Awaiting the sun

Awaiting the sun

11 November 2018

sunrise pinterest com 3


The rhythm is that of the wind against the fallen leaves like a banshee wailing. Her mind syntonises with it finally as she picks up pieces of the shattered glass in front of her. There is no saying how much time the wind will continue to blow relentless. Her mind blows with the wind, flying high in the sky gathering momentum. At the same time her body continues to mechanically operate on its own. She carefully stacks the pieces of shattered glass in front of her and starts her daily work of repairing the window pane again.

She must have repaired it a hundred times yet every sunrise, the storm strikes at the same place again with the tree breaking through the window instantly killing her husband yet another time. Every day she wakes up again with the agony of knowing that she will again witness the scene of her husband’s death. The torture of knowing that initially numbed by the pain of his horrific death all she will be able to do is pick up the pieces of the shattered glass and start repairing the window as if to negate that it happened at all pursues her daily. She lives dreading the moment of initial sunshine which once made both her husband and her so happy.

She realises that she will never be able to grieve the loss of her husband as by the time she has finished repairing the window it is night time again and she falls asleep, exhausted. The first days that it happens, she does not remember exactly what has occurred but is only left with a sense of foreboding. Upon waking up that sense of foreboding slowly grows throughout the first week although it remains quite hazy. As time goes by , however, memories of the day before play back with excruciating precision.

She usually wakes up already knowing what will happen and totally helpless as she watches the events unfold. All she can do is repair the window in a wild and desperate hope that the next time, maybe at least once, it will not give way as the tree comes crashing through. Some days she would work her fingers sore until the nails almost peel and her fingers bleed and yet the next morning she would wake up to perfectly manicured fingers, her stomach tense with the knowledge of the oncoming onslaught.

Her mind soars higher as her fingers work swiftly repairing the window pane. She feels the moment when the night descends softly around her body that falls back on the bed. She watches as she lies almost lifeless her breath ragged as she struggles to overcome the sleepiness. Yet the slumber slowly overcomes her and her breath becomes more peaceful. It is the darkest point of the night now. Soon the killer dawn will strike again. She watches the body of her husband turn around and embrace her body.

Something inside her chest expands and she feels it stirring her body as she looks onward. The sun is about to rise and the winds are still howling. Her mind continues its wild jig with the winds. She knows that as the sun rises the storm will pick up strength and the tree will fall over breaking through the window pane. Her mind stills itself as the winds continue howling. The first rays of the sun pierce the horizon.

She opens wide her mouth and as it slowly rises she finally swallows the sun and the storm slowly loses its strength. Darkness falls all around as heat scorches her mind. She can feel the light exploding throughout her skull. She clenches her jaws as her mind maintains its stranglehold on the sun. The tree never moves again. She rolls her tongue softly over the blisters on her tongue. In the darkness beside her she can hear the soft breath of her husband. She utters a soft sigh and turns toward him holding him tight.

Let’s pretend – Tindersticks

Prayer to the One

Prayer to the One

3 July 2017

spirit lambofgodglory


Mind aglow

Weaving through the flow

Land to sow

New rainbow

Heartbeats of anger to slow

Compassion to grow


Blow conceit

Bury the deceit

Three to greet

One to treat

The dark powers meet defeat

In the one way street


Hate to shun

Days roll into fun

Dread undone

Through the Sun

Remnants of darkness white spun

Prayer to the One


Reading of the poem: 

The Angels Voice – Diane Arkenstone

Deleting the Sun

Deleting the Sun

11 January 2017




Black rain fell

Like coloured concept

Our hearts ink

Sinking pink

Moving to Chinese landscapes

Mock land of the One


Children tell

Of stories now swept


Moving trees

Sometimes the Mind the Heart shapes

Removing the fun


When hearts sell

The brides maids that wept

Fallen leaves

The mind grieves

The soul heart and mind escapes

Deleting the Sun


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Christian Schloe

Clouds – Abel Korzeniowski


True Love that fenders

True Love that fenders

26 December 2016

Courtesy Thomasz Alen Copera


Seasons fly

In the greying sky

Winter’s last

Face downcast

Brooding through the memories past

Fishing net to cast


See me rise

In eastern sunrise

Land yellow

Heart mellow

Soft they spoke now they bellow

Seeking own fellow


Safety keep

In the rising heap

Bones that pile

Wilting smile

One by one they cast down tile

Sweltering roof beguile


Shelter build

With the Golden Guild

Bridge in ink

Over brink

Cast the shores for ships that sink

In true minds hearts think


Chest to bare

Dragons lay in lair

Holding dear

Scales to rear

Music boxes that they fear

Balance of the seer


Crawl ensnare

Three who move the air

Breath benders


Guards of night that surrenders

True love that fenders


Reading of the poem:

dragon Thomasz alen copera 3

Nothing really ends – dEUS

Magdalena – dEUS

Little Arithmetics – dEUS


Venus code

Venus code

29 February 2016

Venus en wikipediar org


Open me

With delicate hands

I am book

Of shadows

With paragraphs and verses

Written in blood ink


Read me low

I am talk of love

Whispered soft

Between hearts

I speak of solace and tears

Coupled emotions


Recite me

I am soul’s prayer

Neither prey

Nor slayer

I am rosary of hope

In shaking fingers


Venus pinterest com Botticelli Sandro 3
Courtesy pinterest – Sandro Botticelli’s Venus



Holy litany

I speak faith

Blue magnets

Drowned in deep set intentions

Of love and Sunrise


Golden Age

Written in my palms

From spirit

The glory

In walking frame miracle

Of star’s energy


Venus code

Coursing through my blood

My roots blue

In cosmos

Give fruit of sparkle and flames

I am sky woman


Reading of the poem: 

Venus happygogive com
Courtesy happygogive – Sandro Botticelli’s Venus

Silence – Lucia

Days – Lucia

Yours – Lucia

What did you say your name was?

What did you say your name was ?

5 December 2015


what dailymail co uk


Time loops in waters

Relentless moment’s pursuit

Stillness in shadows


Aching belonging

Surface of the Truths lurking

Lost in specks of sand


Your face remembers

Within the spiralling sparks

The touch of my hand


Eyelids fluttering

What did you say your name was?

I’ve known you somewhere


Eye withered your thoughts

Braced them Amnesia’s bouquets

Fragrant memories


Nose puckering up

The familiar scents crafting

Pictures of me framed


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Ears glistening lobes

Shivering recognition

Stories from my Heart


I coughed up dark ink

Stark memories of morrows

Icy beginnings


You lent me ravens

Sight of hopeful Times seething

Painful the teething


I chewed again hurt

Hidden glass in the morsels

Of taste and of sheens


Driveway to deserts

Actors playing million parts

Screenings in sunrise


The fluttering lids

What did you say your name was?

Let’s begin again


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The Cranberries – When you’re gone


Listen to my Heart

Listen to my Heart

13 September 2015

maiden and knight pinterest com2


Pink petals drop fast

As I race across the times

Dragon Heart ever


Dicing Heart in two

I shared with you Twin other

As glaze hid your eyes


The pool filled with blood

Drop of eternity speaks

Of split happenings

Beyond sunrises

My cloak of Love will shimmer

My wings spell powers


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Once upon a Time

Knights flew Heart’s flags and knaves crept

While maidens danced slight


The voiceless Hydra

Rose to feast of fears that howled

Within dark dungeons


The Queen seeks a Page

Unwritten by dark whispers

Where Heart yearns for Love


Kneel unto the Earth

Beyond the voice of reasons

Listen to my Heart


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