Alone we are not lonesome

Alone we are not lonesome

19 June 2018

Alonewoman pinterest com 2


Leaves fall off the tree

Yellow butterflies to ground

Moss heather and stone

Mind’s criss-cross of highs and lows

Tangled webs of slain desires


Clouds gathered in skies

Raindrops showering gardens

Pond fish thirst alive

Mind’s preoccupations cloud

Soul reaching out to rainbows


Birds’ flight back to nest

Huddled sounds of nestling wings

Pairs to one’s solace

Breath of the divine inside

Alone we are not lonesome


Reading of the poem: 

Exaudi Vocem Meam Part I – Dark Sanctuary

Le Rêve de la Nymphe – Dark Sanctuary

Les entrailles de ce Purgatoire – Dark Sanctuary

The last of the ranks

The last of the ranks

5 November 2016

ranks imperiumtapet com.jpg

Throbbing vein

At every temple

Roots remain

Unseen patch

From the unwarranted match

Hues of red and blue


Give me clue

Of your fading beat

Instill heat

Slash defeat

Off my dictionary’s sheet

Pages for the white


Compose light

With mystical sounds

The heart’s bright

Sunken grounds

Arena for the giving

Life in forgiving


My soul sling

Cast around your frame



Webs of the dark bereaving

Minefields of the scars


We erect

Future imperfect

Tense regret

Of days wound

Into black knot of neglect

Dark feast for the flies


Sundown eyes

The berating skies

Taunting tinge

Feet unhinge

Slipping onto wooden planks

The last of the ranks


Reading of the poem: 

ranks alphacoders com.jpg

Collide – Rachel Yamagata

The Reason Why – Rachel Yamagata

Horizon – Rachel Yamagata


Come undone

Come undone

27 August 2016

ten pinterest com


Whirling Times

Teach us winds’ lessons

Old treasures


In chest with papers rotten

From centuries past



The spine a pillar

Houses built

Without ground

Scarce the love to go around

Intentions that wane


Hearts we shun

From webs they have spun

Searing wings

Come undone

In pursuit of happy nest

Place for bones to rest


Reading of the poem: 

ten pinterest com 2

How can you mend a broken heart – Al Green

For the Good Time – Al Green

Let’s Stay Together – Al Green


Following the track

Following the track

9 April 2016

following minouchapassion canalblog com


Time spins webs

Connected blue threads

Winding coils

Space traces

As reality faces

Millenium’s detours


Blurred contours

Redesigning realms

Suave music

Fills my ears

Your heady scent dissolves fears

Sandalwood lingers


Small of back

Meets stroking fingers

The life’s touch


The music plays bodies whirl

Following the track


Reading of the poem: 

following a-tango-argentin-orleans fr

Café Bleu – Soha

Esoteric Lover

Esoteric Lover

7 March 2016

esoteric cultureofawareness com



Traces confused me


Crawling slow

Winding through the arctic show

Of shimmering sheen


You took me

Into wilderness

Skies splitting

Waking dream

We are more than what we seem

Our hands tools of light



Sheer waves to harness

Within limbs

Through the Heart

Will done before we depart

Into the ninth realm


Star at helm

Invoking weather

Son of sun

Moon daughter

Ten steps to reach the altar

Promise of union


She robes me

Confusion of frames

I desist

She insists

Equal slabs of red and blue

Now we are betrothed



Mirrored images

Mere backdrop


A shade for original

Vows wrongly taken


esoteric jungle-eye com


I saw you

Within a glass frame

You harboured

Parts of me

Dedication of the Heart

Faith of Oversoul



Spun out of control

Wove stories

With light thread

Three ladies pray for the dead

As they weave all life


With them too

I conversed open

In shadows

Where they walked

Wyrd, Veroandi and Skuld

Weaving their blue webs


There are truths

Mingled with substance

Of deceit

Two-way test

Where your faith and mine are pressed

Alien outcomes


Morning star

King of all kingdoms


Within light

Two wrongs do not make a right

Following heartpath


Your candle

It ignites fires

Within realms

Of dreamtime

In between blue Space and Time

Where atoms reverse


esoteric pinterest com 4


We converse

Of dungeons and dragons’ lair

Of waters


Of Humans with gills for air

Until waves recede


Second stage


Eye pleases

Mind teases

We retrieve the wings once lost

Glorious our flight


Into light

Winged blue white sparrow

I fly high

Into Time

Code Eternity in rhyme

Your gift of the word


The nectar

It dripped so slowly

Into throat

Into mind

They said the heatwaves could blind

As they scorched senses


Blue imprint

Of souls’ promises

I bear them

Heart tattoos

They remind me how to choose

From dreams and spirits


Lessons learnt

Rephrase intentions

I now know

Truly see

All begins and ends with you

Esoteric Lover


Reading of the poem: 

esoteric pinterest com


O come, O come Emmanuel – Enya

Marble Halls – Enya

Athair Ar Neamh – Enya