Shores undivided

Shores undivided

23 September 2018

shores deviantart com the_moon_goddess__edited__by_dferous-d5ek0y5


Square linings in thoughts

Scent of a heart set on fire

Perfume felt my pulse


In between woodlands

A gate swings North west and creaks

South a remembrance


Wind a rhythmic friend

Over treetops lone whistle

Beings in the wild


A silence heaves hard

My bosom a place of peace

In prayer penance


Twenty three sparrows

Memories of my journey

Carry them in tale


Wisdom a handful

Merging with the feminine

Shores undivided


Reading of the poem: 

Riverside – Agnes Obel


Walking through the throngs

Walking through the throngs

23 April 2017

trail hdwallpaperpc com Fantasy_Angel_Angel_Wings_Drawing_Feathers_43171_detail_thumb


Twenty-three fools sit

In cornerstone of fires

Alit with your smile


Igniting landscapes

The blackbirds that the mind shapes

Irresolute skies


Feathers translucent

Picking up black emotion

Transforming its scent


Meeting of the Tides

A play of twelve nets forecast

Mesh Dragon Star rides


Walk with a fiddle

Tune into everlasting

Path to Home riddle


Mind never belongs

Heart a gateway in between

Walking through the throngs


Reading of the poem: 

walking cosmopolitain co uk

The Way Home – Sleep Dealer

Nebula – Sleep Dealer

Endless Route – Sleep Dealer


Infinity’s Time

Infinity’s Time

15-16 September 2016



Blue waters

Encircling the port

Carry weight

Of stories

Lost sailors buried under

Pirates that plunder


They wage wars

The heavens deny

Our wage peace

Light kindred

Our daily toil rewarded

Twenty-three hundred


The clock marks

The eleventh hour

The skin breaks

With the quakes

Infinity joining code

Mutations process


Winged creatures

Birth from my bosom

Ghostly tales

Seek my mind

In playgrounds where we rewind

Birds becoming whales


Hammered Truth

In minds agonised



Shards of memory retrieving

In frames hung on nails


We design

Spacetime’s cavities

Weak promise

Thought forget

Strong keep promises not made

Will in the intent


We find ease

In lives lived unbent

The regret

A shadow

The meek speak the proud bellow

To each speech fellow


Gathered crowd

Crisscross of patterns

Raised lanterns

Eight rivers

Crossing at the peak of Tides

Infinity’s Time


Reading of the poem: 


Canto dell’Alma / Alma Mater – Flavia Vallega Krystael

Il volo dell’Angelo – Flavia Vallega Krystael

I Am that I Am / The Moses Code – Flavia Vallega Krystael

The whisper of your shadow

The whisper of your shadow

3 September 2016

whisper pinterest com


Our focal points merge

Within sight

Of the night

Upside down worlds gathering

Ascending dissent



The mind separates


Of our souls

Like “autodafé” on coals

Artificial leaps


The light creeps

It speaks of slumber



The whisper of your shadow

Dispersed recoiling


Reading of the poem: 

whisper pinterest com 2

I descend to You, You ascend to me – Alessandra Celletti

The Golden Fly – Alessandra Celletti

Crazy Girl Blue – Alessandra Celletti


Ceremonial Centuries

Ceremonial Centuries

28 August 2016

ceremonial pinterest com 2


She wears me

Like cloak of the night

Deep the probe

Velvet robe

I give in to her dark might

No desire to fight


She gifts me

Honey from the bees

Poisoned vines

Heady wines

From deep millenary caves

Lair the reaper paves


Twined voices

We offer choices


Dark and Light

Compounded the miracles

Of steps in advance


Prime numbers

Divide infinite

Deep slumbers

They awake

Nails across blackboards they rake

Lessons to be learnt


I gift her

The past reckonings

Of morrows

Built in air

The knowledge she has been there

Inside new future


I wear her

Like remnants of fur

Naked flesh

Stretched afresh

Ceremonial centuries

Shredded now at ease


Reading of the poem: 

