If we’re One

If we’re One

12 April 2016

flowerwoman Lyse Marion ego-alterego com
Courtesy Marion Lyse on ego-alterego.com

They chant it

They say we are One

They clamour

Beat their chests

Take part in social unrests

Yet they eat alone


If we’re One

Why do lines surround

Your being

Your castles

Trees upon which leaf rustles

Asking to be heard


If we’re One

Why does your stack pile

While ours wanes

Tell me now

Last in first out or other

We seem another


If we’re One

Tell me why they growl

Taut bellies

That rumble

The beliefs within crumble

Bleak noise submerges


If we’re One

When you aim at me

Is it Love

That I see

At the tip of pointed gun

A toy illusion


If we’re One

Will your heart recall

All we were

In dreamtime

Will you rise when I will fall

Like waves within sea?


Reading of the poem:  

cold yevgeniawatts com
Courtesy yevgeniawatts.com

On Love – Khalil Gibran

Reason and passion – Khalil Gibran

Farewell – Khalil Gibran