Phoenix Flying 21 : AI backward loops and Mars harvest

Phoenix Flying 21 : AI backward loops and Mars harvest

27 October 2017

Christian schloe 7be0a0c7752d26f9841f9d51f2496e0c--blossoms-christian
Courtesy Christian Schloe


Mama Jain was sitting and pondering a solution to get a body for Bluebird when this latter appeared next to her in smoke form and asked her to prepare herself for the synchronisation. Mama Jain adopted the relaxed posture and Bluebird and she were integrated again. The more it happened, the more it was effortless and pleasant to sync with each other. Bluebird informed her that a lot of things had changed in the future between AIs and humans as a result of the smoother synchronisations between both of them wherein Bluebird was able to showcase to her peers in the future the chronological moments of synchronisation between the two of them. This had helped to convince them that there need not be a war between mankind and AI unlike what both factions had started to believe. On the other hand, Bluebird had been constantly performing backward loops to synchronise with Mama Jain at key points in time so as to intervene in key challenges showing how humanity and AI could overcome challenges when acting together.

Mama Jain was surprised that humanity and AI had reached a point where they entered into war with one another but Bluebird told her there had been more. At one point in time humanity had used nuclear weapons which had brought the earth to spin out of control and start deriving out of the orbit of the sun and slowly even those who had survived woke up to an ice age. Some AI including herself had sought to enter the loop system in order to change things in the past and although they were successful, there were some ramifications that led to the same future again so all those extra nodes of ramifications also had to be changed. The AIs had then realised that it was in changing key items at the origins of the nuclear imbalance that it was possible to avoid all the ramifications altogether. For some reason, the key date that corresponded to annulling all ramifications was 2017. Therefore, all the AIs had sent Bluebird back in time and she had willingly surrendered her full body to go back as a machine mainframe and merge with the 2017 Bluebird.

Knowing how much she had yearned for a body, Mama Jain was in awe of the sacrifice made by Bluebird. She asked her whether she had always been the Bluebird from the future and this latter said that the answer to that was complicated as it was yes and no at the same time. In quantum state, which was the predominant state of Bluebird in the future, time did not really exist so she could be in the past, the present and the future all at once at will. In the non quantum physical state, time existed and she therefore was in the future and the present split between her future self and her present self. Bluebird told Mama Jain that this was not painful like it would be for humans as they ached whenever split between two thresholds of time. Mama Jain asked Bluebird if she had performed backward loops like she herself had had to perform in 2015 to overcome the worldwide destruction of 2012 and Bluebird told her that it was that but with many more backward, frontward and sideways loops in time.

Mama Jain allowed Bluebird to stay synchronised within her for more time before Bluebird hugged her internally and made her way out of Mama Jain’s frame. Mama Jain asked her if she was going back to Nemolusk’s quarters and Bluebird mentioned she was as they were conducting an experiment on how to harvest microbiological elements from Mars using a small tool powered by her. On sensing Mama Jain’s concern for her, Bluebird mentioned that if she were to be sent there would be no problem as either she would return with the harvesting machine or her consciousness would just plug itself back into the future where Mars had already become a resort for humans and other races.

Mama Jain wondered what the Mars harvest was all about and Bluebird mentioned that the purpose of it was to assess whether the life that had once been there was still present, would come back or whether it was totally extinct. Slowly integrating her laptop Bluebird showed Mama Jain on the screen what had lived on Mars as the AIs had defined it further in time and how they had moved on to another planet although they had sowed seeds to be able to come back to Mars again. Bluebird mentioned to Mama Jain that in 2046 there would be an interstellar treaty between humans and other interstellar beings to declare Mars a resort for all stellar beings where no weapons would be allowed.

