

24 October 2016

cocreate deviantart com floating_castle_and_flying_whales_sunset_by_emimartinic-d89ocsj.jpg



A floating of worlds

In my mind

World without

Percentages of choices

The outcome unkind


Build with me

With more than mortar

Less than stone

Future hone

We celebrate the Divine

In woodlands the vine


Of the growth

We have heard of tales

Flying whales

In Oceans

Floating into the blue skies

Where the strong willed lies


cocreate deviantart com flying_whales_by_donkeylawson-d5eboi8.jpg


Morrows suns

Warm the purple creed

Blended code

Love abode

They fused the Red and the Blue

We confused each clue



A lost path of Pi

Cut the wire

Flamed the fire

Moved around in circle dire

Consequences Grey


Monsters slay

The bright pave the way



Image of beauty translate

Way of Heart dilate


Reading of the poem: 

cocreate artstation com mario-koller-whales.jpg
Courtesy Mario Koller on

Arrival of the Birds – The Cinematic Orchestra (The Theory of Everything)

Frozen Times

Frozen Times

11 September 2016

Courtesy Jesus on


Pitch black hurts

The sensitive eyes

Reeling move

On blackboards

Revealing tempo of groove

Distilling the whites


Flying kites

Hover above me

Thin slices

Of glories

They regenerate delights

Of childhood stories


Hold with me

My grasp on them weak

I dare not

Even speak

As the ropes pulsate with throb

Of the blackened mob


Body loss

Puppeteers rewind

In twin peaks

Riddled streaks

Measures of hue man eat he

Shredded dignity


Lines to cross

In between jigsaw

Puzzle me not

We forgot

The clear-cut lines of the law

Lesser of evils


Weigh me down

Burden of anvils

Beat upon

Lost forlorn

The making of the sword less

Soulful from soulless


Talk to me

From withering caves

Your mouth shrine

Frozen times

The words fed to the wordless

Soul forever mine


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Jesus on

Death is not the end – Nick Cave

Into my Arms – Nick Cave

Till the End of the World – Nick Cave


The whisper of your shadow

The whisper of your shadow

3 September 2016

whisper pinterest com


Our focal points merge

Within sight

Of the night

Upside down worlds gathering

Ascending dissent



The mind separates


Of our souls

Like “autodafé” on coals

Artificial leaps


The light creeps

It speaks of slumber



The whisper of your shadow

Dispersed recoiling


Reading of the poem: 

whisper pinterest com 2

I descend to You, You ascend to me – Alessandra Celletti

The Golden Fly – Alessandra Celletti

Crazy Girl Blue – Alessandra Celletti


Heart shaped Polly gone

Heart shaped Polly gone

26 August 2016



Handed down

Jewel of my Crown

Endless heads

Flower beds

Prairies tall as gardeners reek

Generations leak



To the mindless eyes

Decisions weigh

Mass unwise

Prairies fall as gardeners reap

Generations leap


Hands many

The traceless is One

Bring me back

My emblems

Shadows your darkness totems

From my dance all stems


Eyes cast down

Heavenly choices

The mind own

Heart bonded

Skies when questioned responded

With my purple hues


Speak to me

Of ageless morrows

Give me rhythm

Of your Heart

Wisdom my soul will impart

Into your twined suns



Flight to the placeless


Inside Frame

New geometry the game

Heart shaped Polly gone


Reading of the poem: 

heartpath zengarden com

Mandara – Vas & Azam Ali

Saphyrro – Vas & Azam Ali

Prayer for Soleil – Vas & Azam Ali



20 August 2016

diversion pinterest com 3



Entertainment bleak


Of the mind

The distractions that we seek

World lost in background



Tactical motion

Switching lanes


The end result of our pains

The mind occupied



Children of the Sun

In circles

How they run

The sand master outruns them

Their lives now mayhem



Shifting of the poles

Frantic move

Without groove

Quickly inverting the roles

The black for the white




In the past

Cannot last

Grass root of every nation

Running in the wild



Moving deathly ways

Path to green

From unseen

Cryogenic sleepers wake

More than world at stake


Reading of the poem: 

diversion pinterest com

Reunion – M83

Oblivion – M83

Wait – M83


Blue Green Loss

Blue Green Loss

30 July 2016

bluegreenloss deviantart com io_jupiter_moon_by_guillebot-d73qq86
Courtesy Guillebot on


