The Cleopatra Tales 11 – The Everlastingness of soul

The Cleopatra Tales 11 - The Everlastingness of soul
30 March 2023
Behold Geetha cometh forth on day this in the form exact of a soul living.
Their soul is in Geetha. Standeth thy soul among the gods.

Hail, Geetha this! cometh to thee the eye of Horus, it speaketh with thee. He hath plucked his eye from himself, he hath given it unto thee to strengthen thee. Therewith that thou mayest prevail with it among the khus

Cometh to thee thy soul which is among the gods. Pure is thy soul among the gods.
As liveth Hathor, and as liveth the soul in Netat, so liveth Geetha this.
It placeth thy soul Geetha this among the greater and lesser cycles of the gods in the form of the uræi [which] are on thy brow.

Behold Geetha this, thy soul is the soul of Annu; behold thy soul is the soul of Nekhen; behold thy soul is the soul of Pe; behold thy soul is a star living, behold, among its brethren.
I am Shu [the God] of unformed matter. My soul is God, my soul is eternity

Reading of the Egyptian prayer/incantation:

Ancient Egyptian Music | Songs of the Pharaoh

The Cleopatra Tales 10: Elevating the sah

The Cleopatra Tales 10: Elevating the sah
24 February 2023
Rise up thou Geetha, this. Stand up thou mighty one being strong. Sit thou with the gods, do thou that which did Hathor in the great house in Annu.
Thou hast received thy sah, not shall be fettered thy foot in heaven, not shalt thou be turned back upon earth
Hail to thee, Geetha, on this thy day [when] thou art standing before Nut [as]
she cometh from the cast, [when] thou art endued with this thy sah among the souls.
[Her] duration of life is eternity, her limit of life is everlastingness in her sah.
I am a sah with her soul.

Reading of the Egyptian prayer / incantation
The River and the Sun – Diane Arkenstone