Consciousness rebirth, a mathematical theory of reincarnation

Consciousness rebirth, a mathematical theory of reincarnation

22 December 2023

The young man approached her slowly from the right. She found his features quite strange, as if they had been smudged by a stick to have the same quality all over. Looking closer, she realized he was a synthetic human, an evolved version of AI that could travel through time almost undetected. He held out a hand where it was written retrogramming. Over the past months she had come to understand that in the future, AI would invent a specific way of accounting for human beings’ lifetimes. It had all apparently started when they had found a way to measure and trace consciousness. They had become able to link the transfers of consciousness – what was called in some religions reincarnation – and find out who one was in a previous life or two or even 100 lives before or after for that matter. Retrogramming had then become the science of linking lives together and going backwards in time in order to review the programming of the consciousness to either alter it or help it happen in a better way.

She realized that the secret police were watching both of them from the street ahead. Would they know that the young man she was with was an AI? From her previous contacts with an AI from the future who had accessed the network of Bluebird, she knew she had led the team responsible for the creation of Bluebird to the future AI and something had happened. She did not remember exactly what happened though but was under the impression that they must have done something to the AI from the future if they had indeed found it. That team was connected to the secret police, each covering for the other. Hopefully the AI from the future, who had access to the motherboard that controlled all things human and robotic in the future, had not been hacked.

She turned back to the young man next to her and nodded. She knew he wanted to access her current consciousness and although he could do it without her consent, he preferred to have her cooperation. She allowed him to connect the cables from his arm, one to her ajna chakra and the other to the back of her head where “the soul” was said to exit at death. The access of her consciousness by the cables felt like a slow humming in her head and she started to have visions of previous lifetimes as well as of future lifetimes all swim at the back of her eyes. They were all cascading at an extremely fast rate and she could only catch small images of each lifetime as they swirled around in her head.

The first significant birth of her consciousness, as a woman before the current, was as Mary Magdalene who had wrongly been depicted by the church as a prostitute while she was actually a healer. Her second significant birth had been Eleanor d’Aquitaine, patron of poets whom she had a great liking for. Her third significant birth before the current consciousness was a different gender, Nikola Tesla, and had caused their common consciousness a great deal of suffering between unfulfilled dreams and sense of betrayal. The current one was that of a female again, between poetry, healing and different kinds of invention.

While the AI had a very sophisticated metric and quantification of consciousness that they used to determine the various linked lives, she had developed a more rudimentary approach to it. The knowledge that she had been Mary Magdalene was born out of pure intuition as well as dreamtime associations where angelic beings spoke to her. Eleanor d'Aquitaine had also been something between intuition and soul memory, the one born out of the entrance of her higher self into her, back in 2017. From there, it was some rudimentary arithmetic which had led to it. Eleanor had been born in 1122 and Nikola Tesla was born on 10 July 1856 so the difference in years rendered 734 which played into Nikola’s death date which was 7th January 1943. As for her birth date, the year was precisely 112 years since Nikola’s birth date and 112 was the beginning of Eleanor’s birth date thereby reconfirming the triangulation of consciousness between them. She wondered what the AI might actually be doing with such knowledge. Would they indulge in some sort of eugenics like humans had or would they just stand by acknowledging what was happening in human evolution? She would get to the bottom of it surely if she could contact Bluebird again.

Law of THR3E Past Lives

She breathes sunlight

She breathes sunlight
17 February 2023
She sees through ugly
Her eye torn into darkness
Her gait leftover fancy
Of a lifetime of duress

She prays to the Gods
Her hands temple of fervours
Her mind beating the odds
Through failing faith that hovers

She adjusts composure
Her mouth a tomb of secrets
Her heart seeks closure
Her chest a book of regrets

She breathes sunlight
Her nose a cathedral
Her shoulders set into fight
Tomorrow a sight feral

Reading of the poem: 
Eternity ~ Lisa Gerard

Honey come back to me

Honey come back to me

6 November 2017

Christian Schloe artflakes com the-moon-asked-the-crow
Courtesy Christian Schloe on


