Centuries of gifts

Centuries of gifts

13 June 2020

Courtesy pinterest.com


Walk with me

in meadows of green

I am witch

of the land

The time is but creeping sand

passing through fingers


Death lingers

on the land’s outskirts

Body hurts

as it breeds

swallows fears that it yet feeds

Dichotomy’s stance


The shining

Magic awoken

from my heart

to my hands

They give and don’t make demands

Centuries of gifts


Reading of the poem:

Antaeus – Kyrie

The Shaman Tales 7 : The spells

The Shaman Tales 7 : The spells

2 April 2020

Courtesy pinterest.com


At first there came the sound and then another and another making it a word. Then the mind looked into the heart and bound itself to it. Then the heart and mind bound breathed into the word and the spell came into being. It was as easy as that to create a spell. Was it that easy, she thought? Then of course it occurred to her that it was not that easy to bind the mind to the heart. It took years of practice just for the mind to be able to look properly into the heart, let alone bind itself to it. The magic was strongest though when the heart and mind were effortlessly bound together and remained that way.


Once the spell released into the outer world, it was important that this was picked up by strong consciousness points. These were essentially creative people because their hearts and minds were bound together and stayed so effortlessly. In the process of disseminating the effect of the spell, one creative person counted as a million individuals who were neither creative nor having looked into their hearts with their minds and bound them together. She knew anyway that it was rare for a person to have bound their heart and mind and not become a creative person as a result of that exercise so in general the target was creative people.


For the magic to work without her intervention, it was sufficient to have at least 10 creative people read or hear the spell. If they read and heard it, it was even more efficient. The more creative people who were involved in the reading or hearing of the spell, the better it worked. For some reason, the spell attained its peak when a million creative people read and heard it and from that point on, the magic mutated and did not have the same effect anymore. It was not that it worsened. It just became different and she always marveled to see what different effects could be obtained when the magic spell mutated.


Dead Can Dance – Kiko

Love token

Love token

5 May 2019

Love token The_Wishing_Star_-_painting_by_Christian_Schloe
Courtesy Christian Schloe

Two to tie

Within is without

Seven flags

Fly about

Rings of fire scorch the trees

Penitent on knees


Dragon’s lair

His smell in the air

Wings that lift

Nightly drift

Black holes guide to inner stare

His world here not there


Concealed might

Whispers in the night

He gifts me

Second sight

The Northern Star guides me right

My frame in his light


Magic tricks

Bosoms split in six

Spells that fix

Feathers mix

Bring together what was torn

One eyed king is born



I am unbroken

He grants me

Love token

Three times soft words are spoken

His heart in my care


Spring has come

Lost weight of winter

Suns rays play

With my eye

From him I will never shy

Eagle of my sky


Reading of the poem:

Mute angels – Hammock

Cold front – Hammock

One Another – Hammock

The Frost chronicles 1: The summoning of the Marid

The Frost chronicles 1 : The summoning of the Marid

21 January 2019

marid reddit com
Courtesy reddit.com


From the day she had heard the terrible news about her son she was distraught. A few weeks after the initial diagnosis she had realised that the insurance would not continue to pay the costs of the treatment. They paid only for the chemotherapy but not for the stem cell transplants nor for some of the blood and platelet transfusions. She had wondered where to get the money and had been desperate initially as her salary would not cover such huge costs but ultimately she had made up her mind to get the money by all means.

In the beginning she had sold off all her diamond jewelry she had acquired over the years but when that was not enough, she realised she needed more of the same as it was a very easy item to sell. She was unable to borrow any money or jewelry from her friends and had no family left to help her so she found herself in a desperate enough situation to resort to thinking of stealing the jewelry. She was no professional thief, however, and realised that most jewelry stores had too sophisticated security systems for her to be able to do anything without being immediately caught.

