On the road to redemption

On the road to redemption

21 September 2018


Heavens’ bloom coughed mirth

Opposites struck many deals

Kindred spirits waned


Memories clung tight

On the road to redemption

Moonlight composed odes


Fierce energies collided

Futures vanished with no trace

Horizons were shorn


Heady scents lingered

On the road to redemption

Knees resisted weight


Words pricked my eardrums

Dreams of tomorrow caught up

Thoughts’ speed was worthless


Bluebells hung their head

On the road to redemption

Castles vanished fast


Reading of the poem: 

All I wanted – Daughter




1 January 2018

Christian schloe pinterest com 37 mermaid
Courtesy Christian schloe on pinterest.com



Golden melodies

Don’t you cry

Mother said

We’ll walk with the waking dead

Into sun cities


Soul appease

Chanted little bird

The heart frees

Minds that float

Between the castles and moat

Slices of the wall


Rise and fall

Memory on ledge

The world’s edge

In my sky

Waiting for mind to recall



Reading of the poem: 

Sahalé – Esfahran

Sahalé – Nlreb Mra Alrrih

Sahalé – Middle Eastern Promises

Mutation intent

Mutation intent

13 May 2017

mutation pinterest com 3
Courtesy pinterest.com

Listen to the rain

It flows washing the sorrows

To castles in Spain


Redraw the sources

Map a treehouse in ether

Where clouds will find home


Unlearn the lessons

Chemistry in Alpha bent

Mutation intent


Reading of the poem:  

The Past Disappears – Bvdub


The inner voices

The inner voices

10 September 2016

Courtesy thefivepointstar.com


Hunger spins

Fabric of demise


The crowds rise

Like the specks of deserts sands

Blow into new lands


Castles built

Upon edge of Truth

The minds free

Seek no glee

Within artificial gems

Pillars of the dark



Born of the foresight

Hidden light

Pervades me

Millenary waters breed

The birth of my creed


Complex rings

Gather to anthems

The light brings

In lanterns

We roam inside minds’ circles

When dark encircles


Waters heal

Touch of the darkness


To harness

The pathways to Heart reveal

New Kingdom to come


Silence breathes

The inner voices

Soul to soul

Talk to feel

The touch of fear to repeal

My staff my Heart weighs


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy pinterest.com

The Voice – Celtic Woman

Nella Fantasia – Celtic Woman

Walking in the Air – Celtic Woman


Dark castles

Dark castles

25 May 2016

karol bak youtube com
Courtesy Karol Bak on youtube.com


Ghostly trace

Of a million sighs


Bleak efforts

Toppling over heart denies

As the Earth rumbles


Small pittance

The remains of hay

Thrashed over

Wane thresholds

Thunder starts stomachs grumble

Craving grains of wheat


Dark castles

They prepare red soils


With the spoils

The heads to one side tumble

Precision in cut


Lost the day

When future was bright

The choices

Follow fork

Right or left no in between

Twin future unseen


Turn around

Time flows up and down

The middle

A loophole

Breathing space from where we stole

New moratorium


White castles

Contrasting landscapes

From bosom

Sigh escapes

For the narrow encounters

Brink of destruction


Reading of the poem: 

karol bak pinterest com 35
Courtesy Karol Bak on pinterest.com

Angel of Sorrow – Arcana

If we’re One

If we’re One

12 April 2016

flowerwoman Lyse Marion ego-alterego com
Courtesy Marion Lyse on ego-alterego.com

They chant it

They say we are One

They clamour

Beat their chests

Take part in social unrests

Yet they eat alone


If we’re One

Why do lines surround

Your being

Your castles

Trees upon which leaf rustles

Asking to be heard


If we’re One

Why does your stack pile

While ours wanes

Tell me now

Last in first out or other

We seem another


If we’re One

Tell me why they growl

Taut bellies

That rumble

The beliefs within crumble

Bleak noise submerges


If we’re One

When you aim at me

Is it Love

That I see

At the tip of pointed gun

A toy illusion


If we’re One

Will your heart recall

All we were

In dreamtime

Will you rise when I will fall

Like waves within sea?


