory


Mind aglow

Weaving through the flow

Land to sow

New rainbow

Heartbeats of anger to slow

Compassion to grow


Blow conceit

Bury the deceit

Three to greet

One to treat

The dark powers meet defeat

In the one way street


Hate to shun

Days roll into fun

Dread undone

Through the Sun

Remnants of darkness white spun

Prayer to the One


Reading of the poem: 

The Angels Voice – Diane Arkenstone

Sunny times reeking

Sunny times reeking

23 April 2017

story tiffthetimetraveller com


Bedtime tales reading

The young of morrows breeding

Through the light speeding


Magnets heart reaching

Renewal of Time teaching

The end of preaching


Heartbeats loud peaking

Serenity now speaking

Sunny times reeking


Reading of the poem: 


Serenity – Sleep Dealer

Neverending Love

Neverending Love

7 July 2016

flowers vi sualizse us (2)


In heartbeats they stir

Feelings swimming like small fish

Bent upon a wish


The stars are shining

They call to heavenly realms

As waters retract


The pathways shimmer

They are strewn with memories

Of our starlit Times


Decomposing rhymes

I construct you a palace

Built upon rivers


Your name forgotten

As the tides broke the seashore



Rise through the blue waves

That surge from depths of desert

Neverending Love


Reading of the poem: 

flower forumwebmaster com (2)

Fish Beach – Michael Nyman

The Departure – Michael Nyman

Love doesn’t End – Michael Nyman

Naked tale foretold

Naked tale foretold

7 April 2016

indentures trac2015 com
Courtesy Brad Kunkle trac2015 com


Spoken thoughts

Saturating words

They misspell

Past intent

Agony souls underwent

Disdain bleak feature


Dark creature

Lies a solemn vow

Middle Earth

Its fiefdom

Shades of the greying kingdom

City of tales bent


The heart spent

In rivers of woe

Unwinds slow

The whirlpools

Amnesia its daily tools

As heartbeats quiver


Plains awash

With red of the blood

The eyes flood

Loss of life

Expunged in the shining pearl

The drops wild scatter


We will meet

When the ravens crow

Through midnight

Past the light

When early rays summon eyes

To twinkling mornings


Your shimmer

Rivalling with gold

Standing bold


On the brink of vanity

Naked tale foretold


Reading of the poem:

indentures thisiscolossal com
Courtesy Brad Kunkle

Last chance – The Black Heart procession

Small satisfactions

Small satisfactions

29 February 2016

satisfactions blogs psychcentral com



They invoke heartbeats

Laughter shines

Between sighs

Their hands draw the lows and highs

Each other’s confines


We are them

A glorious emblem

Of waking

In the love

Mantle of joy from above

Gracing our shoulders


Our smiles light

Lips exhaling slow

Broken days

Breath of nights

From times our jaws were set tight

Like life rope walker


Walls shudder

From growing fusion

Of bodies

You or me

The borders I cannot see

You end I begin


Then I end

Within your debut

Hushed fiat lux

When you grow

Fairy wings that I now sow

With my dying breath



Small satisfactions

Console me

Like fingers

Brushing soft across my face

Wings of Angel’s grace


Reading of the poem: 

satisfactions rapidlikes com


Little things – Lotte Kestner

Wait for me – Lotte Kestner

Halo – Lotte Kestner


Dreamtime’s kiss

Dreamtime’s kiss

13 February 2016


enlace imgur com george redhawk gof
Enter a caption


Wane spirit

Comfortably tucked

Beside me

Breathing soft

Exhaling scent of amber

Musk and sandalwood


The tremors

Silently waking

The body

A snug spoon

Whispering under the moon

Night of no farewells


Inky black

It extended wide

Our slumber

Deep consumed

With heartbeats now soft resumed

Rhythmical slow dance


Play the track


Brought alive

In our ears

Lost in a shadow less dream

Casting away fears


Hearts flutter

Sleep’s proximity

Sheer hindrance

For the love

Waking duty’s vibrancy

No time for penance


At dawn’s stride

Unabashed fingers

Implore sly

Rise and lie

There are landscapes to explore

Under moon then sun


Seek and hide

Abundance in me

Roam the sky

Stir the sigh

Wake the fragrance that lingers

In heart of gardens


Make me miss

The moments of calm

When we knew

Deep and true

The linings of fate and clouds

White and silver shrouds


Dreamtime’s kiss

The most soothing balm

Heart so blue

Stirred anew

Beats to new found melodies

Where soul is at ease



Tomasz Alen Kopera_09_reverse love


9na Sinfonia – Beethoven

Moonlight Sonata – Beethoven

Fur Elise – Beethoven




24 December 2015

love re-actor net Brooke shaden
Courtesy brooke shaden on



Feathers red

Sink into blood

Heartbeats of the hurt

You renew the old faith

Breathe magic and miracles

Flowing tides, new morrows ripple

Under your frame in shade of your wings

Pale shadows of hope walk into the change

While tables turn simple days into strange

Unbeknownst to burning heart that sings

The hands of fate churning cripple

The winding Times chronicles

Of lives now lost an eighth

Cleaning grime and dirt

In soul the flood

Now undead




This poem is written in Etheree (and reverse Etheree) form. For more information on the form, click here

Disturbed – The light

Seeing you through I

Seeing you through I

3 November 2015

seeing sophro-analyse pro



When did it begin?

I have no thread to follow

Beginning is end


The mountains are rich

With treasures of Beloved

Icicles are grapes


I who did not drink

Walk dazed in drunken stupor

From heavenly scents


You are everywhere

Earth pulses with your Heartbeats

That call out to skies


You are all sweetness

A slithering snake’s venom

Becomes bees’ honey


For every question

You gave all answers before

Universal One


Seeing You through I

I saw myself in your Light

Your Kingdom become

seeing universunmondeencouleur com