Carried by the breeze

Carried by the breeze

6 November 2018

Christian Schloe artflakes com the-moon-asked-the-crow
Courtesy Christian Schloe on


Whisper secret tones

Cast again veil of darkness

End wayward duress


Relinquish the day

Shine moon over the sun’s glare

Lessen light to bear


Chant the night to me

In soft-spoken melodies

Carried by the breeze


Reading of the poem: 

The message – Still Corners

Melting gold

Melting gold

12 June 2016

numb_by_eikoweb2_redhawk_with credits_reverse federico bebber gif


I composed

A song of perhaps

You and I


A pair of humming birds free

Flight in the night’s sky



Flesh flung back at me

Bitter truth

Of this realm

The vanishing sweet corpses

Locked in death’s embrace



Of mortality

Sank my heart

Then I heard

The voices singing the song

They sang beyond Time


Fading chant

Infused with the Love

Survived flesh

Burnt afresh

Cinders of memories flew

Back into motion



Fanned by raging flames


The soul’s spark

If you hear not then do hark

Rising phoenix sings


You and I

Rotating dust specks

Settled in

Deep within

Where the core burgeoned again

Into soft petals


Purple bloom

On tree of whispers

Endless hum

Fills our cores

Deep in nooks of heart that stores

Carefree melodies



We rise through the airs

Whiff of scent

Hearts unbent

Pollinized sparkles of sun

Forming the true shape


Liquid frame

It rises from meld

Of the fires

Melting gold

Into crevices of rain

Eternal sunshine


Reading of the poem: 

purple paper4pc com

Alchemist – Rumi

Where all is music – Rumi

The great Mystery – Rumi


Open up the box

Open up the box

25 March 2016


light messagetoeagle com (2)


Look through Heart

There are hidden worlds

Inside us

Swirling tops

They chase the hope as it hops

From twig to cast twig


Bird of prey

Bird of paradise

Third species

We decant

Through inner voices we chant

Songs of yesteryears


Piling fears


Loss of words

Bundled herds

Grazing through pastures of spleen

Forgotten your sheen


There is light

It beckons to blind

Eye saw cut


Threading with my soul’s needle

I pierced the darkness


Ivy climbed

Chains of the feeble

Envy green

Hearts that glean

More than the weight of mistakes

Burdens of the spate


Now dilate

Journey tortuous


Birth’s pathway

Closed soul fever of grid locks

Open up the box


Reading of the poem: 

traces pinterest com 3

Light up the sky – The Afters

Vois peuplé hors des normes par esprit Jéricho

Vois peuplé hors des normes par esprit Jéricho

10 novembre 2015

oiseaulyre alberoz-overblog com
Courtesy alberoz-overblog com


De ces étés pourpres il restait la chaleur

D’un relent de l’encens anis camphre et myrrhe

Pour augmenter l’essence d’un visage de pâleur

Tandis que le cœur meurt d’un passé qu’on admire


oiseaulyre spectable com


Il volait dans la foule un semblant de clameur

Voltige des ailés fut porté par leur désir

Au royaume des cieux bleus où le sang d’air se meurt

Mains glacées d’en dedans ne savent nuées saisir


oiseaulyre w12 fr (2)


La soif saisit gorge enroulée dans de l’écho

Evidée de sens dans flou miroitement se lire

Retrouver dans ses sons renouveau des splendeurs


oiseaulyre spectable com flipped


Vois peuplé hors des normes par esprit Jéricho

Son des trompettes, du clairon, chant de l’oiseau lyre

Fracas de perte, réveil, dans des croix de raideurs


oiseaulyre alberoz-overblog com flipped

Vangelis – Rachel’s Song

Vangelis – Memories of Green

Vangelis – Conquest of Paradise

Run through the light maze

Run through the light maze

11 September 2015

veils dailymail co uk


Shaking Truth casts stones

In souls that live in between

Fires and waters


Send me your love chants

I will spin them winter’s fleece

Stitch them spells in souls


veils pinterest com


Written words will fly

Spreading dark ink within sky

To paper planes bound


Where do you now look

Your eyes cast upon you dark

Building you shadows


Darkness will build creed

Faceless and blind without Love

Fears will surround Heart


veil 15minutenews com


Ropes in the mountains

Can guide you through thick and thin

Or bind you to grounds


Run through the light maze

Through the fog that all traps hides

Seize the flying veils


veils sargammishra wordpress com