Renewal Time

Renewal Time

24 December 2015


Just a short post to remind those who were not aware that this the first full moon on Christmas Eve since 38 years.

This is also a Time for letting go and renewal, a time for recovering soul memory so I am sharing a short vocal memo prayer from Dreamtime with all of you and hope you will like it however nonsensical it may seem to you. May our Hearts be strong for the Times ahead and may the knowledge that Dawn comes after the darkest point of the Night instill more courage into our hearts.

Blessed be our Hearts and Souls


Soul memory prayer

Scarred mind’s forget me knots

Scarred mind’s forget me knots

24 December 2015

fretmenot paralelmindsgroup com au



Upon me

Handle with care

If crushed I would bleed

Red roses seep inky thoughts

The mess you can’t leave behind

Most stained pursuit of forgiveness

Between frozen shelters and black rain

Yet every day through ice and rain I breathe

Thawing releases more wretched pain

Inbred sense of self, mind’s harness

Picture perfect sense railed blind

Scarred mind’s forget me knots

The one-eyed would lead

Blind people bare

In frenzy



Processed with Moldiv


Aleah – Sacrifice

There is more to clutter than meets the I

There is more to clutter than meets the I

24 December 2015

lover viki com



My lover

To greet a life

Blowing in a dream

Dandelions that prance

Withering in scorching flames

The core’s reduced to nothingness

Fiery wisps descending from the skies

There is more to clutter than meets the I

Forgotten, unkempt strange lullabies

Wane smiles and forced willingness

Smothering burning wings tames

Tango of minds that dance

Requiems supreme

Death in a strife

Fort giver



fly chicquero wordpress com



Chinawoman – Show me the Face

Chinawoman – Lovers are Strangers

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

24 December 2015


I had said I don’t do awards normally and then I just got another one from yet another person I really like so could not say no and I actually get to torture another seven. Just kidding of course they are free to accept it or not and answer the ten questions but whatever they decide I think you should check out their blogs because you might really like them and want to follow them.

Although he got and passed on to me amongst others the sisterhood award, Thomas said he just checked and it’s confirmed he’s not a woman. I tried to take a peek but he would not let me do so 😀 .  I guess I’ll have to take his word for it then 😛 . Regardless of what lies beneath, he is a wonderful writer and bakes some fantastic cakes and other food but then again he hogs them alone or with just the deserving few so I never got to try any sadly 😀 . You can check out his writing skills and some of his recipes at   an inspiring blog with so many beautiful inkdrops. He has been an inspiration and a teacher for some new art forms I never knew existed before. Thank you Thomas aka FT Ledrew for being you.


The Rules

  1. Say “Thank You” to the person who nominated you & link their blog to your post.
  2. Answer the 10 questions given to you.
  3. Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers and let them know they have been nominated.
  4. Include the Award Badge in your post.


The Answer my friend….

  1. What made you want to start your blog?

– I started off my blog as a means of expunging difficult happenings in my life and then it just became addictive and as Thomas says too I can’t see my days without having this blog! I also thought it would be a good way to keep my writings in the same place where I could retrieve them because I had started writing at the age of 13 but lost most of my poetry and short stories over the years, moving from one place to the other.

2. What have you wanted to do on your blog but haven’t yet? Why not?
– I had always wanted to write plays but refrained from it because I thought it would not be the right place to post them

3. Name one item on your bucket list, or more if you like?
– I would like to go paragliding one day. I was always afraid of heights, a problem worsened by a condition with my inner ear and had to work a lot on myself to be able to ski in the mountains, specially on steeper slopes but I would really love to see the Earth from high up there before kicking the bucket

4. What is your biggest fear?
– My biggest fear is that I should outlive my three children

5. What is your best moment in life?
– I had four of them. The birth of my three children and the moment I got them back with me after having lost them for a year in a difficult and biased custody battle.