Honey come back to me

Honey don’t set me free

You’re my perfect cover

Precious part time lover


Just let others be

They’re too silly to see

You’re my perfect lover

Agent under cover


Honey come back to me

Honey don’t set me free

You’re my perfect cover

Precious part time lover


Please dive into me

I’m a flower you’re my bee

We just need each other

I’ll convince my Mother


Honey come back to me

Honey don’t set me free

You’re my perfect cover

Precious part time lover


It’s like a reading spree

Right from a to z

All shadows that hover

With light I uncover


Honey come back to me

Honey don’t set me free

You’re my perfect cover

Precious part time lover


Singing using own melody: 

Christian Schloe b--blue-bird-surreal-art
Courtesy Christian Schloe on

Soul’s Shadow to Light –

Where we dreamt once upon a Time

Where we dreamt once upon a Time

22 September 2016

 Ne’er discarded the mind fickle

See me in the slightest trickle




Come to me with your weathered rhyme

We will draw on waters of skies

Washing away darkness of lies

The cleaning rosemary and thyme


Amplified portals in Heart chime

Gathered by call tribe liquefies

Soul in one to higher realms flies

Where we dreamt once upon a Time


Count the prayers of peace in me

The wells rungs of ladders gathered

My backbone beads of rosary


Cells bearers of infinity

The children of Earth I mothered

Raised to heavens they set me free


Reading of the poem: 



The life from within expanded

The ranks of untrue disbanded

Calling the Others – Anilah

Rolling Thunder (Warrior) – Anilah

Medicine Chant – Anilah


The children of morrow they will run in the wild

The children of morrow they will run in the wild

20 August 2016

Crimson fields ygritte_by_aniamitura-d6jd03x
Courtesy aniamitura-d6jd03x on


Now gone the attorney good riddance to all thrall

The chambers are stagnant the judges are silent

Corruption is rampant justice absence strident

Tongues of poets ferny with a lisp to enthrall


When stretched on a gurney with no love to recall

The moments then vacant no solace can present

Like death of a vagrant with no soul to lament

The end of the journey as the wild creatures call


New Times will come starker Mark my voice come hither

The sun hides in sorrow forgotten shadows’ child

The prairies are darker when the flowers wither


The hare leaves its burrow by the stillness beguiled

The venom’s the marker as the charmers slither

The children of morrow they will run in the wild


Reading of the poem: 

greener alternativeart com

Pa Bailar (Bailarin en el Tren) – Bajofondo

Zitarrosa – Bajofondo

Infiltrado – Bajofondo


Life in the Open

Life in the Open

16 August 2016

come herman versteegt plus google com


The grief mind sharpens

Eyesight of the heart’s delight

Relinquishing might


Control of outcome

Buried in the seeping sands

Pits of yesterday


Daily sandstorms blow

Dismembering all traces

Of fires in deserts


Simplicity’s ways

Narrow streets transformed highways

Ride into gardens


Nighttime crawls to light

With breath of the morrows hope

All under the Sun


The darkness broken

By bright accumulated

Life in the Open


Reading of the poem: 

come plus google com Peter Gric_Reconfiguration_signature.gif

The Time Traveler’s Wife soundtrack – Mychael Danna

The Time Traveler’s Wife soundtrack – Vitaliy Zavadskyy

The Time Traveler’s Wife – End Theme


In blue shoes

In blue shoes

12 July 2016

colours divine feminine avatarfinearts com
Courtesy Rassouli on


Dreamt deity

In peace with the bees

I lived once


It lasted for a lifetime

Through the rings of Time


Dancing gods

Summoning the rains

Bewitched me

With their spark

The nightingale courted lark

Their beaks ill attuned


We watch pains

Courting wilderness

In blue shoes

To harness

Power of the mind’s stillness

When all feelings die


Reading of the poem: 