ceremonial pinterest com 5

Our Love is Easy – Melody Gardot




29 May 2016

twentythree pinterest com
Courtesy Karol Bak on



Into red passion

Mirrored stairs

Marble squares

The chest more than bosom bares

Naked enchantment


Mind fragment

Lost in broken tides

Twin dances

Take chances

With the rhythm of futures

That the Heart nurtures


Winding tree

Gathers momentum


Locked heirlooms

Fluttering in hidden rooms

As the veils unfold


Reading of the poem: 

karol bak pinterest com 5
Courtesy Karol Bak on

Tango D’Amor – Tango Jointz

In Grid – In Tango

El Unico – La Caina

Come speak to Heart again Eleven

Come speak to Heart again Eleven

11 November 2015

eleven realmagick com



Come speak to Heart again Eleven

Bursting open the seams we were so careful to Sew


Criss cross on Heart, Eleven no More

Breaking the waves of my mind surging into the Blue


As Heart had opened then to Seven

Of numbers the farthest and the closest I would Know


The whispers unsaid laying on Floor

Unbroken the Heart which sees path ahead every Hue


Build me the ladders that I once Knew

Feet glad in tin foil gravitate through the Twelve Stars


Listen to stories spawn Seven Years

Endings began for a New Dawn to spin Golden Age


Eleven yettrue com woman dances with 12,000 honey bees

Hark to these Seven, oh how they Flew

Unchained are my Blue soul’s wings, now undone are these Scars


Glory uncoiling end of these Fears

Oozing Red leaks through Cold past as she rewrites the Page


Faith in Heart was not born for Rummage

Shatter the idols of a Stony Age’s Beliefs


One by the Sword Dies, one by Word Lives

Red are the mindless Meadows losing the Green Treasures


Shifting into Poles, unheard Damage

Scattered are the Roots like Twenty three corals Red Reefs


Twenty thousand Bees then built their Hives

What the Heart knows, Only Love, Only the Heart Measures

eleven realmagick com right

Kingdom of Heaven: The Mystic Dream

Kingdom of Heaven – Knight Hospitaller

Kingdom of Heaven – What is Jerusalem worth?

Celtic Woman – The Voice

I died yesterday

I died yesterday

9 November 2015



She sacred victim

Not to death but more to life

I died yesterday



The Heart the mind churned

Eating from the humblest Pie

Learn to Square Circle


Twenty three my roots

As the atoms with the breath

Cross rays to dissolve


Dynamics of Love

Unstable equilibrium

Above Delta spin


Sacred was the dance

Within skin circumference

Lead the light-filled rays


Essence now free me

Staircase counts end of Heartpath

Metatron’s dark side


Infinity’s fumes

Took stillness to Twenty-two

Through moonlight’s chamber


Dark I was widow

I flowed as tomorrow’s bride

I died yesterday


Heart grieved seven years

The underdogs’ power surged

Resistance in Ohm


I chanted behind

Four more arrows’ golden sphere

Little bones’ white noise


Pink sphere’s future veil

Backward source in sonic wall

Pink circles my trails


Suicide sheep now shift

Trancescape’s aqua forest fog

Cast away reeds’ sparks


Of dancing feathers

Waves crack opening heartpath

North stillness in storm


Maya dying swan

How graceful your fluttering




Shift in downward frequencies

I died yesterday


Sixty one in grace

Three stages of innocence

As sixteen turns wise


Opening the shaft

Electricity simmers

Yellow in the red


The kraken approached

Land of nevermore dissolved

In Eye of Monster


I like Mother quaked

Our bones in poles now shifted

To bluest graveyards


As the chants now hummed

I lived in the bloodied flood

Red was my garment


They sprinkled waters

Led bees to our choicest source

Red rose gives honey


Perhaps another

She offered me a new chance

I died yesterday


Now with all consumed

In Heart only renewal

I live on Today

rose pinterest com 3

Dorothy Meets The Tinman (The Wizard of Oz 1939)

Gurdjieff Sacred Dance – Ho Yah

Rumi Poem, Iranian Music and Divine Dance

Darkside – Metatron (Music Video)

Darkside – Heart

Darkside (Psychic) – Golden Arrow

Etherwood – Cast Away

Maya Plisetskaya, age 61, dances Dying Swan

Hans Zimmer – Duduk Of The North

Hans Zimmer – The Kraken

Hans Zimmer – Aurora

Hans Zimmer – Injection