Meanings of the Light

Meanings of the Light

31 May 2017

Meanings light pinterest com 3


Inspire me

Icicles forming

Around stars

Swallowed through

The lungs throbbing in new hue

Rainbow pastures fly


We don’t die

Realms of Unity

Breaking forth

Forts us hold

We listen to stories told

On brink of shadows


Raise in rows

The withered and small

Hear the call


Fluttering ravens recall

Meanings of the Light


Reading of the poem: 

Meanings light pinterest com 2

The Race – Thirty seconds to Mars

Unchain me

Unchain me

17 October 2016

chains shift is



Of my mind’s content

Glossy starch

On collar

Spirit cycle underwent

Remnants of dollar


Piece the meal

The banquet is served

The lurid

The blind herd

Each one gets what is deserved

In alleys of white


Give up fight

The papers are creased


Etched in quill

The weak minds not sitting still

The bosoms diseased


Derail me

Trains reset on tracks

Cutting ice

Like water

The magicians oft falter

When throwing the dice


Restrain me

Packets of the wave

Surge uphill

As I strive

By the call of banshee shrill

Leading through my Tribe


Contain me

I seep through the cracks

Eyesight lacks

The foresight

We bend where you will see might

Bringers of the Light


Unchain me


Freed me fore

Molten core

The frame wedding the intent

Messengers we sent


Reading of the poem: 

chains deviantart com


The Old Ways – Loreena Mc Kennitt


Breaking beautiful

Breaking beautiful

22 July 2016

queen wallpaperup com 2


Plenty lack

Land of abundance

Growling call

Heads that fall

Watching the morrows rewind

Into lost stardom


Pacing free

Tangled black spiders

In webs three

Upon knee

I beseech the spinning wheels

Harrowing the reels


Eggshells crack

Breaking beautiful

Layers ooze

Ozone’s scar

We retrieve what we now are

Beyond the faces


Reading of the poem: 

queens wallpaperup com

Beautiful Ones – Poets of the Fall


Chronos my brother

Chronos my brother

2 November 2015

chronos fineartamerica com



The road now coming

I walked in simplicity

Pathways opened up


From within darkness

I picked up scents of the light

Both woven within


I held on divine

There was a thread in the winds

Blind child heard the call


Chronos pinterest com

In between hours

Walking on the broken glass

I heeded not cuts


chronos deviantart com moon_lake_girl_by_sexydeathparty-d3gg9w2 - Copy

Mermaids walk on shards

Life is spent thus balancing

Teachings of the soul


Chronos my brother

Lent me his precious bounty

He like I just gave


What within forgive

What without never forget

All Love eternal


chronos love kipbaldwin tumblr_mtksla9ssl1qb38ylo1_500-2


krisnaradha archetype pinterest com


Manish Vyas – Tumi Bhaja re Mana

Love’s deepest calling / Divine Lover of Woman – Peruquois

Manish Vyas – Ishq (Love)

 Manish Vyas – Prasad (Offering)


I heard Spirit’s Heart

I heard Spirit’s Heart

18 September 2015

ark gaiaonline com

The will was shining

Shift in intention pursued

Weary traveller


A call from below

Winding steep into the guts

Set a new quaking


Life stretched out wanton

It laid ahead gifts of Toil

That grade men of Dark


All pieces showed bright

Last remnants glimmered daunting

Shimmering treasures


In frenzy of loss

My body feasted on them

Muted gate awaits


Snake slithered on all

Grey tasteless pieces of rock

Lay them back to sands


None adorned me now

Naked soul all to forsake

Transcending pleasures


I trod desert lands

A sheen robing my light’s frame

Flying with the winds


Spirit walked behind

His shadow extended, see!

Lighting path ahead


“Walk on hidden path

Forsaking worldly matters”

I heard Spirit’s Heart


“Save for innocent

Free the mind from Earthly ties

Time has met its Soul”


gaia todoterapias com
