Soul cheated apall

Soul cheated apall

15 December 2017

soul cheated ascendingstorm com liberty_of_soul_by_veinsofmercury-d646fqk


Winter stall

The beast to install

Wise enthrall

Through moonfall

Mind in sync to overhaul

Legends of the fall


Best to call

Within the marble hall

Brittle doll

Bet recall

Seeking mind that begets all

Soul bartered in mall


Crystal ball

Tuning into gall

Shielded pall

Narrow wall

Corpses white covered in spall

Soul cheated apall


Reading of the poem: 

Sarah McLachlan – In the arms of an angel

The truth of heartstrings

The truth of heartstrings

22 October 2017

heartstrings Catrin Welz Stein
Courtesy Catrin Welz Stein


Tell me tale

As I will inhale

Pollen struck

Flower pots

Loose scent of forget-me-nots

Unraveling slow


Wade with me

In murky rivers

Three bereft


A phantom while corpses left

On pyres alit


Shower me

Blue meteorites


Caving in

In sync with the whisperings

The truth of heartstrings


Reading of the poem: 

Of Life and Love – Rumi poetry

Corpses dance alone

Corpses dance alone

6 January 2017

Corpses pinterest com.jpg


Renewed dreams

Complexity seems

Sole measure

Soul treasure

In stretching the circle’s beams

We stitch at the seams


Their breath stale

With invented tale


In pleasure

Deciphering head from tail

Diving to inhale


The mind own

Synapses to hone

The pressure

In leisure

Moving within flesh to bone

Corpses dance alone


Reading of the poem: 


Seven days of falling -EsbJörn Svensson Trio

From Gagarin’s Point Of View – EsbJörn Svensson Trio

Eighthundred streets by feet – EsbJörn Svensson Trio

Splinters of the Heart

Splinters of the Heart

7 December 2016



We gather

Sceneries in woods

Of the mind

That remind

Of days gone by walking through

The thick and the thin


Like gardens

Hanging on the edge

Of a cliff

Amidst riff

Panoramic views submerge

Growing of the urge



An eight letter word

Becomes herd

That refrain

From the expression of pain

Their bodies corpses


The dark crawl

Dead embers ashes

Light flashes

Not within

Their lack of feelings akin

To breath of undead


Sorrowed lead

Plastered smiles in white

The empaths

Faith in light

Keeping Hope through Times that smite

Words that decompose



Splinters of the Heart

There are ways

Etched in Soul

Knowledge of how you are whole

Beyond the fences


Reading of the poem: 


Just for You – Giovanni Marradi

When the fear is laid

When the fear is laid

11 May 2016

fear youtube com 6


Beings filled with love

Building a bright new future

Their minds keen work tools


Others filled with void

Twirling into oblivion

Their empty corpse holes


They say find silence

The inner tool of stillness

Yet some seek point blank


There is no freedom

Within pangs of emptiness

Only the darkness


Find the inner sight

What leads you back to your soul

Redeeming you whole


When the fear is laid

Down with the mindless corpses

Beings of soul live


Reading of the poem: 

fear 1080 plus 2


Unveil your Love – John Sokoloff & Mark Lennon

Break through the Heartpath

Break through the Heartpath

25 September 2015

heartpath heartpathhealing com


Remnants of the fears

Distill images of Grey

Fluttering corpses


The whole pursued void

Mindless landscapes ticked the clocks

As the now, soft, whirred


Gyrating stillness

Where movement met the frozen

That in soul pulsates

heartpath facebook com
Courtesy hearthealing on


The part pursued Heart

Dissecting pieces of Soul

Isolated play

heartpath flowwithjo com2


Hurtling witnesses

Heartbeats’ irregular stance

Oozing into change


And the edges cracked

Shattered pieces, dangers’ shards

Love gushing open


Pick up the pieces

Enter tomorrow’s bliss State

Break through the Heartpath

heartpath cio-scholen nl

The battles in me

The battles in me

9 August 2015

battles faesyn on deviantart com black_swan_2_by_faesyn-d3fy3wy
Courtesy Faesyn on



Privilege of the blinded

Weighing wings as coal


Dark possession stills

Infinite movements of rays

That called to all souls


The battles in me

Rage with the memories spent

Collecting pieces


Relics of lives bent

Hanging like corpses spread out

Between Sky and Earth


Words falling from ink

Printing in mind a landscape

Toying black and pink


Delving into mind

Fluttering butterfly turns

Moth in the making


Heart’s light responds soft

Echoes of feeling paint me

Colours of life’s hues


battles af-studios deviantart com