6. With New Years fast approaching, do you make resolutions? If so, name one. If not, why don’t you like to make them?
– I don’t like making resolutions with the New Year. I think that we should keep trying to do the best we can and attempting every day to be who we really are. Resolutions do not make a person. Trying every day does

7. If you could host a challenge on your blog, what kind would it be?
– I would not host a challenge on my blog as I already have a lot of things to do and keep running around like a headless chicken with barely time to pen down the poems that swarm in my head (a lot get lost actually because I have nothing to write with while they are swarming and then I just can’t get them back anymore). I respect and admire those who are kind enough to host such challenges on their blog, especially when they actually also review the writings of most like Ronovan ( ).

8. What was the name of your first pet? What do you remember the most about them?
– My first pet was a cat named Minnona. One day we heard her miauling her throat away angrily and when my dad put the light on, we found her between my brother and a scorpion which she was miauling at and not allowing to go nearer my brother.

9. Did you ever go to a high school reunion? Was it fun or not?
– I’ve never been to a high school reunion because my school never organised any when I lived nearby and then when it did start organising reunions I lived too far away to go there.

10. Do you have a pet peeve?
– I have a couple: cigarette smoke (it actually hurts my throat mucus which swells and gives me a terrible throat ache just starting from 10 minutes of exposure) and unkindness in people I felt close with.

The nominees for me are…

Note that this is not an obligation to actually answer the questions. Feel free to do so if you don’t mind and I think a lot of us will enjoy reading your answers. If you don’t like the whole award schbang then you’re free to also not follow up. I think however that people will enjoy your work.

There were a few others that my mind went to but those have been nominated by Thomas so I have included the others. There are around three more I have not added but I do not think less of their amazing work.

  1. Tosha at, a wonderful blogger, writer, singer with the eternal mix of humour “ice-cream and sadness” that characterises many poets and writers
  2. Annette at , a mentor, wordsmith and guide with beautiful daily quotes from the angels
  3. Monica at a sweet young lady who writes about beautiful feelings and places
  4. Kally at a young lady who strives to help others with very interesting advice and tips.
  5. Tessa at a wise and kind lady who struggled with bipolar disorder since she was a child and tries to help others with her insights and open thoughts. I discovered her writings recently thanks to Ronovan Writes challenges
  6. Ritu at a sunny character who has lots of smiles, words and hugs to share with others. From her writings she seems like the kind of sister you would want in real life
  7. Last but not least hocuspocus at where you can read all about magic, fairytales, recipes, the old ways, funny things, politics, naughty stuff, etc and where a lot of other magical writers are also reblogged, thereby broadening your possibilities of discovering new things. I don’t think I ever read a blog where she disclosed her name so let’s leave it at hocuspocus 😀


Questions for Nominees

  1. What made you want to start your blog?
    2. What have you wanted to do on your blog but haven’t yet? Why not?
    3. Name one item on your bucket list, or more if you like?
    4. What is your biggest fear?
    5. What is your best moment in life?
    6. With New Years fast approaching, do you make resolutions? If so, name one. If not, why don’t you like to make them?
    7. If you could host a challenge on your blog, what kind would it be?
    8. What was the name of your first pet? What do you remember the most about them?
    9. Did you ever go to a high school reunion? Was it fun or not?
    10. Do you have a pet peeve?







24 December

ice funsci com


Lit me

Inner Fire

Within the flames

Breath of the waters

The vapours shining light

Luminous condensed unreal

A point crystallised in the Heart

Within shades of morrows certainty

There where I would once again be free

Where fire and water played silently

The roads joining to then depart

The memories soft ethereal

Eyes waning losing sight

The mind now falters

Was it but games

He just liar



fly saatchiart com



This poem is written in Etheree (and reverse Etheree) form. In this version I have left the 10th line as a pivot using it for both parts. For more information on the form, click here

Devics – The man I love



24 December 2015

love re-actor net Brooke shaden
Courtesy brooke shaden on



Feathers red

Sink into blood

Heartbeats of the hurt

You renew the old faith

Breathe magic and miracles

Flowing tides, new morrows ripple

Under your frame in shade of your wings

Pale shadows of hope walk into the change

While tables turn simple days into strange

Unbeknownst to burning heart that sings

The hands of fate churning cripple

The winding Times chronicles

Of lives now lost an eighth

Cleaning grime and dirt

In soul the flood

Now undead




This poem is written in Etheree (and reverse Etheree) form. For more information on the form, click here

Disturbed – The light