It was then that she remembered her knowledge of magic and of ancient spells to invoke beings that could be of use to her. She had quickly taken out her book of spells and found the one that invoked a powerful being which belonged to the class of jinns. It was called a Marid and was believed to be able to grant many wishes as well as to materialise items from one side of the Universe to the other. She ran to the local store and bought the candles required for the spell : six red candles, six white candles and six black candles. She disposed them around her in concentric circles, the black candles first, the red second and the white in the middle.

Within the first circle she put some drops of what was called ageing blood (menstrual blood) to attract the jinn into the circles, within the second circle she put a few drops of younger blood which she had taken from the small wound in her thumb where she had pricked it and within the last circle she drew the protective circle of rosemary, amber and frankincense based on the extracts of these items. She sat in the middle of the circles and recited the incantation « Allah shaoufni barooh shou matnakkar kamir » six times. Shortly after that she sensed the presence of the Marid which eventually whispered its secret name to her. This was the name to be used when calling upon it for services and it accepted to be bound to her ring.

After the ceremony, she carefully noted down the name of the Marid who had appeared and promised to herself that she would invoke him in a few days when it was the blood moon. The night of the blood moon, she wore the ring and disposed the candles around her. This time she only needed white candles as the initial summoning ritual had already been performed and this was only a call to the Marid to connect. The Marid answered her call immediately and as the wish formed in her mind, she watched amazed as her wish materialised into the circle as several beautifully cut large pear-shaped and round shaped diamonds.

Masked ball – Jocelyn Pook

The Shaman Tales 4: Summoning the rains

The Shaman Tales 4: Summoning the rains

25 February 2018

remnants pinterest com gray_lost_in_storm_sad_woman_rain_people_hd-wallpaper-1611547
Courtesy pinterest.com


She looked at the Mother squarely and could see that there was something the Mother wanted to say but was refraining from saying it. Softly she told the Mother that she had decided to bring the rains upon the land once again. The Mother told her that she was aware of it as this had already embodied into rain in the future that the Mother could see. She turned and looked at herself in the mirror and then turned back to the Mother again. She told her that she had hesitated a lot but then decided to do so because there were so many people who could be adversely affected by the growing heat if she let things go as they had started off with the fires of the phoenix. The Mother merely smiled at her.

She turned back again from the Mother and like in a self confession she whispered almost to herself that she had decided to use the techniques of the shamans of old. She knew from the Mother that first came the word that was used to invoke the right frame of Magic for the intent to manifest. She had therefore decided that she would use a couple of poems for the transition from the drought-like state to a state of rainy weather. She knew that the world of the physical had its own rules so it would not be possible to go straight from one to the other and therefore decided that she would first gather some white clouds and then darken them in order to bring the rain upon the land.

As instructed in earlier stages by the Mother she first released the worded embodiment of the manifestation she wished to create into the collective consciousness and then sought to manifest it by entering into a meditative state using the music that the Mother indicated to her as appropriate. The first step of gathering the clouds was successful and she looked happily at the fluffy white clouds in the sky that had only minutes earlier been blue and free of any type of clouds. As the clouds gathered in the sky, she smiled to herself thinking that this was indeed a step in the good direction.

She waited a couple of days for the situation to stabilise and then released the worded embodiment of a storm into the collective consciousness. This last wording however was released into a smaller number of individual components of the collective consciousness and she could therefore feel that it would be less successful. She decided nevertheless to pursue the intention of causing rain to fall upon the land and armed with her headphones and her mobile, she sat in the park where she could connect directly to Gaia. Once the headphones secured on her head, she started breathing slowly and regularly and drifted into the meditation.

The drums of thunder that accompanied the music of the flute lulled her to sleep and she felt herself sink slowly into an altered state of consciousness. As with each time she entered such a state she could see ravens all around her and hear them cawing to her. The ravens pointed to the middle of the sky where an eye revealed itself before tears started flowing from it. She realised that the tears were flowing in the form of rain and she could hear the sound of the thunderstorm in the music accompany aptly the sound of the falling rain. She opened her eyes and could see the rain falling from a dark brooding sky all around her onto the landscaped gardens of the park. She looked around her pleased with this achievement and smiled.


