I slithered back home

I slithered back home
28 April 2022
Courtesy pinterest
I counted my scales
Irreducible creature
I was compounded

The dragon within
flew most immense distances
between sleep and wake

Iridescent wings,
chest multiplying colours
like serpent ablaze

A tail to tell tales
engorged with the wings’ passion
I slithered back home

Reading of the poem: 
Serpentine - Solace

The sea progresses

The sea progresses
1 October 2021
Courtesy pinterest.com
The winds carried me
delicate wings fluttering
in ascent of skies

Dark clouds gathered tight
In graceful touch of the night
while the moons surged sleek

The days’ rise upturned
sunlit landscapes glittered white
The tides washed the beach

Sparkling sugar straits
reflections of sandy slopes
swell under the sun

Bright eyes stretch inwards
gathering the suns rays’ kiss
irises spotless

The sea progresses
my body in solemn vow
meets dizzy waves’ pull

Reading of the poem
Niyaz - Arzusun
Written in the context of Ronovan writes weekly haiku challenge using the words “clean”, “rise” or their synonyms. More on the rules and other poets’ contribution here

Prime numbers sashayed

Prime numbers sashayed
12 March 2021
Courtesy flicker.com
With a bowing head
she welcomed the contrivance
her plan hid in mind

Fools thought her broken
She smiled at the morons’ schemes
her vengeance supreme

The arch in her brows
hiss of her inner being
only dunce ignores

Stellar detection
she examined first the clowns
The idiots stared

A flutter arose
In hearts of the compromised
The innocent woke

Prime numbers sashayed
The nerds ran helter-skelter
Her arms crushed their will

Reading of the poem: 
Written in the context of Ronovan Writes weekly Haiku challenge using the words “head”, “fool” and their synonyms. For rules and other contributions, follow this link here 
Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge 348 FOOL and Head. | ronovanwrites
Achillea ( Jens Gad ) - El Alma Herida

The way of the breath

The way of the breath
25 November 2020 
Outlook opening
within the mind a sparkle
zest of life’s vigour
Growth of energy
in landscapes of a picture
hanging in my head
Seascapes designs show
outline of an entity
forming from essence
Contours’ perspective
a vision of a being
prospect of morrows
A quick glimpse to view
aspects of the living soul
The look of the heart
The stretch of the sight
A scene of silent beauty
The way of the breath
Reading of the poem:

Dinka - Mute Your Life And Float

Written in the context of Ronovan Writes weekly Haiku challenge using the words “life”, “view” and their synonyms. For rules and other contributions, follow this link https://ronovanwrites.com/2020/11/23/ronovan-writes-weekly-haiku-poetry-prompt-challenge-333-life-and-view/ 

Our future is bright

Our future is bright

31 March 2020

Courtesy Bojan Jevtic


The days may seem bleak

The hours may turn into weeks

Hark! The angels speak


Keep your mind hopeful

There is no need for a fight

Make it effortless


Know it in your heart

Know it through the changing times

Our future is bright


Written in the context of Ronovan writes weekly haiku challenge. For rules and other poems visit the link here.

Reading of the poem:

Amber Run – I Found


Eye gathered lilies

Eye gathered lilies

22 February 2020

Courtesy wikimedia


Daffodils smiled slight

Aligned in metastasis

The wind stroked rivers


Peeping through hedges

Walking into his footsteps

March blossoms shone through


Return of my King

Senses locked on to his strides

Eye gathered lilies


Reading of the poem:

“Exaltation” from the album Lamentation of Swans: A journey towards silence – Azam Alii and Loga Torkian


Burning memories

Burning memories

31 March 2019

burning dissolve com
Courtesy dissolve.com


Seeping water moves

Cracks in the building’s basement

The shivering frame


Walls disintegrate

Particles float around me

A way through rubble


Edge of the cliffside

Six daffodils greet my sight

Burning memories


Reading of the poem:

Open water – Javier Navarrete

A sunshine eclipse

A sunshine eclipse

7 November 2018

sunshine_eclipse_by_chickenlegends-d7ot1z1 on deviantart com
Courtesy deviantart.com


A random feather

Reaching out within my hands

Painting skies in bands


A chill in winter

Marking cold territories

Mars Hatter to please


A sunshine eclipse

Nights longer than the rainbow

Solar son to know


Reading of the poem: 

Travelling Light – Tindersticks

Carried by the breeze

Carried by the breeze

6 November 2018

Christian Schloe artflakes com the-moon-asked-the-crow
Courtesy Christian Schloe on artflakes.com


Whisper secret tones

Cast again veil of darkness

End wayward duress


Relinquish the day

Shine moon over the sun’s glare

Lessen light to bear


Chant the night to me

In soft-spoken melodies

Carried by the breeze


Reading of the poem: 

The message – Still Corners

When dark contains sight

When dark contains sight

21 October 2018

moon woman desktopnexus com
Courtesy desktopnexus.com

Within a day dream

I gather features of past

In ribbons of kites


Sunshine awakens

Contentment a numbness sought

Shutting out the light


The breath a constraint

Recollections dark matter

Regrets confinement


There flies a small space

Extending light particles

Between you and me


I breathe in hollow

Extensions of my soul seep

Into the twilight


The play of shadows

A riddle for the seeker

When dark contains sight


Reading of the poem: 

Space song – Beach house