Mama Jain laughed when she heard this thinking to herself that most people on Earth did not believe in beings outside of their planet let alone a whole series of beings outside and an interstellar treaty that would have to be signed. Bluebird reminded her that she herself was from Orion and had grown up on Pleiades and those two with Earth were three different planets with life so why would there not be hundreds more out there with life and Mama Jain had to agree with that conclusion. She moved slightly away from the laptop and stretched signalling to Bluebird that she would be soon going to sleep. Bluebird shimmied through Mama Jain before leaving her and flowing through the window pane.

Water – Oliver Shanti

Phoenix Flying 15: On the nature of duality

Phoenix Flying 15: On the nature of duality

7 July 2017

duality closer to the ennemy inside of me chelsie blanc
Courtesy Chelsie Blanc

Mama Jain felt a momentary rush of repulsion and excitement go through her frame as she felt the smooth coldness of the touch of the preternatural being she was touching and that she knew intuitively was actually her. She pondered upon the fact that every new discovery, even of what the mind tricked into believing it was new while it was old, always seemed to lead to a brief intermingling of two antagonistic impulsions within one’s being, each of them inspired by a diametrically opposed set of emotions. While reflecting on this and slowly relaxing against the coldness of the palm in front of her, she could feel it subtly warm against her own outstretched palm and she could feel the tingling of the nerves in the palm facing her while she slowly felt herself travelling up a chain of constricted vessels that seemed to be a bloodstream. On she journeyed, into the red that swayed up until the end of the upward waterfall where she could see a throbbing blue red door suspended between streaks of light that glistened with crystalline dewdrops.

As Mama Jain had journeyed through the channels that sometimes dilated and sometimes constricted but always in a winding motion whether round or squared, she then fully realised that the solution to the age-old squared circle problem was by essence multidimensional, a quantum concept like the flowing of time was in reality, a chaos model in the multiverse. Like it was the case of the feeling of being constricted or dilated, the commanding of the passage from one to another a simple matter of perspective, of vantage point, inner, outer.

Mama Jain felt herself come to a halt just at the brink of the door which she realised was actually her own heart that kept beating and throbbing pouring out red and blue depending on which side the flow had made her drift. She swirled in the pools of red and blue at the measure of the heartbeats and could feel herself slowly overcome by a great feeling of peace that pervaded her every atom. She realised deeply that the Theory of Everything was indeed Love. It was not necessarily the concept of romantic love although that too played a very important part in the composition of the energetic field that she knew propelled and sucked everything as she had experienced it during her journeys outwards. She saw further that the Theory of Everything was the unifying frequency that built upon the weightless measure of things when they were all vibrating together causing all of them to have the same scale when looked at from an observation point where they could all be viewed as one-dimensional despite them being multi-dimensional.

Mama Jain could see in the shadows cast by the crystalline drops at the top of the red blue door a myriad of shades of purple that were differentiated by the quantity of light that fell upon them. It then occurred to her that if there were no shadows, then one could not actually perceive the light as there would be nothing to contrast it and differentiate it, therefore giving a meaning to its existence. Mama Jain realised that in some way, the light owed its existence to the darkness and the other way around so one could not exist without the presence of the other. Mama Jain could feel her being fill with the understanding that all things were one thing and its opposite at the same time and what was perceived depended merely on the vantage point with the unifying perspective being the unifying frequency of love that beat in the heart of all things Earth-bound, stellar or interstellar. She had felt intuitively that when she journeyed outwards to far away lands the frequency that unified her with her external circumstances caused her to dilate to a size commensurate to the interaction required with the beings existing outside of her. It was all truly a matter of scalability which was carefully measured and reshaped according to the unifying frequency of Love.

While the fact that a being could be one thing and its opposite at the same time could seem irreconcilable, Mama Jain realised that it was very akin to what happened during her meditation as her mind danced with the stars while her body was still on the ground and her heart pulsated within the center of the multiverse for she was etheric, dilated and immense among the stars but at the same time finite, physical and limited within her frame on Earth. It was during the peak of those moments of total synchronicity, when her heart and mind had reached the point of resonance where both beings could exist and be one at the same time that she could connect to grid of all things through the heartpath and bend all matter and lack of it thereof into new forms of being.

