Of voices fading

Of voices fading

6 June 2017

Bojan Jevtic pinterest com 2
Courtesy Bojan Jevtic on pinterest.com


Strumming rains

In burrows of snow

The voice low

In echo

Ringing sharp through the remains

Minutes of my pains


Story tells

You, me and the wells

Stony walls

Meet my gaze

I wake up the night in daze

Of stars encircling


Seconds cling

To my bones marrow

Blue sparrow

Hunting grounds

Memories lost in the sounds

Of voices fading


Reading of the poem:  

Cuzine 010-hot-digital-art-bojan-jevtic
Courtesy Bojan Jevtic

Take My Leave Of You – Ólafur Arnalds ft. Arnór Dan

The Final Chapter – Ólafur Arnalds

Epilogue – Ólafur Arnalds

In between choices

In between choices

1 January 2017

balance community humanityhealing net
Courtesy humanityhealing.net



Breath of the sorrow

Between chains

Hood remains

Soul that gives all forgives pains

Even red morrow


Truth prevails

Through the jutting nails

Of wolves mask

Relentless task

Some take knowledge to sky heights

Some fleshy delights


Mind hovers

In between choices

Twin voices

Of lovers

The Truth only gives Freedom

To unchained Kingdom


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy pinterest.com

The Truth – Audiomachine

Red Sorrow – Audiomachine

Ice of Phoenix – Audiomachine


Extra sensitivity

Extra sensitivity

26 November 2015

 extra george redhawk pinterest com


The nights carried me

Into realms of otherland

Where my twin soul dwelt


Daily wanderings

Living split lives in between

Waters and fires


Mother welcomed me

Scented jasmine in her hair

Evergreen her breath


Her fragrant solace

An Island within the grey

Laden with colours


I bared my chest’s ache

The weight of a million lives

Unloaded treasures


Mother grant me breadth

That I may carry with me

More than just the Three


extra ego-alterego com Dream-like-portraits-by-Federico-Bebber1


She looked at me stern

The lessons of tomorrow

When will you then learn?


My chest fell silent

The burdened heaving display

Of all left behind


From the man the chest

From the Tree the bark’s essence

From the green the best


Her voice in my head

Statistics of the living

The morrows in lead


The journey in sight

Two worlds crouching side by side

Between dark and light


A life, just one more

I pleaded, voice a hoarse pitch

One pure to the core


extra pinterest com Federico Bebber 2


Precious the morsel

A few lives parcelled in Time

Scars of my battle


Mother the remains

Scattered broken I will mend

Will heed not the pains


She frowned displeasure

Not every soul is treasure

Think wheat and the chaff


Hark my child your gift

Extra sensitivity

May be your worst curse


I heard her reproach

Ears that failed to comprehend

Numbers to encroach


Sorrow in my soul

I packed my Heart in bundle

Prepared for the trip


extra imgur com Federico Bebber

 All images courtesy Federico Bebber on ego-alterego, imgur.com and pinterest.com


Cracks 28 (Open Water) – Javier Navarrete

Cracks 27 (Forever) – Javier Navarrete

Cracks 26 (Out of Bounds) – Javier Navarrete

Long, long time ago (Pan’s Labyrinth Lullaby) -Javier Navarrete