Sereno variabile

Sereno variabile

22 August 2016

sereno against_the_darkness_by_mirellasantana-d8vgnfc
Courtesy mirellasantana on


Out of skin

Breath of the Divine


Within Time

The making of primal rhyme

Between mind and heart


Words depart

Weary travelers

Flying on

Countless wings

The pieces every one brings

Jig saw in my soul


Eye of coal

Embers of the shine

Throughout me

Ascends spine

The inner realms untouched shrine

All that seeps through sands


No demands

My voiceless hum flows

Like rivers

To the sea

Flowing deltas through shivers

Reaching open banks


Offered flanks

The breast and the spleen

We come clean

From shadows

Like filters traversing rows

All that becomes us


Lost the fuss

Thunderstorms now stilled

Rains distilled

Like weather

“Sereno variabile

Donna mobile”


Reading of the poem: 

sereno pinterest com

In the Divide – Azam Ali

Endless Reverie – Azam ali Elysium

Ocean – Azam Ali & Loga Ramin Torkian


The spiraling flights right into the sky

The spiraling flights right into the sky

(original form of 15th century rondeau cinquain)

19 April 2016

spiralling pinterest com 3


The spiraling flights right into the sky

The wuthering heights, the children that fly

The sweltering rain, the dark clouds that weep

The simmering pain, the angels that keep

Farewell into lights the soul that flies high


The thunderous nights of hearts that deny

The weakening plights of stories that try

The innocence slain downward paths too steep

The spiraling flights right into the sky

The wuthering heights, the children that fly

The sweltering rain, the dark clouds that weep


The unearthly sights of the Gods that cry

The unwritten rights the rumbling outcry

The darkening stain of the flows that seep

The memories that wane though stirrings run deep

Dry foreboding writes the shrill and the wry


The spiraling flights right into the sky

The wuthering heights, the children that fly

The sweltering rain, the dark clouds that weep

The simmering pain, the angels that keep

Farewell into lights the soul that flies high


Reading of the poem: 




The spiraling flights

Modern form of the rondeau (15 lines with “Rentrement” at 9th and 15th lines)

19 April 2016

spiraling robertcorneliusphotography com


The spiraling flights right into the sky

The wuthering heights, the children that fly

The sweltering rain, the dark clouds that weep

The simmering pain, the angels that keep

Farewell into lights the soul that flies high


The thunderous nights of hearts that deny

The weakening plights of stories that try

The innocence slain downward paths too steep

The spiraling flights


The unearthly sights of the Gods that cry

The unwritten rights the rumbling outcry

The darkening stain of the flows that seep

The memories that wane though stirrings run deep

Dry foreboding writes the shrill and the wry

The spiraling flights


Reading of the poem: 

spiraling blogs discoverymagazine com

The pain of separation (The longing)

Only Breath – Rumi

The Longing – The Truth of the friend, Rumi

Eye will see you blow the hatred’s Flames

Eye will see you blow the hatred’s Flames

5 November 2015

  close photonin com


Out of the waters of your prayers

I, child of the blue come in naked simplicity


Look into the infinite my veil

Feel my Grace open your Heart at the Touch of my Face


Take the silent drop that falls withered

Open your heart and release the waterfalls anew


Eye watched Abel and Cain together

Walk down in Peace from rocky mountains to my valleys


The Hawk from above sees all with Heart

Watch as its message through dancing form flows in the falls


silence gaiaonline com normal_angelinwater

Wings are made for shelter and uplift

Seek not just waterfalls be of all the healing flow


Eye will see you blow the hatred’s Flames

As tomorrow will rise in the desert’s land Bright


Darkness now Light the beast tamed fly White

From confined prisons plunge into forgiveness waters


Drown in my blue thirst or reach for skies

Float in my mercy, see your twin, together now fly


Eyes have many wishes in rainbows

Walk to the meeting point, my skies’ lands of tomorrow

 Blue playingwiththeuniverse blogspot com 2


Images courtesy, and

Ana bekoach sub en español

Schubert – Ave Maria

The morning of Hope – Sobhe Omid – Hamad Zamani

Tree of Life – Lacrimosa

Synchronicities unfold

Synchronicities unfold

22 October 2015

unfold tumblr com



I held you dancing

Powerful and elated

Coursing within flows


Body ecstasy

Finding your inner being

Your statement grew bold


Behold that beside

As spirit breathed into me

Ripe with twin futures


chains shift is


I saw you mourning

Tired and wizened old man

Sinking in river


memory fanpop com


My heart lurched in vain

You were here but you were there

Music my discourse


In scattered surges

Synchronicities unfold

Rear integration


Questions are answered

Before mind has reached in quest

Into depths of Love


unfold fineartamerica com

As the Water flows

As the Water flows

13 September 2015

water flickrhivemind net


The Mind is prison

To decaying Heart in Loss

Of waning Rainbows


The colours spread grease

All over my bent knuckles

That held on to veins


Slithering writhing

Clawing Heart from shadows stood

Sprouting from the ground


I looked back silent

Upon those withering roots

The Heart beat steadfast


As the Water flows

Remembering our lost future

I sail within me


water deviantart com tree_on_water_by_mahaloo

Control Halt Delete

Control Halt Delete

13 September 2015

zen wallcoo net Kyoto_scene_J01_47


Sometimes I just wish

That I could get such a key

Sprawled across my life


Instead I sit back

Listening to the river

As it flows silent


zen youtube com

Renew my essence

Renew my essence

28 August 2015



The days leaked by slow

Decomposition of me

Like clocks that wind down


Insanity froze

In recognition of throes

That distilled heart’s blood


Time came to standstill

I, serene and unperturbed

Whipped up all hell’s fires


In between spaces

That misspelt meanings of me

My words lay out bold


I touched not the hours

Seeping through my fleeting hands

That no land could rake


Wisps of flesh stood stark

Between the more and the core

Labyrinth of shapes


Thoughts of all came loose

As mind floated on river

That in my heart flows


This burden was mine

A closed backpack to open

Treasures not to keep


Dissolve the stories

Written with blue veins’ bold ink

That had soaked me down


Renew my essence

Carve out the undetermined

Let it now be freed


Asleep me 2