What I love about her feet

What I love about her feet

29 October 2015

 feet mylittlepickle co uk


Her beautiful feet

They accompany me so

Pitter-patter drops


I hear them often

In my memories’ landscapes

As they run uphill


I love their rivers

So tiny yet so graceful

Etched in her soft skin


She came out of me

Rosy-faced not touched by age

Soft and smooth, taut skin


Fretting in twined month

She barely missed the Ninth toll

Divided by Three


I looked on in awe

What I love about her feet

Is how strong they are

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The Time will never come back

The Time will never come back

4 September 2015

mask by Bing Xiao on cgs com freshcharacters com
Courtesy Bing Xiao on freshcharacters.com

I coloured your lids

Kiss of death had them waning

I infused them blue


Your cheeks had whitened

A bloody drip from my veins

Brought them back rosy


Death became you so

I walked out to embrace it

Arms laden with hopes


It whirred in my mind

The Time will never come back

When you and I loved


I stood at the tides

Watched burial of your face

Seep into nothing


Unbeknownst to all

Hearts shaped back from oblivion

Even death forgets


Your resurrection

Spun all clocks backwards in space

From ashes blown home

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The Time will Never come Back – The Last Days