The Shaman tales 5: Uncovering the shamanic gift

The Shaman tales 5: Uncovering the shamanic gift

25 March 2020

Courtesy Serghei Ghetiu

She had always known she was a white witch, but it was only recently that she had found out that she was also a shaman. The knowledge had come to her after a particularly striking episode when she had been dancing to trance music and had experienced a shamanic journey into another world. She never consumed drugs so knew that there had to be truth to that journey. It was a world where spirits walked in fumes with nothing separating them from other human beings. She had looked around her in the night club and nobody else seemed to be noticing the spirits yet all of them were dancing to the same music she was dancing to.


She looked around her fascinated. The stroboscopic lights cast around filled the fumes of the spirits with various lights making them look like rainbows disintegrating on the dance floor. She wondered what the spirits were doing in the night club. Were they not meant to be somewhere more peaceful, she thought? One spirit seemed to realize that she was looking right at it and not through it and came up close to her. She was not sure she felt comfortable enough this close to it and raised a hand. It went right through the spirit who laughed. It was not a wicked laugh, just a friendly amused one. She laughed back. They were not as terrible as many made them to be. They only wanted to be part of this world just like us, she thought.


That was all before she discovered the extent of the Shamanic gift. How it could allow her to summon either the raven’s rains or the fires of the phoenix. That was before she discovered that the combination of the witch capacities and the shamanic gift could help mold consciousness itself


Cyberion – Strange Signals

Frontal collision

Frontal collision

19 July 2016

tabularasa david galstyan pinterest com 12
Courtesy David Galstyan on


Black widow

Mourning lost vigil

Of her death

Rancid breath

Hovering in morning chill

As Time sweeps over



Hammering vision


Stuck in loop

Stroboscopic impression

Frontal collision


We were strands

Twirling through eras

Fear disbands


Scorching lips smothering fate

Melancholy’s slate


Burning pyre

My inner realms dire

Desert space

None to face

No judgement but fall from Grace

Upon green-blue fields



Mind’s repetition

Your kisses

Heal my wounds

That flay my every layer

Between core and skin


Hope runs thin

Time is a slayer



A move away from fences

Disturbed defenses


Reading of the poem: 

frontal youtube com 3 (2)

Late Goodbye – Poets of the Fall

War – Poets of the Fall

Daze – Poets of the Fall

Heal my wounds – Poets of the Fall

Dreaming wide Awake – Poets of the Fall

Rebirth – Poets of the Fall

The transformation occurs under deep narcosis

The transformation occurs under deep narcosis

1 December 2015




The expanding coils catch our breath

Mutation, the origins of metamorphosis


Multiple transformations occur

For hybridation, an excruciating process


Would we then break before we shatter?

Multiple fragmentation of our inner walls sear


The road to birth is paved with the pain

Wilful inhalation of atmospheric mushrooms


Sailors of the future gift us ills

Breathe in, now breathe out, explosion of the sixth senses


rising Mt Shasta on pinterest com (2)


A new born I learn to breathe with gills

Epilepsy strikes, stroboscopic light soul cleanses


Showering through me photons in rain

Excavation of me leads to lower hidden rooms


Speleology of caves’ matter

Whispering lights speak secrets to the familiar ear


As the vision would blacken and blur

The probing orbs wind through my body’s every recess


Dilating sheer frames lost in their breadth

The transformation occurs under deep narcosis


nymph archive wizard com (2)


Yakuro – Requiem for a space










Molecular wave

Molecular wave

22 November 2015


Bliss 1 light of angels ucoz ru vysshaya-sila
Courtesy visshaya.sila on



Frequencies shifted

The lower met the higher

Consciousness altered


Heartbeat met the tides

Pavlov’s dog I sat eager

Timed conditioning


Oozing through the mind

Induced fragmentation’s waves

Went to greatest lengths


Stroboscopic light

Frequencies the measurement

Brain’s segmentation


Genetic engineering

Through the light that dances pale

Pulsation mind splits


Heartthrob low vibrate

Fragmentation in the chance

Of doorways’ entrance


Molecular wave

Fractal spent the frequencies

Led separation


Stroboscopic mind

Encapsulation the trance

Molecular lengths


Fission of the light

Constance speaks in frequency

As the pulse resumes





Electric Universe & Space Tribe -Mind’s Eye

Space Tribe – Nuclear Fission Chips

Space Tribe & Laughing Buddha -Atom Bombs

Space Tribe, Psywalker Spiritual No Body

Tune short waves the composite and plain

Tune short waves the composite and plain

14-15 November 2015

compose kismetgirls com Gypsy_Dancing_Lyalya_Moldavskaya_floral_dress
Courtesy Lyalya Moldavskaya on

Come pose me life’s fires, rhythm me soul

Square my chords amidst sixteen circles of eight gipsies


Let purple music be my sunrays

As fog protects the crops be the snow that covers green


In structure of sunflowers’ meadows

Make me within their darkest seeds intermittent light


Scorch me, piece me fractal, grow me whole

Stroboscopic blue meets the red when skies kiss poppies


Stack me in cabins, save me arrays

Bounty for one and for all let your waves be my spleen


Scatter me four points cardinal knows

Blend, rise my Arabic and Indian roots into might


compose svenko net 2


Tune short waves the composite and plain

Purple, blue, green, red axis twine and twirl to tropics


Searching the skies discover pipelines

Where angels crossing Hearts mirror horizons that glow


Three walk away by one in the west

Their curves and their sways shoot into one growing mission


End fake unions may they not complain

As above angels so below only Love mimics


Shine now through me the one that defines

Under skies of the North the only Love that will flow


Three walk by one into sparrows’ nest

Sub dues of the mighty, the unholy transmission


compose theebyone barynya com

Bond – Fuego

Bond – Korobushka

Bond – Explosive

Bond – Shine