They create new world

They create new world

10 February 2024

Lightning hurled
onto my ceilings
it unfurled
body curled
I expand into the light
spun power and might

Rumbling on
the thunder follows
jaws of sound
dreary hound
it speaks of deadly gallows
where dark shadow flows

Venom hides
deep within my blood
Red to flood
their insides
corpses strewn where my frame rides
my will in the flood

A cross hides
under mighty waves
helpless slaves
they chatter as the hand lays
their bodies in skies

I raise them
above eventides
their insides
bleak anthem
their guts raised a message fall
inside the ocean

The salts waste
my willful hunger
The mind raised
breath to taste
millions of silver-white drops
tomorrow’s red crops

A flashback
your image hurtles
Screeching stops
blood curdles
the memory of you calms
like olden-time psalms

You and I
a sacred union
The shared thoughts
they vibrate
hastened more to love than hate
they create new world

Reading of the poem:
Messiah Project - Sadness

A new world to lift

A new world to lift
29 September 2023

Courtesy Stefan Gesell

Rapid lips
express moving words
They distill 
cryptic notes
as the East gathers the votes
two ways to measure

Flaming ball
scorches offered throat
Time to float 
before fall
no capacity to gloat
no drill to recall

Chest pulsates
rhythm silent hum
it creates 
Heart cries above medium
it’s a theory

Elders speak
their voices low, faint
We devour 
within hour
the dripping flesh that they paint
Hunger, no restraint

points towards choices
The old fool
stumbling in ineptitude
no truth in the drool

Align swift
new paths are tender 
They pull us
there yonder
where outreach is in the rift
A new world to lift

Reading of the poem:
"The Voice of the earth" Divine vocals and flute soar above the earth



20 August 2016

diversion pinterest com 3



Entertainment bleak


Of the mind

The distractions that we seek

World lost in background



Tactical motion

Switching lanes


The end result of our pains

The mind occupied



Children of the Sun

In circles

How they run

The sand master outruns them

Their lives now mayhem



Shifting of the poles

Frantic move

Without groove

Quickly inverting the roles

The black for the white




In the past

Cannot last

Grass root of every nation

Running in the wild



Moving deathly ways

Path to green

From unseen

Cryogenic sleepers wake

More than world at stake


Reading of the poem: 

diversion pinterest com

Reunion – M83

Oblivion – M83

Wait – M83


Angel Burns

Angel Burns

30 July 2016

angelburns sacristy_by_carlos_quevedo-d9j85cm
Courtesy Carlos Quevedo on


Desert posts

Light greying landscapes

Tower scrapes

Edge of skies

The breach revealing the lies

All zones set in void


Mind devoid

Of fears rattlesnakes

The leaves rakes

Pages scorched

Their edges like stems reveal

Truth of what we feel


Remnants torched

They keep us unknown

Angel burns

The Heart yearns

Netherworld in pieces shown

To my bleeding Eye


Reading of the poem: 

Angelburns inner_oracle_by_carlos_quevedo-d97qdfb
Courtesy Carlos Quevedo on

Ignite – Sky Architect

Stopping quakes

Stopping quakes

14-15 July 2016

quakes darkernights13 tumblr com tumblr_o842rklI221vnkarlo1_500


Portals guide

Between the twin worlds

Minds divide

In sections

My bodies’ intersections

As the joints shiver


Losing space

Dilating shrinking

Eyes blinking

Blindness sets

In the hollows on my face

No lives carved regrets


Stories flow

In the Gods’ secrets

Like honey

From the bees

I gather all on my knees

Token of knowledge


Life on edge

Wavering dreamtime

Spinning reels

Of events

The dramatic one prevents

The greater evils


Million spawns

Unaware games’ pawns

The beast yawns

As they live

The thwarting he will forgive

Ultimate goal kept


Stopping quakes

Tremors now lessened

He listened

As I wept

The large scale adventure swept

Under morrows’ rug


Reading of the poem: 

quakes luke brown gallery pinterest com
Courtesy Luke Brown gallery on

Shiva Tandava – Psy Trance

Indian Trance – Morfou

Orkidea – Morfou


Facing Netherworld

Facing Netherworld

12 July 2016

colours rassouli com 12
Courtesy Freydoon Rassouli on

Waking nights

From parallel worlds

The dreamtime

A pattern

The rivers crossed with lantern

Burning from within


My body

A departure tool

The mind meek

Back to school

In classrooms where the dumb speak

Their voices in heart


The Earth’s call

A growling thunder

It begins

Like wonder

Ending in dichotomy

Facing Netherworld


Reading of the poem: 

colours freydoon-rassouli-whereheavensmeet
Courtesy Freydoon Rassouli on

The Mystic’s Dream – Loreena Mc Kennitt

Polarity world

Polarity world

13 May 2016

fear youtube com 5 (2)


