Soul between two worlds

Soul between two worlds

4 July 2018

Soul worlds pinterest com.jpg


The light plays with dark

Random pathways of glitter

Entwined creations


Scintillating beams

Whispers from lands of morrows

Otherworldly dreams


Enchantment in chest

Mind composing miracles

Soul between two worlds


Reading of the poem: 

Divine Overtone Chanting – Istvan Sky

The Dragon Egg

The Dragon Egg

7 February 2018


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Courtesy dashinvaine on


She could see that he was speaking but she could not hear him anymore. It was as if she was in a deep tunnel underground with the waters rushing above it. He sensed that she was not hearing him anymore and reached out to slightly shake her shoulders to jolt her back into awareness of what he was saying and she felt the sensation dim. He was telling her that she had a son who was now six years old and who was a hybrid. He was born from a relationship that she had broken off more than six years ago.

She was still puzzled as to how she could have conceived the baby without having to carry it within her womb. He told her that the hybrids did not require to be carried in the womb of a human mother until maturity but just needed to be conceived and kept within the womb for a number of weeks. After that they were able to be transported and kept elsewhere in certain conditions until they hatched. She felt a curious click when he mentioned the word hatched. It made her think back to a moment during the relationship when her boyfriend’s mother had come to meet her. They had met at the airport and the older woman had behaved strangely with her, her arms going all around her in an odd way before they had departed.

She remembered how her boyfriend had mentioned that his mother had come to retrieve the egg. She had dismissed the whole matter from her mind as being ludicrous at the time but now things seemed different. She thought back to the times when she could hear a baby crying in her head and had believed it to be linked to her children being away from her for a short period. She also thought back to the times when she had felt a telepathic communication of desperation from someone she could not identify as well as to her increasing obsession about dragons. She had still sent comforting thoughts to that being at each communication she felt although she could not identify who it was.

The final communication just before it had been cut off was the description of a young human being with a tail that could retract at will. It also described the way the mother of her ex-boyfriend had retrieved the egg from her. Apparently the egg was vibrating at a different frequency level than the one she was vibrating at. This difference in frequency allowed the older woman to isolate the egg in the womb from the womb and be able to pull it out in the open air where it remained invisible and keep it with her. She had then taken the egg with her back to South Africa where she had placed it in the incubator until it had hatched. The result was a handsome young boy who could move at will between the appearance of a dragon and that of a human with only the tail remaining sometimes when he did not use enough energy for the transformation.

She looked again at the man in front of her. He was telling her that the young boy needed her now because he was growing strong and would not listen to anybody else. For some reason, despite their separation, he had formed a very strong bond with her and had demanded to be reunited with her. She wondered what it would be like to mother this hybrid child. Would she have the strength to teach him right from wrong and be able to go through with any punishments if he did not obey. Rewarding a strong hybrid would not be an issue but how to punish a strong hybrid that could cut you to pieces if he wished to ?

The man could see all of these questions go through her mind as she thought and he reassured her that the child seemed to have already developed an immense loyalty to his mother he did not know. In fact, many of the things that would have otherwise happened to her when she put her ex-boyfriend out of her life were rendered impossible by his intervention. Right from the safety of his egg, he had projected a field of energy around her to shield her from any harm according to the man. She smiled with a mixture of pride and amazement. She would take care of him. He was her boy after all and would grow to be a fine dragon human.

Rockabye – Clean Bandit ft. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie

In golden glory

In golden glory

16 August 2017

golden-girl pinterest com 4


Rake me vice

From purest device

Northern cap

Fingers wrap

Ice cold times will await me

When I wake again


Taking turns

In kaleidoscope

I am you

I am eye

Everything that flows

Between glares and glows


Hush baby

The gardens are ripe

With your tears

We create

Forests where dragon appears

In golden glory


Reading of the poem: 

golden pinterest com 3

Through the veil – Diane Arkenstone

Of a soul to move with no tear

Of a soul to move with no tear

29-30 October 2016



In between the light and the dark

Where salt melts in the mouth of nuns

That sing to the molding of the suns

Within all creation its spark


The slaughtered trees release their bark

Fall of the mighty the weak stuns

The seeker the Truth never shuns

To wisp of stories listen, hark


Take me to a place that lives tales

Of glorious moments I hear

Of ships’ steadied flight without sails


Of blissful coming to me dear

Of crossing my heart without nails

Of a soul to move with no tear


Reading of the poem: 


Rotlaust tre fell – Wardruna

Dissolution Time

Dissolution Time

9 August 2016

stream pinterest com


Mind racking

Shelves of solutions

Magic books

Sever hooks

Tales twisted by clever crooks



Spell woman

Spirit spells nothing

Only heart

Shines bright through

The key to skies in the clue

Code in the heart’s light


Eye sees spark

The heart sees morrows

Brittle ends


Crossing over skulls and bones

Into new alleys


Shiver hard

I breed menestrels

Wilting bard


More than the feat of Moses

Dreamtime creation



Bellerophon slays

We have ways

Set in skies

Splitting they shatter the lies

Breaking all the ties



Measures peak at noon

Dissolution Time

In the rhyme

Where the quakes meet pantomime

Replicating chime


Reading of the poem: 

streams1 legallydark tumblr com
Courtesy legallydark on

La Paloma (No More) – Elvis Presley

Only You – Elvis Presley (The Platters)

