My Master my Slave

My Master my Slave

9 December 2016

Courtesy Devadevil on


Crossing gates

Of purgatory

The lives held

In barbed wire

The breath through which we expire

Kindling a new fire



More than mere penance

My backbone

Marble stone

Holding through stormy weathers

Loss of my feathers


We carve path

In cloud-rimmed blue skies

Where dark creed

Count the spies

They gather around the lies

Their fear unending



The only option

Giving in

Cloaked and thin

The source errors wanton glitch

Correctional twitch



Elevator pitch

I quote Heart

Sing bloodlines

Of all from which we are rich

Before sunset switch


He calls me

My Master my Slave

As we pave

A New World

Building with all that was hurled

The oncoming Wave


Reading of the poem: 


The Inferno – Emma Shapplin

The Lovers – Emma Shapplin

Nothing Wrong – Emma Shapplin


Renew my essence

Renew my essence

28 August 2015



The days leaked by slow

Decomposition of me

Like clocks that wind down


Insanity froze

In recognition of throes

That distilled heart’s blood


Time came to standstill

I, serene and unperturbed

Whipped up all hell’s fires


In between spaces

That misspelt meanings of me

My words lay out bold


I touched not the hours

Seeping through my fleeting hands

That no land could rake


Wisps of flesh stood stark

Between the more and the core

Labyrinth of shapes


Thoughts of all came loose

As mind floated on river

That in my heart flows


This burden was mine

A closed backpack to open

Treasures not to keep


Dissolve the stories

Written with blue veins’ bold ink

That had soaked me down


Renew my essence

Carve out the undetermined

Let it now be freed


Asleep me 2