Renewed the divine within me she’ll dwell

Renewed the divine within me she’ll dwell

14 September 2016



With the dancing breeze I compose a song

Come hear the story of a tongue riddled

Of heroes hoary who lifetimes piddled

Stir your quaking knees and come hum along


My tale comes in threes that if bound are strong

Cross lakes ye Tory ride horse unsaddled

Awakened glory spirit unbridled

In Queen of the bees I right me the wrong


In flow of the vine decant me the well

When springtime’s blossom reaches towards skies

The blood and the wine within me they swell


On crossing the line I will sound the knell

Sorrows in bosom as withered past dies

Renewed the divine within me she’ll dwell


Reading of the poem: 


The Secret – Adam Hurst

Dusk – Adam Hurst

Ritual – Adam Hurst


Open up the box

Open up the box

25 March 2016


light messagetoeagle com (2)


Look through Heart

There are hidden worlds

Inside us

Swirling tops

They chase the hope as it hops

From twig to cast twig


Bird of prey

Bird of paradise

Third species

We decant

Through inner voices we chant

Songs of yesteryears


Piling fears


Loss of words

Bundled herds

Grazing through pastures of spleen

Forgotten your sheen


There is light

It beckons to blind

Eye saw cut


Threading with my soul’s needle

I pierced the darkness


Ivy climbed

Chains of the feeble

Envy green

Hearts that glean

More than the weight of mistakes

Burdens of the spate


Now dilate

Journey tortuous


Birth’s pathway

Closed soul fever of grid locks

Open up the box


Reading of the poem: 

traces pinterest com 3

Light up the sky – The Afters