Peach in him

Peach in him

5 December 2019



Wasted time
A circus that wound
Colours blind
To the Grey
A path leads under waters
Thundering in skies

Hark to tell
What ears comprehend
Through the well
Of light streams
Stories uninterrupted
In the mind that flies

The lips spell
Tonalities fused
Peach in him
Orange hue
Cobblers mend uneven shoe
One a pair of none


Memories – Maroon 5

In the wake of Peace

In the wake of Peace

25 June 2017

Courtesy kaoriOgata on


Moonlight crept

On years’ integral

I plotted

Unknown math

The resolution reverse

Falling of a hat



Lightbeams surround frame

In dungeons


The location mystery

Lodged in sunken Time


Dragons flare

From the heaving chest

Orange zest

A glow fit

To fight in battle no wit

In the wake of Peace


Reading of the poem: 

Purity phuntube com

Sojourn (eight string religion) – David Darling

Slow Dawn – David Darling

Prayer and Word – David Darling

Remember from the ember

Remember from the ember

25 June 2017

Sirens snow tarakini centerblog net 2
Courtesy tarakini on


Grant me strides

To edge of morrows

Taking sides

No option

In mind the heart’s adoption

A play of two rides


The moon spills

Honey of the thought

We forgot

In token

The chime of heart awoken

From remorseless spells


Delve in wells

Bathe in the red glow

Blaze to show

Under snow

Remember from the ember

Of seeds that we sow


Reading of the poem: 

Sirens snow tarakini centerblog net
Courtesy tarakini on

Bindweed above the water – Stive Morgan

Elevation Time

Elevation Time

25 February 2017

Courtesy Christian Schloe


Transfixed deer

In headlights of fear

Stillness thought

Unsafe spot

The moving shadows cover

Limits of my heart


We restart

Engine of heartpath

Through stillness

In Oneness

Quantifying bliss in zest

Of Orange’s crest


Orange edge

Round and soft like sledge



Thoughts of water reviving

Taste of tangerine


Bluest spleen

When the songs hit a low tone

Undone words


The moon that the sun married

In the twilight zone


Sun moon shone

Within daylit skies

Undone lies


In Ttruth we find our best gear

Loss of fear now clear


Straightened spine

Warding off remains

Reddened stains

Slowly wanes

The Blue that shifted purple

Elevation Time


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Christian Schloe

Satori – Riley Lee and Gabriel Lee

The bitter taste of Orange

The bitter taste of Orange

21 February 2017



They lived in a small house by the sea and when the weather was not harsh he would go out with their small boat to get some fish for their meal., else they would have to rely on the barley porridge that Estelle made. The barley was bought thanks to the latest catch Bart had made and that he had sold at the village earning him some sacks of barley. Estelle, his wife, always thought that the barley was better because wheat tented to get musty in their small house by the seashore.


When Bart was not fishing either because the weather was bad or because the catch would not be good, Estelle stayed at home knitting. All of Bart’s sweaters had been made by her and she had even started making him full jumpers.


In the twenty years that they had been married they had never quarreled once. It was not that they got on well about everything but simply that Estelle had quietly said “Well of course dear Bart you are right. I am so sorry that I did not understand it right the first time over”. In the early years of their marriage Bart had thought her to be giving in out of love for him and then slowly started suspecting that he may be simply superior to her mentally. While this thought tickled his ego and made him sometimes want to stray away and find a girl who would be more his intellectual equal, the long time passed with Estelle made it impossible for him to even draft such a plan.


Estelle made an excellent marmalade of the oranges that grew in the orchard around the house. It was really strange to see oranges growing so close to the sea but Estelle had her way with nature and from the fist orange tree that she had succeeded in planting during their first wedding year, there were now more than 40 orange trees growing around the little house.


The best days were when Bart could get the fish and Estelle could make one of her special “Coulis” with the same oranges except that the taste was not at all like the marmalade she made but rather like some delicious soup-like sauce she used as dressing with some herbs to go together with the fish.


In all the years they had lived together, Estelle had expressed only one desire and that was to float in the sea as she did not know how to swim and he was not sure whether he could help her swim at the coast as that is where the waves were the roughest. He kept thinking to himself that he could surely do it one day when he did not have to attend to the catch as she would have taken up the space useful for the catch and made them lose money if he had given in to her desire.


One day, coming back from his usual fishing trip he found Estelle her face resting on one palm and her other on the table. In front of her there were oranges that she had seemed to be cutting when she had died all of a sudden. He carried her in his arms overcome with grief and lay her on the bed. He was thirsty from the day’s toil so thought he should drink something before dealing with the situation. He seized some of the oranges and swallowed them but their taste was extremely bitter and had nothing to do with either the coulis nor the marmalade that Estelle had made for them.


Bart went back to Estelle and wondered what to do. He knew he could not just bury her like anyone else. He cried with anguish at the thought that he had never fulfilled her desire of floating in the sea. His mind then made, he called for the local priest to bless Estelle. When that was done, he rowed to the farthest point of their coast where the sea met the delta and put her body in the water. He thought that she looked too beautiful to die. He wept in grief at the way the orange strands of her hair spread out in the water.


They say he must have got lost in the tempest that ensued because he never came back after her sea burial. Some say, he chose to go with her because living without her was meaningless for him.

The oranges in the orchard still grow and the women from the village come and pick them freely and somehow, they always have a unique taste for each marmalade made. The oranges which are strangely extremely bitter when eaten naturally make a heavenly marmalade when the right quantity of sugar is added. The orchard lives on….


Reading of the story: 


Pink Orange by Instinct Primitif/ Intidhar Kammarti




Reviving heartbeat

Reviving heartbeat

26 December 2016

Courtesy Garthim on


Paint my lids

A streak of teardrop

On backdrop

Of laughter

Getting worse getting better

Changes unfettered


One o One


Lessons learnt

Pupils burnt

The eye a raging fire

Knowledge a pyre


Flame to grow

Prometheus dam

Holding back

Rivers rage

Wisdom for none to assuage

Aching of the sage


Shape my buds

To taste of honey

Flowing slow

From the flow

My chest now filled with the glow

Breaking point of seams


Riddled dreams

Orange tangerines

Bitter sweet

As I eat

Core and more through flowing streams

The memory gleams


Whistle low

Softening the blow

Drunken feet

Take to street

Where we strangers known will meet

Reviving heartbeat


Reading of the poem: 


Letting Go – Nitin Sawhney

Homelands – Nitin Sawhney

Breathing Light – Nitin Sawhney