He moved with giant strides

He moved with giant strides

16 March 2020

Courtesy Bojan Jevtic on Klassik Magazine


He thought that love was a battle

One to put as task

The chains and tools that he’d rattle

In the cage she’d bask


Envigored by resolution

He moved with giant strides

Yet it was the wrong solution

Strong the soul she rides


She beckoned to him taught him peace

Of leaves that mind did rake

Offered soul and heart to appease

The lady of the lake


Reading of the poem:

Agnes Obel – The Curse (Berlin Live Session)

Talking birds

Talking birds

15 March 2020

Courtesy Bojan Jevtic on deviantart.com


Springtime dew

Drops on daffodils

Grass that sprouts

All about

My mind running wild with bees

Larks that morning frees


Summer breeze

Seeping through winter

Blinded herds

Haughty nerds

Of the meanings that become

Lost messages hummed



Stretching in the sun

Talking birds

Swirling words

Of the moments that I sum

With my heart’s fingers


Reading of the poem :

Max Richter – Dream 3 (in the midst of my life)

Missing steps

Missing steps

18 February 2020

Courtesy Freerangestock.com



The mind follows bends

Of pathways


A walk in Netherland stride

Reckoning of wild



Consciousness between

Allowed hues

Disowned blues

A patchwork of dreams

Uncovering streams



In waves comes the greed

From the depths

Missing steps

The soul recovering sheen

Of forgotten spleen


Reading of the poem:

Over The Ocean – I Will Be Silent

Flawless and silent

Flawless and silent

26 August 2015

Courtesy diolex.org
Courtesy diolex.org


The sun set like stones

Over valleys of despair

And sunk into me


Newly found nerves twitched

Endlessly replicating

The agony felt


Pleasure, agony

Through the same circuits altered

Every inch of me


Earth shivers then frowns

What cruelties it beheld

Bestowed upon me


Cutting inch by inch

Separation sliced us both

Into oblivion


Only piano played

Symphonies hushed to nude form

Of faceless sorrow


Stones raised me pillar

Of unswaying devotion

That angels cried for


You cried as I did

My heart bids you not goodbye

I yearn for your hand


You will sail on boat

I will await you on shores

Weaving our new fate


The Earth will renew

Time will stand still as we merge

Flawless and silent


dark forwallpaper com
Courtesy forwallpaper.com