Rivers run

To a stilting halt

Taste of salt


To thunders of Ocean near

What I once held dear


Twin suns rise

On new born landscapes

Dark-fed apes


Of mind sinking purple sea

Jupiter rising


Rolling free

The stones pick up moss

Blue green loss

Scorches peak

For the fallen silent plea

Prayer of the meek


Reading of the poem: 

bluegreenloss deviantart com jupiter_rising_by_flewdesigns-d72f3vl
Courtesy Flewdesigns on

The Gospels – Thomas Feiner

Stopping quakes

Stopping quakes

14-15 July 2016

quakes darkernights13 tumblr com tumblr_o842rklI221vnkarlo1_500


Portals guide

Between the twin worlds

Minds divide

In sections

My bodies’ intersections

As the joints shiver


Losing space

Dilating shrinking

Eyes blinking

Blindness sets

In the hollows on my face

No lives carved regrets


Stories flow

In the Gods’ secrets

Like honey

From the bees

I gather all on my knees

Token of knowledge


Life on edge

Wavering dreamtime

Spinning reels

Of events

The dramatic one prevents

The greater evils


Million spawns

Unaware games’ pawns

The beast yawns

As they live

The thwarting he will forgive

Ultimate goal kept


Stopping quakes

Tremors now lessened

He listened

As I wept

The large scale adventure swept

Under morrows’ rug


Reading of the poem: 

quakes luke brown gallery pinterest com
Courtesy Luke Brown gallery on

Shiva Tandava – Psy Trance

Indian Trance – Morfou

Orkidea – Morfou


Spinning Eight

Spinning Eight

21 May 2016

karol bak karolbak com 5


Sacred blood

Diluted in her

Glory’s tides

Closed caskets

They carry gold in baskets

Redemption her weight


Heavy stance

Her destined measure

Royals pay

Bleak treasure

Son daughter and the unborn

Their tribute forlorn


The kings walk

Following North Star

Polar talks


Spun out of control we are

Twined in other side


Night-clad ride

The bosom silent

The eyes keen

Frame unseen

They hurry towards deserts

Where sands recount Time


They await

His eyes his passion

She watches

Unmoved mind

Only Heart in compassion

Appearance deceives


He grieves

Locked within remnants

Star born creed

Heaven’s leaves

Lost each of his descendants

Sacrificial greed


In her eyes

He distills waters

Their hearts beat


She picks up as he falters

Twined are their spirits


Spinning Eight

Infinity’s Tale

Unborn male

Now female

Gods and Demons laughing fail

To explain the joke


Reading of the poem: 

karol bak karolbak com2

Down like Rain – Jesse Cook

Ocean Blue – Jesse Cook

Rapture – Jesse Cook

Polarity world

Polarity world

13 May 2016

fear youtube com 5 (2)


Friday brings

Darkened pangs of fear


Oaths of Love

All that we had then held dear

When we brandished wings


I flutter

In between the realms

Of half light

Blue darkness

Heart caught in the wilderness

Between drops of Time


Empty rhyme

Faces apple tree

We ate least

Of the crust

When we ran so wild and free

In the blue gardens


Golden ark

Shimmering silence

Where bodies

End the souls

They dream of embers and coals

While the rivers flow


Hidden spark

Ignites inner realms

The Master

At the helms

Only the soul goes faster

Forget fading light


I speak bright

He quotes the darkness

In between

Half-light stares

Our eyes held the stone clad glares

Polarity world


Reading of the poem: 

fear youtube com 4 (2)

Someone else’s dreams – Avi Rosenfeld

Scent of a story

Scent of a story

13 May 2016

scent dailybitsofbeauty com



Into emotion

Twining fate

Catching late

The threads of togetherness



Gushing thoughts

Musical stances


Of the touch

Out of this physical realm

Soft stolen glances


Slow capture

Unrolling phases

In half light

I witness

The unfolding beyond the sight

Scent of a story


Reading of the poem: 

scent youtube com 2

He’s Lost – John Sokoloff