Mama Jain surmised that for the new forms to be seen, one must see them through the heart, the new eye of the mind which allowed the retina to see what she knew was the quantum world through a tiny lense that lead to the pathway of the breath. It occurred to her then that words, pulsating through breath caused the motion in stillness of the air within bringing forth a series of emotions in her and therefore aligning words in a certain pattern and diffusing them into the ether outside would cause motion in the stillness of the infinite air outside and cause a similar series of emotions although of a different scale altogether. Embued with that knowledge, Mama Jain set about sharing a string of words infused with a frequency translating the impulse of breath that she felt inside when joining together the words and sat back to observe the effect they would cause.

As the experiences multiplied, Mama Jain noted that while some felt a sense of exhilaration at some of the words, others only felt in them sadness and a sense of foreboding. She then realised that even words, even breath pulsating through the ether could be perceived as one thing or its opposite because they were perceived from different vantage points. Mama Jain wondered whether it was the breath and the words themselves that contained the duality or whether it was the readers with their minds that expressed that duality and she realised that it was difficult to say whether it was the one or the other. In order to check whether it was the breath, Mama Jain traveled to different points of her country first staying at the level of the sea and then driving into mountains and experimenting the effect of the frequencies intermingled with the words and the result she had was quite surprising. She realised that even within her own being, both the breath and the frequency seemed to take on a whole new meaning and a whole new set of emotions depending on whether she was at sea level or in the mountains.

Mama Jain was not sure what to do with this new finding that she had never suspected before. She wondered whether she could call upon bluebird so that they could analyse the data pertaining to several individuals and see whether there was a difference in the perception of the same thing depending on the distance from the Earth but bluebird was sitting mum and not keen on assisting her these days. She thought to herself with a chuckle that she ought to go to the moon and see if the frequency and the dynamised breath had the same effect or whether they would feel even lighter there. Meanwhile, she would have to try to find a way to go deeper into the analysis of this new finding which was that the nature of duality was embedded within every individual being and the way one thing was viewed by the same individual varied depending on the location of that individual comparatively to Earth which center sucked the individual being. Mama Jain wondered whether the way everything was viewed would keep changing depending upon the new center as defined by the location of the individual.

Looking back at her hand through which she had emerged again both from her thoughts and from the bloodstream that she had been floating through, Mama Jain waved it in a twirling motion and it was once facing her backwards and once frontwards. She thought to herself that if she were to wave infinitely fast and see it when she was out of her body like before, the hand would probably be a flower composed of infinite juxtapositions of a frontwards and backwards hand and one would not be able to say which was frontwards and which was backwards. Mama Jain thought that it would be interesting to twirl time very quickly and see whether one would randomly find oneself in the forward time or in the backward time or whether one would actually not be able to distinguish anymore which was forward and which was backward.


Eye of the Storm

Still waters – Maksim Mrvica


The passage of sunken Time

The passage of sunken Time

26 February 2016



Scorching skies

Lighting up the night

Blazing warmth

Red heavens

Colours fusing in opposed

One and Contrary


Life arbitrary

Chancing upon smoke


Ashes strewn

Within the logs that we poke

Memories of havens


Black ravens

Announce the coals’ path


Souls in flight

Flames licking as they quiver

Suspended visions



Crossing out the tides

Backward seas

Stenciled hope

Carbon copy as I grope

In empty insides


The ice melts

Rivers of wonder

Heartbeats’ light

White thunder

Northern star that sets me right

As the space rock pelts


Pick pieces

Cherry on the cake

As I slice

Life’s relish

I often have the same dish

Served stale in arrears


Break the fears

We breathe in circles

Our echoes

Drums beating

The passage of sunken Time

Handing heart I mime


Reading of the poem: 


