Keeper of my Light

Keeper of my Light

23 November 2016

Argentina Tango
Courtesy Natacha Pisarenko on


Stealth dancing

Your shadow on mine

The twirl slow

The breath low

Abated sunken in teeth

Touch diffusing heat


Grasp my arm

Fend off from me harm

The days yarn

Needles work

Into my heart as they smirk

Un-assorted pairs


The eye stares

Into my bosom

The head spares

Grow me hairs

Of whiter melancholy

Love’s monopoly


Brittle game

The players like darts

Launching pad

Wicked fad

Flame thrower sprucing the ends

Hate makes no amends


In love’s sight

We sighed like children

Hiding toy

Breathing joy

Theft of innocence galore

Pile me more to store


Move the whim

From my bleeding shore

Bury dark

From the bright

Swirl out of my mind’s delight

Keeper of my light


Reading of the poem: 

tango lollitop dance com


Tango Sentimientos – Tango Project

Promise of the Fall

Promise of the Fall

24 July 2016

promisefall baghira com

All is spent

Efforts and prayers

The Dragon


Scales and gills under layers

Mistaken for flesh


Blue genies

Sing of oncoming


Silent flights

When we will roam into nights

Deeper than cyan


Man lion

Keeper of the sun

We are one

Under oath

What seeps in one seeps in both

The blazing branches


Dining smoke

Ribs a black anthem

He inhales

I exhale

Withered lungs flailing ribcage

Burning in the rage


The regrets

They serve no purpose

The chest dark

The heart white

Intervals give me respite

Between mighty breaths


In due time

My rhyme will explain

The meanings

Of the pain

When the dewdrops will recall

Promise of the Fall


Reading of the poem: 

morse krasivie-kartinki ru

A matter of Time – Dillon

Your Flesh against Mine- Dillon

Lightning Sparked – Dillon