The Fallen

The Fallen

11 November 2017

Christian schloe pinterest com 26
Courtesy Christian schloe on


I watch them

Intelligent play

In Encores


Conquering us within Time

A crestfallen mime


Rise above

Walk into the love

Whisper me

I am wind

Reverberating silence

When the treetops dance


Listen well

We are hearts that swell


The Fallen

From dreamtime uncovered hell

No story to tell


Reading of the poem: 

Delerium – Fallen (Превод)

Darkness overcome

Darkness overcome

17 May 2017

Nighttimedress deviantart com my_fire_by_andygarcia666-d7d5ghb
Courtesy Andrea Garcia on


Fires roast

Chest nut on a fork

Babies fly

Borne by stork

Kingdoms whirl and fairies lie

In the dark of woods


Three pigs squeal

The wolf an outpost

Chimes reveal

Senseless act

Dogs of hell brought to the heel

Silence in the ghost


Five seek five

In shining beehive

Gold in pound

Strikes the ground

Dissolving what mattered most

Currents see to strive


Souls that dread

Gloomy Hearts of lead

Wings that spread

In love fed

Morning dewdrops winding fled

In the air ahead


Frame alit

Spirals through the slit

Paths that split


Raging towards road sunlit

Twining orbs that flit


Minds that sum

Good bad and the glum

Fingers drum

Lips that hum

Tuning mellow days to come

Darkness overcome


Reading of the poem:

angelburns pinterest com celestial_fire_by_carlos_quevedo-d75uzst
Courtesy Carlos Quevedo on

Embrace, release – Bvdub

Everything Between You and Me – Bvdub

A History of Distance – Bvdub

Ghosts of What we Once were – Bvdub

As we remember a Life of Love – Bvdub

I Break All Around You – Bvdub


Counting my changes

Counting my changes

15 February 2016

dragon taringa net

Dragon creed

Our wings are shelter

For the weak

Our souls meek

We shun the glitz and glitter

Though we’re born of stars


The old code

Is more than adage

Not mere tale

Past glory

We have none to assuage

That time may erode


Soul swollen

Eternal homage

Bursts in me

Thwarted plea

Now forgotten I don’t flee

The waking moments


Bosoms bare

The heart of thunder

You wonder

Why not fear

The shield is but for the feud

No destiny’s spear


Knave and lewd

They gather hell’s fire

Rake fallen

Spew desire

There is a riddle I admire

She says it on Nile


We crawl slow

Then we stand proud tall

Before age

And fate’s weight

Curb in us the springy gait

And three are our legs


We cover

Our humanity

And frailty

Saucy words

Invisibility’s cloak

Weapons of the mind


There is truth

In between the lies

Where we find


Overhauling weaknesses

Pennies in the sun


They shine slight

She innerves them light


Daily task

In their brittle light I bask

Counting my changes


Reading of the poem:

dragon widewallpapershd info

It’s Time – Imagine Dragons

Demons – Imagine Dragons

Roots – Imagine Dragons

Renew my essence

Renew my essence

28 August 2015



The days leaked by slow

Decomposition of me

Like clocks that wind down


Insanity froze

In recognition of throes

That distilled heart’s blood


Time came to standstill

I, serene and unperturbed

Whipped up all hell’s fires


In between spaces

That misspelt meanings of me

My words lay out bold


I touched not the hours

Seeping through my fleeting hands

That no land could rake


Wisps of flesh stood stark

Between the more and the core

Labyrinth of shapes


Thoughts of all came loose

As mind floated on river

That in my heart flows


This burden was mine

A closed backpack to open

Treasures not to keep


Dissolve the stories

Written with blue veins’ bold ink

That had soaked me down


Renew my essence

Carve out the undetermined

Let it now be freed


Asleep me 2

Eternity’s flights

Eternity’s flights

11 August 2015

eternity deviantart com twin_flame_by_januszka-d55o735
Courtesy Januszka on


Lightning strikes silent

Building in Heart high voltage

Expanding through minds


Bodies now shudder

Rising above Earth’s thudding

Eternal heartbeats


Ravens follow terse

Our flight across the oceans

As our souls glisten


Eye catches your form

Sliding across horizons

Beloved landscapes


eternity asibdsm com Image courtesy of anankkml FreeDigitalPhotos net 2
Courtesy Anankkml on taken from


All Heaven breaks loose

Hell shies away from our fires

Open embraces


eternity risinguptheladderoflove com 2


Lost in each other

We dwell God’s only people

As the Angels watch


Daybreak again wakes

The sadness of departure

Though I feel you slight


Agony of loss

To sunken Gods I now stray

In memory of you


Mourning is my cloak

Bodily reflection stills

Eternity’s flights


eternity risinguptheladderoflove com