Friday brings

Darkened pangs of fear


Oaths of Love

All that we had then held dear

When we brandished wings


I flutter

In between the realms

Of half light

Blue darkness

Heart caught in the wilderness

Between drops of Time


Empty rhyme

Faces apple tree

We ate least

Of the crust

When we ran so wild and free

In the blue gardens


Golden ark

Shimmering silence

Where bodies

End the souls

They dream of embers and coals

While the rivers flow


Hidden spark

Ignites inner realms

The Master

At the helms

Only the soul goes faster

Forget fading light


I speak bright

He quotes the darkness

In between

Half-light stares

Our eyes held the stone clad glares

Polarity world


Reading of the poem: 

fear youtube com 4 (2)

Someone else’s dreams – Avi Rosenfeld

Morning star

Morning star

24 March 2016

morningstar pinterest com


Empty space

Deconstructed times

Words carry

Weight of hearts

Weaving pain and hope in arts

Of the spoken thought


We forgot

The yarn spread inward

Spinning wheel

Turning slow

Built upon the fading glow

Redesigning worlds


We once lived

In a land of wood

Broken staff

Pointed hours

Out from within realms of scars

Time gushed peeling skin


We loved once

Book of faith and glee

I washed Hearts

Laundered souls

Dark matter amassed like coals

Reeling in waters


Piling black

Capping me like dunce



My roundness into angles

As I squeeze contours


On love’s path

We oft take detours

Ray meets Pi

Shadows’ death

The walk on circumference

A greater journey


Morning star

It buds within me

Rising light

Carries me

Into meadows of morrows

Where forgiveness lies


Reading of the poem: 

morningstar mouretsupirates wikia com


Ameno – Era



22 March 2016

immortal positivetruth com


The breath comes

In surges of waves



My inner realms synapsing

With your contact points


Aching joints

They scribble terse wills

Blowing firm

Into dust

Holding on to the Earth’s crust

As the world crumbles


We live plane

Intersecting hearts

Love lingers

A short while

Lo! routine with it departs

Into shades of loss


immortal sodahead com


I bear cross

Within my red palms

Nighttime balms

Applied thick

Now covering neat and slick

Circles of the pain


It will rain

Upon my meadows

The ravens

Will pluck eyes

Carved within sunken shadows

As I caw with crows



Like blue butterflies

Flying free

I am whole

Wings remnants of unchained soul

Once you had freed them


Reading of the poem: 

immortal johnkrohn blogspot com


Immortelle – Lara Fabian

De silence gouffre béant faire de moi endormie / From silence gaping chasm to make me a sleeper

De silence gouffre béant faire de moi endormie

(occitan sonnet. Translation into a free sonnet in English below the French version and here)

12 March 2016

blue womens bg


Les paroles vainement dites sont les sceaux des tombeaux

Où lys et pissenlits reposent doux face à face

Gloires et splendeur dédites orientent mes oripeaux

Cœur ouvert de délits ne connaît point disgrâce


Contez-moi les mérites d’arborer les lambeaux

Je vous froisserai les plis de vérités d’une race

Servitudes émérites les portant en flambeaux

Pour des ventres bien remplis sous des cœurs de rapace


Je n’ai eu de seigneur que la douceur des prés

Bleu de vastes océans abritant mes douces nuits

Je nais, hue ! on saigne heure en sang rouge des cyprès


Voyez en mon céans les battements de bleue vie

Il bat en mon cœur fleur violette qu’on tait exprès

De silence gouffre béant faire de moi endormie


Lecture du poème: 

blue hdwallpaperbackgrounds net



From silence gaping chasm to make me a sleeper

(sonnet in English translated from an Occitan sonnet written originally in French above this English version or here)

12 March 2016

bride pinterest com 5


The words said in vain are the seals of tombs

Where lilies and dandelions lay soft face to face

Glory and splendor denied orient my tatters

Open heart of offenses knows never the disgrace


Tell me about the merits of brandishing shreds

I will crease for you the folds of the truths of a race

Distinguished slaveries, carrying them like torches

For well-filled bellies under raptor hearts


I had no other master than the gentle meadows

Blue of vast oceans sheltering my sweet nights

I am born, boo! They bleed the hour in red blood of cypresses


Look hither within me the beating of blue life

In my heart beats a flower violet that they silence willfully

From silence gaping chasm to make me a sleeper


Reading of the poem: 

blue pinterest com 2


“Tristes apprêts, pâles flambeaux” (Rameau) Véronique Gens

Lieux funestes – Rameau/Dardanus (Paul Agnew)

Peuples heureux, Act 2 – Rameau (Les Festes de Polymnie)

‘Je cours flechir un dieu severe’ – Rameau (Les Boreades with Paul Agnew)

The Art of saving a Life – Behind the Scenes (Alexia Sinclair)

Kissed by the Moon – Alexia Sinclair

Whispers in the Woods – Alexia Sinclair