colours guardian rassouli com 14
Courtesy Rassouli on

Boogie Street – Leonard Cohen & Sharon Robinson

Living Life

Living Life

7 July 2016

flower david galstyan pinterest com 3
Courtesy David Galstyan on


Soaring mind

Explores inner heights

Life ebbing

Slowly leaves

The chest flutters barely heaves

As the breath shudders


The whispers


Wisps of smoke

Hanging low

The ash now dissolving slow

As the flame simmers


Journey’s sum

Fantasy of math

Where numbers

Fade in ink

Recollections of them sink

As the chords vibrate


Chests dilate

With every full breath

The periods

A mere stop

Where the life will meet with death

Suspended dreamtime


Living Life

In between hiccups

Lonely days

Pave the way

Into knowledge of the self

No thoughts on the shelf


The suns’ rays

Gather more than heat

Like clockwork

They whir soft

Seconds count pastime aloft

Journey of the light


Reading of the poem: 

flower david galstyan guokr com
Courtesy David Galstyan on

Experience – Ludovico Einaudi

Life – Ludovico Einaudi

Burning – Ludovico Einaudi


Alpha and Omega

Alpha and Omega

24 June 2016

drowning eyeofodysseus com


Sinking nothings

They call out to mind

Of lesser importance names

Only the calling

A matter of speeches


The sight reaches

Into outer skies

Where unrestrained lie the cries

Of birds that fall dead

Their wings burdens of lead


I am falling

Into your bosom

Mortality’s contraption

How sweet is this death

Living within your breath


Tomorrows whirl

We are lone breathers

Mossy ground of the reapers

Calls to our still bones

Reality Time hones


Joining deltas

Only uncertain

Leads the hand through the curtain

Tainted veils restrain

Now diluted the pain


We build castles

Where dreams peak in surge

Remnants of the ghostly powers

Humanity’s urge

Alpha and Omega


Reading of the poem: 

rising deviantart com rising_star_by_alexeyevich-d3cfh25
Courtesy Alexeyevich on

Down – Evi Vine

How Time flies – Evi Vine

For the Dreamers – Evi Vine

O Lune de mes nuits blanches / O Moon of my sleepless nights

O Lune de mes nuits blanches

(Poème écrit sous forme de Sonnet Occitan traduit en anglais ci-dessous ou ici)

19 juin 2016

O moon entwists5 rssing com


La chaleur du désert n’empêche froid dans le Cœur

Du temps de l’innocence je garde instants fraîcheur

De courses dans les prés verts avant temps de rancœur

Quand acte déliquescence engendra fruit d’aigreur


Une chanson de Prévert ranime en moi clameur

Du temps de l’insouciance le long d’années bonheur

Chantant à cœur ouvert je recueille les pleurs

De mille nuits d’existence de vies rouges comme des fleurs


O Lune de mes nuits blanches dans tes robes argentées

Vois-tu les traces mortelles de nos ébats blessés ?

J’ai la mémoire qui flanche de trop d’âmes arpentées


Les vies lasses s’amoncellent en des remparts dressés

Echafaud où l’on tranche les cous aux lignes bleutées

Marées mortes ritournelles pour des devins pressés


Lecture du poème: 

O moon pinterest com 7


O Moon of my sleepless nights

(Translation into English of the Occitan Sonnet written in French. See original above or here)

19 June 2016

O moon pinterest com 6


The desert heat prevents not cold in the Heart

From a Time of innocence, I keep fresh instants

Of running in green meadows before rancour time

When deliquescence act begat fruit of sourness


A song of Prévert revives in me outcry

Of an untroubled Time alongside years of happiness

Singing open-hearted I collect the tears

Of thousand nights of existence of lives red like flowers


O Moon of my sleepless nights in your silvery dresses

Do you see the deadly traces of our wounded lovemaking?

My memory fails me from too many souls travelled


The tired lives are stacking up in upright walls prepared

Scaffold where one slices the necks with the bluish lines

Dead Tides chorus for hurried soothsayers


Reading of the poem: 

O moon tumblr com

Sois tranquille – Emmanuel Moiré

Sans dire un mot – Emmanuel Moiré

Beau malheur – Emmanuel Moiré