In the wake of Peace

In the wake of Peace

25 June 2017

Courtesy kaoriOgata on


Moonlight crept

On years’ integral

I plotted

Unknown math

The resolution reverse

Falling of a hat



Lightbeams surround frame

In dungeons


The location mystery

Lodged in sunken Time


Dragons flare

From the heaving chest

Orange zest

A glow fit

To fight in battle no wit

In the wake of Peace


Reading of the poem: 

Purity phuntube com

Sojourn (eight string religion) – David Darling

Slow Dawn – David Darling

Prayer and Word – David Darling

Darkness overcome

Darkness overcome

17 May 2017

Nighttimedress deviantart com my_fire_by_andygarcia666-d7d5ghb
Courtesy Andrea Garcia on


Fires roast

Chest nut on a fork

Babies fly

Borne by stork

Kingdoms whirl and fairies lie

In the dark of woods


Three pigs squeal

The wolf an outpost

Chimes reveal

Senseless act

Dogs of hell brought to the heel

Silence in the ghost


Five seek five

In shining beehive

Gold in pound

Strikes the ground

Dissolving what mattered most

Currents see to strive


Souls that dread

Gloomy Hearts of lead

Wings that spread

In love fed

Morning dewdrops winding fled

In the air ahead


Frame alit

Spirals through the slit

Paths that split


Raging towards road sunlit

Twining orbs that flit


Minds that sum

Good bad and the glum

Fingers drum

Lips that hum

Tuning mellow days to come

Darkness overcome


Reading of the poem:

angelburns pinterest com celestial_fire_by_carlos_quevedo-d75uzst
Courtesy Carlos Quevedo on

Embrace, release – Bvdub

Everything Between You and Me – Bvdub

A History of Distance – Bvdub

Ghosts of What we Once were – Bvdub

As we remember a Life of Love – Bvdub

I Break All Around You – Bvdub


Winding photons hum

Winding photons hum

20 April 2017

Winding megcabot com (2)

Earth inhale

The journey a snail

Chests impale

Rising sail

The tongue in skies flying whale

Withered leaves exhale


Shooting sparks

Firing through the parks

Soaring larks

Dog that barks

Cerberus familiar harks

Upending of quarks



Dust a lone kingdom

Now will come

His fiefdom

The mind tighter than a drum

Winding photons hum


Reading of the poem: 


Winding youtube com 4

Harmoni – Anahata


Disembodied souls

Disembodied souls

10 August 2016

souls pinterest com 3


The cliffside narrows in thundering sea

The twist and the turn alternating roles

Hearts will and then spurn sunrise and black holes

Of bliss and gallows homicidal glee


Sleepless eye hollows ashen face to flee

The embers that burn in the dying coals

The memories that churn disembodied souls

In flowing shadows on renewal spree


The maidens attire a silken slow tale

Of morrows weaving bare hilltops to mount

Millennium’s desire era to inhale


Blue chest bereaving the fear to surmount

The flames of the pyre in thoughts never pale

Of minds conceiving a lifetime to count


Reading of the poem: 

souls pinterest com 4

A Thousand Years – Sting

A Thousand Years – Cristina Perri

Before it escapes my reach

Before it escapes my reach

7 December 2015


dawn larrydwwilf wordpress com



This vanishing world

I want to swallow its fluff

Morrows’ candy threads


Let them glue me pink

Upon my eternal blue

Rainbows’ beginnings


Deep within my soul

I want to lock its treasures

Relish them in chest


dance asianetindia com



The throbbing stillness

Lies wake in me through Night’s sleep

Breath in me serene


dance asianetindia com 2



The Sun rises East

Waking new Worlds to the Dawn

That births in Sorrows


Farewell to the world

Heaves in my blossoming Heart

As it lulls the Tides


I touch it fading

Before it escapes my reach

Into Oblivion



dawn pinterest com




Before the Dawn – Evanescence




I thought I should share what sunrise looks like from my balcony so added this as an afterthought. I am yet to take a full video of the time from night to dawn and transform it into a timelapse piece. Meanwhile I hope you like the below:


Extra sensitivity

Extra sensitivity

26 November 2015

 extra george redhawk pinterest com


The nights carried me

Into realms of otherland

Where my twin soul dwelt


Daily wanderings

Living split lives in between

Waters and fires


Mother welcomed me

Scented jasmine in her hair

Evergreen her breath


Her fragrant solace

An Island within the grey

Laden with colours


I bared my chest’s ache

The weight of a million lives

Unloaded treasures


Mother grant me breadth

That I may carry with me

More than just the Three


extra ego-alterego com Dream-like-portraits-by-Federico-Bebber1


She looked at me stern

The lessons of tomorrow

When will you then learn?


My chest fell silent

The burdened heaving display

Of all left behind


From the man the chest

From the Tree the bark’s essence

From the green the best


Her voice in my head

Statistics of the living

The morrows in lead


The journey in sight

Two worlds crouching side by side

Between dark and light


A life, just one more

I pleaded, voice a hoarse pitch

One pure to the core


extra pinterest com Federico Bebber 2


Precious the morsel

A few lives parcelled in Time

Scars of my battle


Mother the remains

Scattered broken I will mend

Will heed not the pains


She frowned displeasure

Not every soul is treasure

Think wheat and the chaff


Hark my child your gift

Extra sensitivity

May be your worst curse


I heard her reproach

Ears that failed to comprehend

Numbers to encroach


Sorrow in my soul

I packed my Heart in bundle

Prepared for the trip


extra imgur com Federico Bebber

 All images courtesy Federico Bebber on ego-alterego, and


Cracks 28 (Open Water) – Javier Navarrete

Cracks 27 (Forever) – Javier Navarrete

Cracks 26 (Out of Bounds) – Javier Navarrete

Long, long time ago (Pan’s Labyrinth Lullaby) -Javier Navarrete


Replicating cells

Replicating cells

24 November 2015

liquid deviantart com pegasus_by_inferno5793


Mother calls me so

Night time spent in drifting winds

Wandering the skies


Pulsating her scent

As I fly through her linings

The push and the pull


Heartbeat resonance

The blue trace of her lingers

Within diamond frame


Mind flies through her blue

Scarlet trace of her fingers

Her palm my meadows


Mother sees me shine

Through the thick and the thin walls



Starry eyed children

Chest filled with her white powder



Bring me the waters

Metamorphosis strikes Heart

All dough will bear bread


The flesh for the soul

Nourishment instils bearers

The joy of the One


Mother carries me

Her back a bone of kingdoms

That icy emerged


Snow falls on her ends

Scarcity in knowledge spent

Book of shells for fools


Glorious her walk

Within the depths of her soul

Twisting gyrating


Replicating cells

I walk within my still self

A mirror for Eye


asifa deviantart comstorm_woman_by_creat01-d39r4xj

Images courtesy

Trobar de Morte – The Song of the Stones

Natasha Atlas – Adam’s lullaby


The touch of your hand

The touch of your hand

6 October 2015

touch pinterest com


When the moon is high

And the ocean glimmers white

Your salty tears flow


I kiss the ocean

That your sorrow may now cease

Breathing your anguish


Your breath stored in chest

In between ice and the fires

As my lungs breathe pain

touch pidvin net


This world of wonders

Like a dreamscape of slow bliss

Alteration spells


merge shiftfrequency com


There is a quiet

Within my Heart’s whispering

That speaks of your face


The touch of your hand

Past recollections ghostlike

In mid-air flutters


I see our glory

Reunited in loving

As new landscapes rise


sleep eternal

End in beginning

End in beginning

1 August 2015

ecstasy my yoga-vidya org


This house is silent

Its whispers contained within

The sound of stillness


Throb of heart no more

In chest treasures lay muffled

Still-born witnesses


Opening closing

Gyrating elements dance

Renewed ecstasy


All within will still

As the numbers now converge

End in beginning


The waves’ thunder calls

Soul dissolves in the answer

All without merges

ecstasy mamafoothelightworker com