Reading of the poem:  

cold yevgeniawatts com
Courtesy yevgeniawatts.com

On Love – Khalil Gibran

Reason and passion – Khalil Gibran

Farewell – Khalil Gibran


Losing touch

Losing touch

4-5 April 2016

touch pinterest com 2
Courtesy pinterest.com


Caring much

Flames in heart a pyre

Soul outlet

Part regret

Equal portions of the two

The fear, the desire


Climb higher

Mountains may have peaks

Yet they stare

Into clouds

Solace a vision of shrouds

On heavenly frame


Call my name

In whirling waters

Abyss stares

Into skies

In between a string of lies

Man-made disasters


I fly free

The heart in throbbing

Holds the key

To kingdoms

There are castles in the air

Between mind and flair



Internal order

Aligned streams

Path of dreams

The world less than what it seems

Dissolving matter


Rays scatter

Remnants of the fear

Scorching suns

Raise the bar

Feet walking on liquid tar

Roads of redemption


Losing touch

Recollections void


A slow spin

Neither lose nor ever win

Souls in between worlds


Reading of the poem: 

touch youtube com 4
Courtesy youtube.com

Beauty King – The White Birch

Riot – The White Birch

New Kingdom – The White Birch

Love is so real – The White Birch

Your shapes’ ambrosia

Your shapes’ ambrosia

30 January 2016

ambrosia channeling newage bg (2)
Courtesy channeling.newage.bg

Son of none

Father of the Sun

Your Priestess

Wife, Mistress

Mother of the holy cow

Calls upon you now


Flesh and bone

Cover the spirit

Breathe in me

Souls so free

The Ancient Times revisit

My staff now bestow


Breathing low

Close the boiling pit

We are one

The loves glow

Every pilgrim fear to shun

Dive in morrows’ slit



The time has now come

We are free


We will sketch our love in sands

Of Eternal Times


Your spirit

Precursor of bond

Glowing star

Flowing robes

Between us the timeless ropes

Passion of lifetimes


Look through me

See the Nile flowing

Off my heart

Through my soul

We will be together whole

Loneliness outcast


Sing with me

Voice of Nightingales



Remnants of memories swaying

Within our bosoms


Sum of all

Path to the doorways

Lead us now

Out of past

Welded into nothingness

Your glory recall


Hail my flanks

Their valleys truth’s mist

Shower me

Light and Sparks

Call flow of my river’s banks

Molten ecstasy


Tenth wonder

Elevate my creed

The child slain

In dark greed

Wash away his mother’s pain

Spread our children’s seed


Feed my soul

Your shapes’ ambrosia


My edges

Dilate within me bridges

To flowing castles


Twelve nights breathe

Moons and sandalwood

Our union

Morrows’ light

Every being growing sight

Healing our landscapes


Reading of the poem: 

ambrosia lovingwaz blogspot com
Courtesy lovingway.blogspot.com

Cleopatra seduces Caesar – Jeff Beal (images from The mummy)

As the pace quickened it stilled

As the pace quickened it stilled

16 August 2015

twin thegalacticshift wordpress com
Courtesy thegalacticshift.wordpress.com



Common connecting factor

I absorb it in


The games we could play

On threshold of new endings

Lighting with it dark


Fanciful choices

Tickle me now here and there

Tingle everywhere


I speak not you know

Silent communication

Minds in communion


Exquisite torture

Unseen but oh so vivid

Placating presence


In rapture breath failed

Turning twirling to your touch

Each spot of me lit


Castles in Spain built

Upon ceilings in mid-air

Your wing and mine held


We sang of wonders

Danced to the replenished moon

That cast its magic


Conjuring up hope

As the pace quickened it stilled

Gifting us more Time


twin pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com