Native American – Music- (Rain dance)

Aeon Flux

Aeon Flux

4 February 2017

Courtesy Christian Schloe



To transcend now free


Let it Be

Grant us immortality

From your Memory


Shelter me

Code Eternity

Withered dove

Become Love

Fly through Metamorphosis

Unveil me Isis


Shift axis

Muscle relaxes

Through stillness

My witness

Power of three to harness

Six leaves to undress


Desert proves

In Lovers the moves

Fear that sucks

Feathers plucks

Spirit restores sacred tree

Be land of plenty


Grief to lose

Shaking off the noose

Golden goose

Now let loose

Shines the rays through cloven hooves

Dancing in the grooves


Fiat Lux

Light that raises lucks

Aeon Flux

Hen that clucks

The golden egg give to me

Love magic set free


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Christian Schloe

Não desistas de mim – Pedro Abrunhosa

Pontes entre nós – Pedro Abrunhosa

Ilumina me – Pedro Abrunhosa

Whisper to the stars

Whisper to the stars

11-12 October 2016

Courtesy channel-nationalgeographic.com


The daybreak

Follows lengthy night


Scurry fast

Through winding alleys backstreets

Hidden dark retreats


Within lairs

They compose in wells

Ancient spells

The tongue tells

The belly full grows and swells

Dark composition



Cycle of ages

The sages

Welcome change

The fools depths of Earth derange

My kingdom will come


Tired humdrum

Lusterless tragic

Poor magic

Stains my name

The wild children mine to tame

Chains of wicker break


Souls to wake

The lids silent monk

Bosom shake

Like Tree trunk

Leaves of yesteryear to rake

Dim path to the Lake


The Heart spake

Tongue of stone mountains



Revel in what’s revealing

Whisper to the stars


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy akhepedia.com

Gravity of Love – Enigma

Sitting on the Moon – Enigma

Silence must be heard – Enigma

Return to Innocence – Enigma

Temple of Love – Enigma

Prism of Life – Enigma

Goodbye Milky Way – Enigma

Dissolution Time

Dissolution Time

9 August 2016

stream pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Mind racking

Shelves of solutions

Magic books

Sever hooks

Tales twisted by clever crooks



Spell woman

Spirit spells nothing

Only heart

Shines bright through

The key to skies in the clue

Code in the heart’s light


Eye sees spark

The heart sees morrows

Brittle ends


Crossing over skulls and bones

Into new alleys


Shiver hard

I breed menestrels

Wilting bard


More than the feat of Moses

Dreamtime creation



Bellerophon slays

We have ways

Set in skies

Splitting they shatter the lies

Breaking all the ties



Measures peak at noon

Dissolution Time

In the rhyme

Where the quakes meet pantomime

Replicating chime


Reading of the poem: 

streams1 legallydark tumblr com
Courtesy legallydark on tumblr.com

La Paloma (No More) – Elvis Presley

Only You – Elvis Presley (The Platters)

It’s Now or Never – Elvis Presley


Every magic word

Every magic word

15 May 2016

birds cloob com
Courtesy cloob.com


Our burdens

The sum of sorrows

We carry

Their dead gait

Knees caving under the weight

Of wasted morrows


Open heart

Let the sorrow drip

Like the rain

Kissing Earth

See in their embrace rebirth

Of inner children


We were once

The kings of playgrounds

Our chests bare

Laid down hair

The dark stringent marks of Time

Still unwoven threads


Soul carefree

We danced with the winds

That shook fierce

All the fires

Within heart carving desires

The mind a wild bird


Bleak routine

Settling in with hooks

Anchored us

Rooted feet

Day by day we faced defeat

Of the larky times


The dreams dreamt

They are lost in mists

Read in books

Blown in winds

Paper scattered now rescinds

Every magic word


Reading of the poem: 

angel vishmaya-maitreya com
Courtesy vishmaya-maitreya.com

Profumo di donna – Enrico Rava

Mi ritorni in mente – Enrico Rava

Spleen – Enrico Rava and Richard Galliano