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13 September 2018

center heart christian schloe almond tree from heart.jpg

We bask in the light

Summer suns a safe haven

Winter a shadow


Within chronicles

Yesterday’s dreams are waning

Particles of dust


Wandering crows meet

Blackened rooftops gain a shade

Crafty black in black


Blue ribbons scatter

Red garlands will drag along

Skies a jigsaw frame


I gather moonbeams

Pale lilies in the pond glow

Infinite glitter


Show me an arrow

I will show you bleeding bows

Harvests are meager


Fingers summon years

Tireless practice in the aim

Center of the heart


Reading of the poem: 

Straight to the Heart – Sina Vodjani

Picking up the pieces right

Picking up the pieces right

2 October 2016



Illusion of you

Tendrils reaching out tickle

Mind of the fickle


Shimmering carpet

Palpable incandescence

Restoring essence


Jigsaw a flavour

The taste a blend of futures

Daunting promises


Path in needle’s eye

The bosom lost in the sigh

Throat in constriction


Secrets scattering

Master of the ancient ring

Whiff of ocean’s breeze


Blowing with the wind

Picking up the pieces right

Recomposed mind shapes


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Robert Hefferan on

Dancing with the wind – Omar Akram

Shimmering Star – Omar Akram

Passage into Midnight – Omar Akram

Frozen Times

Frozen Times

11 September 2016

Courtesy Jesus on


Pitch black hurts

The sensitive eyes

Reeling move

On blackboards

Revealing tempo of groove

Distilling the whites


Flying kites

Hover above me

Thin slices

Of glories

They regenerate delights

Of childhood stories


Hold with me

My grasp on them weak

I dare not

Even speak

As the ropes pulsate with throb

Of the blackened mob


Body loss

Puppeteers rewind

In twin peaks

Riddled streaks

Measures of hue man eat he

Shredded dignity


Lines to cross

In between jigsaw

Puzzle me not

We forgot

The clear-cut lines of the law

Lesser of evils


Weigh me down

Burden of anvils

Beat upon

Lost forlorn

The making of the sword less

Soulful from soulless


Talk to me

From withering caves

Your mouth shrine

Frozen times

The words fed to the wordless

Soul forever mine


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Jesus on

Death is not the end – Nick Cave

Into my Arms – Nick Cave

Till the End of the World – Nick Cave


Sereno variabile

Sereno variabile

22 August 2016

sereno against_the_darkness_by_mirellasantana-d8vgnfc
Courtesy mirellasantana on


Out of skin

Breath of the Divine


Within Time

The making of primal rhyme

Between mind and heart


Words depart

Weary travelers

Flying on

Countless wings

The pieces every one brings

Jig saw in my soul


Eye of coal

Embers of the shine

Throughout me

Ascends spine

The inner realms untouched shrine

All that seeps through sands


No demands

My voiceless hum flows

Like rivers

To the sea

Flowing deltas through shivers

Reaching open banks


Offered flanks

The breast and the spleen

We come clean

From shadows

Like filters traversing rows

All that becomes us


Lost the fuss

Thunderstorms now stilled

Rains distilled

Like weather

“Sereno variabile

Donna mobile”


Reading of the poem: 

sereno pinterest com

In the Divide – Azam Ali

Endless Reverie – Azam ali Elysium

Ocean – Azam Ali & Loga Ramin Torkian


Breaking through

Breaking through

19 February 2016

breaking carnegriff deviantart com
Courtesy carnegriff



In thoughts that shiver

Cold of World

That darkens

She stitches another yarn

Pitch black before dawn


Other half

Like jigsaw puzzle

I pick up

My pieces

A mirror broken in skies

Where I see through lies


Our hearts roam

Through the bitterness

Salted tears

Like sea’s foam

Lapping at our waking frames

Humanity’s games


breaking carnegriff deviantart com 2
Courtesy carnegriff


A blast wakes

I cry as it shakes


Mind’s playground

Softly killing me he sighs

As the dreamtime dies


I know life

Like butter on toast

And lemon

Acid stings

Souls on life’s fire often roast

Soaring flames like wings


Working spells

From my hidden wells

I summon

Deadly rings

A ghostly place where he sings

Songs of Unity


breaking carnegriff deviantart com 4
Courtesy carnegriff


This dream’s realm

A slave’s marathon

I conjure

Hammer’s might

Broken ties I take to flight

I am running free


The saviour

Lies but within me

He flutters

Gaping hole

My soul ushers in its twin

Finally we’re whole


Breaking through

It comes with a price

Nailed across

No haggling

I paid it now more than thrice

Trinity’s auction


Reading of the poem: 

breaking carnegriff deviantart comm 3
Courtesy carnegriff


Little boy in the grass – Aurora

Conqueror – Aurora

Murder song – Aurora

Half the World away – Aurora

I hear you calling (ballad version) – Aurora

Running with the wolves – Aurora


Into the light – Aurora


Pathways to Heaven

Pathways to Heaven

11 October 2015

pathways pathways2awakening com


Hush breathe not a word

The Nightingale tells secrets

Of our Hearts’ desires


The Nights spent breathing

Deep into your Soul’s essence

Velveteen kisses


pathways eldesvandelpoeta blogspot com

Blossoming pieces

Jigsaw puzzle of Heartpath

True flower of Life


Whisper into me

Secrets of your love’s fluids

Still under cover


I will show you stairs

Between every rib of me

Ladders you invent


pathways dream-prophecy blogspot com


Follow the staircase

Build with me our ecstasy

Pathways to Heaven


Spend my day dreams soft

All I will keep is the change

When we traded Hearts


pathways david b holeman heaven-waits blogspot com
Courtesy David B Holeman on