It’s Now or Never – Elvis Presley


The permanent game

The permanent game

17 June 2016

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I am wind

Blowing through the ice

Kissing peaks

Lurking deep

Within caverns of the Earth

Beckoning to sun


I am sun

Hiding my glory

Behind clouds

Amongst crowds

Blue red and gold define me

Purple is my frame


I’m water

Flowing through the streams

Gushing forth


Glowing energy for all

As I rush to source


I am hole

Blacker than the night



Birthing rejecting matter

Parallel highways


I am Her

Eternal woman

My hand’s touch

Skies’ magic

The blue womb of creation

In red glove of Love


I am Time

Flowing forth both ways

Thrice forward

Once backward

Step back a recognition

Of the wayward path


I am storm

Darkest hues of skies

When lightning

Kisses Earth

When the sky-kissed lands give birth

To new promises


I am light

Brightening darkness

Waning moon

Fills herself

My inner core endless well

Where she transfigures


I am fire

Bottled in the skies

Like genie

Of heavens

Stormy dome my birthing field

I flying Phoenix


I am sun

Rebirth my credo


Of new shapes

Baring the rocky landscapes

That my glare begets


I am all

Impermanent frame

Inner core


Cells within replicating

The permanent game


Reading of the poem: 

game george redhawk ignant de

Kyrie – Antaeus

The endless waters

The endless waters

26 May 2016

karol bak e-news name
Courtesy Karol Bak on


Waking up

To a sleeping world

The words hurled

Weak symbols

Unmoved zombies barely stir

Hearts lost in idols


The mind whirled

In between Twin Times

The spaces

Give me rhymes

With shaking tongue I ring bells

Lost their ghostly chimes


Mothers weep

Their withered breasts hang

Unto grounds

Lost babies

Strive through caves of Netherworld

To pick up the whiff


Barren wombs

Replicate nothing

The free mind

A wild thing

Creation is in the thought

The seeing of blind


Fear the wrath

The priests shriek strident

The breath stale

They inhale

Emblem of love they impale

Downfall of mortals


Breathe the love

Says the inner self

Its stillness

Warm river

Coursing through my veins shiver

The endless waters


Reading of the poem: 

The moment – Vargo

Children of the Suns

Children of the Suns

9 May 2016

swallow in the sun4


You twist turn

Your body’s language

Suppressed fire

The desire

To outrun fate’s marks dire

Palms’ consequences



Outcome of the Heart


Out of Blue

A pathway to elation

Stemming from the soul


You are mine

She claims her deathright

Hooded frames

Playing games

Between sparks of life and death

Unmuted the breath


Rasping voice

In countdown begins

The numbers

Coded thoughts

Series of forget me nots

Strewn through faded shapes



Of coloured landscapes

The visions


Heightened hues that the brush scrapes

From our life’s palettes



Within play of mind

The grey hounds

They wait dull

Minds where creation abounds

Canvas for their show


Time has come

Thinkers will create

Fearless roads

Carved in hills

Where the soul soars limitless

Before we need gills


We will swim

In deepest oceans

Blue memories


Every second of racing

Towards sunny skies


We shall fly

Birds of paradise

Hearts flowing

With the warmth

Of bright air infused in us

Children of the Suns


Reading of the poem: 

5Dsunset-JeanLuc (2)
Courtesy Jean-Luc on

Always Mine – Thomas Bergersen

The Dance of Colours /Fearless – Thomas Bergersen

Children of the Sun – Thomas Bergersen

No trade where no fear

No trade where no fear

7 May 2016

trade pinterest com 3

Silent stream

World of inversion


Whirling fast

Desperation to the last

Of fading monsters


Strident scream

World of perversion

Black to white

The weak smite

The kings walk slow in tatters

While the knaves bear crowns


Inside out

The miracles wane

Fading pain

New desire

Unending cycle matters

The caves of my mind


Light splatters

Cavities of eyes

I see them

The dark hordes

Silhouettes cut against gleam

Of waning moonbeam


They depict

With our quaking fears

Shades of grey

Loss decay

Down once more into the fray

Battle creation


Upside down

Kafka they remind

Those patterns

Bleak lanterns

Rising of the dead who drowns

Though the hand extends


We will see

The victorious ends

Rise of tides

That repeat

Endless the ways of defeat

When hearts speak sorrow


White pages

They speak to me scores



The trail of lives now ended

When agony won


We are one

Our beauty so clear

Fine crystal


The end of slavery’s ring

No trade where no fear


Reading of the poem: 

twirling animalpicturesociety com.jpg

My Favourite Faded Fantasy – Damien Rice

I don’t want to change you – Damien Rice

The Blower’s Daughter – Damien Rice

Miracles in the palm of my hand

Miracles in the palm of my hand

23 November 2015

blue jattdissite


As seconds’ drifting Time within sand

Seeping through the gaps in the places within my clutch


Shapes shifting through morrows now disband

Invasion now quietened, subdued the old seasoned Dutch


Wars in memories’ echo waged

Intentions thrust upon the space of strife now mental


The boiling point steams creation raged

Recipes for metamorphosis elemental


The sword rests upon dark woodened land

In words the pillar, the power, the firm rock thus such


I lean upon you make no demand

The nearness enhances sweetness you would say as much


Miracles in the palm of my hand

Awaiting the injured for vibrations’ healing touch



Blue playingwiththeuniverse blogspot com 2



Trobar de Morte – Rise and Fall

Trobar de Morte – El Vals de las Hadas de Otoño

Trobar de Morte – Yule : The End of the Darkness

Trobar de Morte – Esperit de Recerca

Trobar de Morte – Excalibur

Trobar de Morte – Aqualuna

Trobar de Morte – In Nomine Filius Mortis