Do you hear me now ?

Do you hear me now ?

24 June 2018

Hear me Christian Schloe
Courtesy Christian Schloe


Wasted memories

Withered jasmine flowers cast

A pathway to home


Lilies in the pond

Roots swaying under water

Beckoning to stems


Yesterday’s trials

Reaching the otherworldly

Luminescent talks


Edge of sanity

Hovering in between worlds

Seeing the unseen


Ghost whispers in me

Beseeching wandering thoughts

A silent prayer


Sheltered happenings

Breathing into the ether

Do you hear me now ?


Reading of the poem: 

Adiyogi: The Source of Yoga – Original Music Video ft. Kailash Kher & Prasoon Joshi

From back to before

From back to before

2 June 2017

Back LilaVert Stefan-Gesell-Photography-URBAN-VIEWS
Courtesy Stefan Gesell on LilaVert


Bring me through Ether

The pathways

Of fever

Coursing through the cells that blow

Out of proportions



A course of set tunes

Seven moons

Chosen runes

Running across the power

As the knaves cower



Implosion of night

In the rain

Course again

Shadows of forevermore

From back to before


Reading of the poem: 

Back Stefan Gesell pinterest com 3
Courtesy Stefan Gesell on

Shaman’s Dream – Nectar

Shaman’s Dream – Mother Water

Shaman’s Dream – Istanbul Dubphonics

Quakes by Three

Quakes by Three

3 September 2016

quakes taranga net



Suicidal wave

Of words hurled

Through ether

Like curtains of the fallen

They rise and greet her



Helicoidal flight

Of the light

Under skin

The pathways stay divergent

The flicker rewrites


Quakes by Three

Disintegrate us

You and me

For Queen bee

She selects the raw pollen

That her will unites


Reading of the poem:

quakes deviantart com mtg__magmaquake_by_samburley-d5hpesh
Courtesy Sam Burley on

Inlandish – Roedelius

Pastoral – Lloyd Cole/ Hans-Joachim Roedelius

Toujours – Roedelius




27 August 2016

tell alphacoders com


Holy wars

Within the ether

Infuse me

With the blood

It flows down like mighty flood

Channels in code red


When we bled

We showered the grounds

From the stars

To the dust

Where circles around us rust

In the steely rings


The three kings

They lost Northern guide

Soul divide

In landslide

By the tokens we abide

Our choice in the proof


Earthen roof

Covets inner skies

Maiden sighs

Knight denies

We gather countless replies

Confusion in cries


Who is where

Alice lost her hare

All turned wild

Lost the child

Rabbit tore hair in despair

No clocks to repair



Three quarters non sense

One quarter

In small change

Open Hearts closed minds derange

Uncommon is strange


Reading of the poem: 

redemption pinterest com

Return to Eden – Irfan

Fei – Irfan

Los Ojos de la Mora – Irfan

Ten to the Power of Six

Ten to the Power of Six

25 August 2016

ten pinterest com 3



The sails of future


In the winds

Take to heights body rescinds

Gravity’s freefall



My speech of the Times



They run across my eyesight

Shadows of the Light



A code in Ether

Winding through


In the humming of the bees

To music’s meter



A new way to live


The lifetimes

Condensed through Eternity

A new way to Sea



Methods of measures

Weathered tools

Ancient schools

My backbone sets to the rules

His sun in my skies



My mind’s elegy

Rolling out

Shooting spout

Ten to the Power of Six

Lay lifeless like sticks


Reading of the poem: 

ten wallpaperstock net

In the Garden of Souls – Azam Ali & Vas

Sevdama – Azam Ali & Vas

Leyli – Azam Ali & Vas

Walk swim fly anew

Walk swim fly anew

20 March 2016

siren pinterest com



The preparation

Of witness

Time’s harness

Four horses ride into dusk

Emblem of movement


Guns resound

In the wilderness

Lone bullets

They fly high

Above reasons and meaning

They carve the ether


What is dead

Stays forever down

The lost crown

Ne’er retrieved

Widow and orphan bereaved

Hate composes dread


There are lands

Etched in the kingdoms

Of the sky

Where I lie

My hands gifting the green wheat

Gift of the morrows


Threading fate

Twin are my bright suns

My rivers

Purple clad

Indistinctly good and bad

People of my Heart


Take the twin

From breaking waters

Births’ fusion

Red and Blue

Decompose the Times landscapes

Walk swim fly anew


Reading of the poem: 

rope corbiscrave com


13.Mozart’s Requiem – VI. Agnus Dei

8.Mozart’s Requiem-Lacrimosa

6.Mozart’s Requiem – Recordare

Give in to waters

Give in to waters

17 March 2016

coupledive polyvore com


We struggle

Breathing through ether

Distilled rain

Scent of pain

Fear and hate make essence boil

Barren now our soil


We are made

In love’s wet caskets


Our life’s bone

The exit harsh time to hone

Skill of two flowers


Beaten live

Into this dry world

They sky dive


Falling into a parched land

Decomposed atoms


The time spent

To learn equations

Of still life

That blooms slow

Replicating inner glow

Preexisting light


Random fight

We pick up with else

Is but clone

Of our own

Inner turmoil decanting

Sediments of self


Free the mind

Give in to waters

Learn to breathe

Through raindrops

They are life that flows through heart

They are Time’s secrets


Reading of the poem: 

coupledive hemansantiago on byhemansantiago com
Courtesy Heman Santiago on

Our Love is easy – Melody Gardot

Like milk and honey

Like milk and honey

16 February 2016

Devil art-aspire com


We will meet quiet

Where snowdrops once pierced in birth

On snow powdered cliffs


Chalk white images

Dance in playgrounds of my mind

Glassy retina


Double leap of faith

Continuous pace of dream

Into ether’s cream


A dip into blue

Velvety home to my kind

Raised in buttermilk


Waters will wash off

Age-old fluid cleansing tool

The condensed sorrow


I wrap around you

In smooth effortless fusion

Like milk and honey


Reading of the poem: 

fly lovers-tomasz-alen-kopera
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Kopera


Written in the context of Ronovan writes Haiku Challenge. Ping back and rules here


Wish you were here – Bliss

Edvard Hagerup Grieg – Sissel Kyrkjebo – Solveig’s Song from “Peer Gynt”

Homeland – Sissel & Prince Igor

Fallen – Delerium & Rani