Prime numbers sashayed

Prime numbers sashayed
12 March 2021
With a bowing head
she welcomed the contrivance
her plan hid in mind

Fools thought her broken
She smiled at the morons’ schemes
her vengeance supreme

The arch in her brows
hiss of her inner being
only dunce ignores

Stellar detection
she examined first the clowns
The idiots stared

A flutter arose
In hearts of the compromised
The innocent woke

Prime numbers sashayed
The nerds ran helter-skelter
Her arms crushed their will

Reading of the poem: 
Written in the context of Ronovan Writes weekly Haiku challenge using the words “head”, “fool” and their synonyms. For rules and other contributions, follow this link here 
Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge 348 FOOL and Head. | ronovanwrites
Achillea ( Jens Gad ) - El Alma Herida

Ceremonial Centuries

Ceremonial Centuries

28 August 2016

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She wears me

Like cloak of the night

Deep the probe

Velvet robe

I give in to her dark might

No desire to fight


She gifts me

Honey from the bees

Poisoned vines

Heady wines

From deep millenary caves

Lair the reaper paves


Twined voices

We offer choices


Dark and Light

Compounded the miracles

Of steps in advance


Prime numbers

Divide infinite

Deep slumbers

They awake

Nails across blackboards they rake

Lessons to be learnt


I gift her

The past reckonings

Of morrows

Built in air

The knowledge she has been there

Inside new future


I wear her

Like remnants of fur

Naked flesh

Stretched afresh

Ceremonial centuries

Shredded now at ease


Reading of the poem: 

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Our Love is Easy – Melody Gardot