Music flooded head

Courtesy Min Jae Lee on
Music flooded head
13 November 2020
In the beginning
the rhythm set to basic
primordial human
Melodies renewed
Frontal lobe early signal
of evolution
Healing sounds soothed soul
Leading out of deep caverns
where darkness fought light
It mends in two keys
reconciling opposites
the rift now repaired
Prime numbers plotted
a pathway to fixing scores
for blindness to treat
First light restored sight
Reviving sounds tickled ear
Music flooded head
Reading of the poem: 
Imagine Dragons - Believer 

Written in the context of Ronovan Writes weekly Haiku challenge using the words “first” “heal” and their synonyms. For rules and other contributions, follow this link here

Third path shone

Third path shone

26 March 2020

Courtesy pixabay


Do you hear

The idle gossip?


Twined with lies

Waters that well in bosom

Reach out to my eyes


Two roads lay

Stretching unity

I lie low

Neither side

Beckoning tombstones prevail

I watch dead and wail


Third path shone

Middle traced by mind

I rewind

Path so kind

Gathered from my memories

For the h(u)/(ea)rt to (ceas)/(seiz)e


Reading of the poem:

Scorpions – Follow Your Heart (Official Lyric Video)

Scorpions – Send me an angel [Music Video]

Scorpions – Still Loving You [Lyrics + Traduction Française]

Ocean greets me kin

Ocean greets me kin

24 March 2020


This is not a play

Tragedy nor comedy

This is a life’s toil


I splatter the drops

The waters in rivulets

Aspire for bay


Ocean greets me kin

Movement of waves like my skin

A body of clay



Reading of the poem:


Written in the context of Ronovan writes weekly Haiku 298 using the words bay and play. For rules and more poems follow this link.


Gurdjieff – De Hartmann Vol 12: Prière Pour La Miséricorde, Alain Kremski

The Woven Life 2 : Bubbles of liberty

The Woven Life 2 : Bubbles of liberty

19 March 2020

Courtesy Bojan Jevtic on Saatchi art

She wove conscientiously the points keeping in mind most of the time the greatest good of all. She knew that some of what she wove would not be witnessed in her time but in eons to come. Other parts of what she wove were for immediate results or results on the short or medium term. In the beginning it had been disappointing that the desires she had did not have an immediate resolution but she had learnt to accept this. She looked upon her task as a humanitarian one as she was weaving a better consciousness. She wondered how many out there were like her weaving a better series of connections into the collective consciousness.


Sometimes, her old shadows returned and she would need to stop the weaving during those days. That could mean no weaving for several days in a row. She always wondered whether her consciousness would still be connected so closely with the collective consciousness to affect it in a significant way or if these days of absence would have weakened the contact. Every time she had such doubts they were dispelled immediately when she returned to weave for the greatest good of all and saw the almost immediate results. She wondered how she could cope with her shadow selves to bring them out to the light and no longer have to sit in between all the time. This would allow her to keep weaving every day instead of having to make a pause.


One day she caught herself talking to one of her shadow selves that had strayed into the room. It was no longer lurking behind her as they always tended to do when they manifested, watching her, thinking she was unaware of their presence or pretending they thought that. She normally would only observe them and try to fill them with light but they would take cover, literally and refuse to be dissolved most of the time although she had been able to lighten a couple of them. Today however, she decided to talk to the one who had unwittingly strayed into the room.


  • Why do you need to provoke the advent of darkness, she said
  • Because that is what we are made of, she answered
  • But you are me and if you are me, you cannot be made of darkness for I am light
  • There is no light without darkness so therefore if you are light, we have to be darkness
  • Will you always exist? Is there no end to some of you?
  • Who knows? You have taken such liberty with the self that there is so much light. We have kept some to ourselves. It is our bubbles of liberty where we choose to express the colours grey and black. Are they not colours too? Why refuse them? Surely as an artist you should know that a palette must be complete? How would you paint the night without us? Or the ravens or the dark clouds if not for those colours?


She thought to herself that she must be right. She should perhaps leave them these bubbles of liberty.


Björk – jóga / State of Emergency

Of forgotten sorrows

Of forgotten sorrows

26 February 2020



A paper boat escapes

My fingers temporary haven

Timeless seeds cross my paths

Of morrows in the everglades

I walk in the shadow of my Self

Elongated sublime contours

Hushed countenance greets me


Alternation of tall and small

Windows in doorless house

Wings on body of void

I revolve around my inner suns

There I am at my peak

A witness to past seasons bleak

Of forgotten sorrows


Reading of the poem:

Pink Floyd – Shine On You Crazy Diamond

Summoning her Frame

Summoning her Frame

1 September 2017

ET woman
ET woman; 8th aquarelle of aquarelle challenge



Place of Miracles

Where we pray

Where we stray

Spending light through sun’s array

Countenance at bay


Seething sand

Makes me obstacles

Which I grind

In my mind

Through memories I unwind

Past hidden unkind


Singing band

Grant me spectacles

Unknown fame

Face no name

Shimmering through light path tame

Summoning her frame


Reading of the poem: 

Flying Elephants (part 1) – Gregory Colbert

Flying Elephants (part 2) – Gregory Colbert

Ashes and Snow – Gregory Colbert

Shake my faith

Shake my faith

29 August 2017

shake faith celestial_warrior_uriel_by_carlos_quevedo-d74pk4u
Courtesy Carlos Quevedo on


Hunger bites

Morsels of the mind

She offered

Fruit of old

To compensate the feeling

Of bowels reeling


Candy cake

Sugar on the top


Slice of lies

Their ancestry picked from flies

Uneven outposts


We held hosts

In kingdom’s shiver

In quiver

Shake my faith

I will show you wizened strait

Measure of my wait


Reading of the poem: 


shake faith deviantart com carlos quevedo
Courtesy Carlos Quevedo on

When you believe – Whitney Houston and Maria Carey

Oil pastels and an oil painting

Oil pastels and an oil painting

29 August 2017

Lea baby
An oil pastel sketch of my daughter when she was little (based on a photograph)


I have not usually favoured the use of pastels as I feel somewhat hindered by the amount of mess they often generate which cannot be somehow « fixed » unlike oils and to an extent acrylic and aquarelle.


My daughter on the other hand was so enamoured with soft pastels that it got me thinking I should perhaps revisit the subject. I had both oil and soft chalk pastels and decided upon the oils to complement the oil painting of flowers in a vase.


I hope you like all of them.

Miro like cat
A Miro inspired cat 🙂


Purple flowers
Oil painting of flowers in a vase

Colours of the wind – Vanessa Williams

Pencil sketches

Pencil sketches

29 August 2017

Stabat Mater copy


Today I am sharing two divergent moods in the sketches. One is of a flamenco dancer having fun and one is a drawing inspired by the cover of the CD of Stabat Mater by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi


I thought the sombre vis-à-vis light mood was quite interesting to look at and hope you like them.


Flamenco dancer

How do you leave the one you love – Katherine Jenkins

Seventh aquarelle : Cherry blossom tree branch

Seventh aquarelle : Cherry blossom tree branch

24 August 2017


I am back to my initial challenge of 10 aquarelles and have taken as subject a cherry blossom branch given the recent synchronicity on cherry trees. This time I combined alla prima type of painting with wet on dry painting.


It occurred to me that just looking at pink made me cheerful. Perhaps that is where the French saying « voir le monde avec des lunettes roses » (meaning looking at the world with rose-coloured glasses) comes from  🙂


I hope you will enjoy the painting and the typical song I thought would accompany it well.


Cherry Blossom branch

Sakura – Japanese folk music