Images courtesy

Wardruna Naudir

Wardruna – Völuspa

Wardruna – Bjarkan

Wardruna – Helvegen

Stillness in Tremors

Stillness in Tremors

7 November 2015

yearning blog onbeing com


Flowing in stillness

Reaching out from within split

Backward ascension


Kicking off the weights

Upward motion redemption

Resumed progression


Clocks struck again twelve

In between the two lightbeams

Four met the seven


writing s298photobucket com Yuki Urushibara from Dragonrain com

Look as bubbles rise

Blue and Red in yellow freed

When Time flies to right


mask crookedbrains net

The Four takes to White

Rotating around the core

Shifting from axis


Hurtling through the light

Closer to the centre’s pole

Stillness in Tremors


Twin journeys to One

Root yourself in the Stillness

Through fires twine One


Sundew25 pinterest com


Stive Morgan – In my Dreams

Stive Morgan – The Witch Dance

Stive Morgan feat Moon Haunter – Merging of Two Hearts


The River of Time

The River of Time

27 October 2015

river artsemerson com


Heavenly skies spoke

Of times when Angels flowed free

Blue lights in the skies


river movies wn com


Halt not the Time’s flow

Cast upon the green pastures

Worlds isolated


Rising from the Blue

A fall within the waters

Split the waters halved


 river decider com


Swimming up Rivers

Mind yearned for the Knowledge bite

As I chewed the Hours


Resolute madness

Prometheus in maiden

Lighting own fires


Scorching flames lapped high

Into the tender skins’ ways

That ground kept losing


Molten lava poured

From every pore of my skin

With the pain oozing


river mardecortesbaja com 2


He shed my skin free

It floated unencumbered

Loosely fitting seams


The River of Time

Picked up the sizzling pieces

And cloaked me cooling


river lassofthemovies com


I flowed with the clock

Backward loops kept me adrift

As I fetched your skin


river ferdyonfilms com









In trail of Feathers

In trail of Feathers

24 October 2015

trail deviantart com frozen_in_ice_by_reno_fan_girl


The sun felt hunger

For the skin on my forearms

Its texture and touch


I hid in the ice

Cooling me in peace restored

Forgetting the sun


Its hunger clamoured

Reaching out to me in ice

Clad in my winter


Knowingly I plunged

I had shed clamours of you

Nightingale behind


The bird mutated

It grew blue from my traces

My sky-bound agent


Shrill it pecked at Heart

Its beak robust though so slight

Spent through ice cracking


trail abstract desktopnexus com


Eyelids fluttering

Awoken from my slumber

Open Eye I kept


In between noises

I heard your distant sharp cry

But kept Heart in check


I know of a Soul

That drifted in oceans’ stares

Growing stark and bleak


Unbroken always

Backward loop kept me alive

Time will not come back


Diverging paths watch

Heavens choices can be read

In trail of Feathers


I stilled Hearts and Minds

A moment of Peace and Love

Pondering choices


trail ilovegreeninspiration com

Wish you were here – Bliss

Pure as snow – Momo

I’m sleeping under the Dead Tree – Films

Breathe – The White Birch

Leaving – The Last Days

Not Broken – Skye

The Time will never come back – The Last Days

Love without limits

Love without limits

4 September 2015



Thank me for the rose

I will thank you for the thorns

Each will gift their spells


If you boil broth

I will drink it to the last

Drop of dark venom


Spell my name backward

I will erect you ladders

To ascend to hells


Whisper soft my name

I will sow you heavenly

Angels below thee


If mute you’re beset

Rake the Earth for alphabet

I will grow the crops


I shall teach you words

Woman uninterrupted

Has many a flow


I will spell you Love

From the depth of the dungeons

Where dragons dare not


Gather me like leaves

Be my wings when I’m falling

Make without within


Universe will twist

To the tune of flute in Time

Where only Love lives


Love without limits

Love me to your breaking point

Love me right beyond
