Spinning Eight

Spinning Eight

21 May 2016

karol bak karolbak com 5
Courtesy Karolbak.com


Sacred blood

Diluted in her

Glory’s tides

Closed caskets

They carry gold in baskets

Redemption her weight


Heavy stance

Her destined measure

Royals pay

Bleak treasure

Son daughter and the unborn

Their tribute forlorn


The kings walk

Following North Star

Polar talks


Spun out of control we are

Twined in other side


Night-clad ride

The bosom silent

The eyes keen

Frame unseen

They hurry towards deserts

Where sands recount Time


They await

His eyes his passion

She watches

Unmoved mind

Only Heart in compassion

Appearance deceives


He grieves

Locked within remnants

Star born creed

Heaven’s leaves

Lost each of his descendants

Sacrificial greed


In her eyes

He distills waters

Their hearts beat


She picks up as he falters

Twined are their spirits


Spinning Eight

Infinity’s Tale

Unborn male

Now female

Gods and Demons laughing fail

To explain the joke


Reading of the poem: 

karol bak karolbak com2
Courtesy Karolbak.com

Down like Rain – Jesse Cook

Ocean Blue – Jesse Cook

Rapture – Jesse Cook

Not at Home

Not at Home

14 May 2016

Cypresses billdamon com
Courtesy billdamon.com


The garden

Withers from the sun

It once breathed

Shining bright

The same rays give life and death

All is in dosage


Drop by drop

Even venom cures

Plastic face

Renews grace

Through the effect of poison

Coursing through its lines


Drip by drip

The blood exchanges

Old for new

They were few

Now they scurry throughout Earth

Ants in royal hills


Pulse by pulse

We measure other

The heartbeat

A keen drum

Of all the feelings the sum

Muffled nothingness


Pace by pace

I gain momentum


The tedium

Daily inching towards hope

While this Earth I roam


Not at home

Lost in wilderness

Green ivy

Enchains me

Into thickest of the fear

As I look for keys


Not at home

The padlock still creaks

Though I oil

Its hinges

Stealing myself through thin holes

For a glance at home


Soul cringes

Upon the return

The elders

They make way

Brash generations today

Their young mind wavers


Not at home

No lessons are learnt


The only tool

I chase my tail like a fool

Humourless plaything


Not at home

Invisible dome



The eyes in all Cypresses

Giant lookout post


Reading of the poem:  cypresses pali-shop com Two Cypresses by Vincent Van Gogh

Sunny Road – Emiliana Torrini

Tookah – Emiliana Torrini

Baby Blue – Emiliana Torrini