

3 October 2017

sometimes weheartit com


Sometimes curse

Let it escape you

Profane lane

Pouring straight

Your arms around your body

Let bile deliver


Sometimes pray

Let it invade you


Sit steady

Your hands on knees folded tight

Rewinding the light


Sometimes Love

Let it surround you

Blooming rose

Colour filled

I’ll watch you as we sit thrilled

Our souls bodies stilled


Reading of the poem: 

sometimes weheartit best

Distant God – Talvin Singh feat. Leone

Seven Notes – Talvin Singh

The Bliss – -Talvin Singh and Niladri Kumar

The Cleopatra Tales 6: Soul memory healing prayer

The Cleopatra Tales 6: Soul memory healing prayer

18 September 2017



You can play this prayer if you need to heal trauma-based memories from this lifetime or from other lifetimes.  To do this, you need to lie down comfortably, empty your mind of worries and when you feel relaxed by taking deep breaths, you play this loud or with headphones on.

I hope it works for you as it works for me.

This prayer is more for cleansing consciousness of the hurt as the soul in the real sense of the term does not need healing (we tend to call that the oversoul) while what we call commonly soul and which is actually our consciousness may require healing.

Wishing you love and balance.

Reciting of the soul prayer:



Summoning her Frame

Summoning her Frame

1 September 2017

ET woman
ET woman; 8th aquarelle of aquarelle challenge



Place of Miracles

Where we pray

Where we stray

Spending light through sun’s array

Countenance at bay


Seething sand

Makes me obstacles

Which I grind

In my mind

Through memories I unwind

Past hidden unkind


Singing band

Grant me spectacles

Unknown fame

Face no name

Shimmering through light path tame

Summoning her frame


Reading of the poem: 

Flying Elephants (part 1) – Gregory Colbert

Flying Elephants (part 2) – Gregory Colbert

Ashes and Snow – Gregory Colbert

Prayer to the One

Prayer to the One

3 July 2017

spirit lambofgodglory


Mind aglow

Weaving through the flow

Land to sow

New rainbow

Heartbeats of anger to slow

Compassion to grow


Blow conceit

Bury the deceit

Three to greet

One to treat

The dark powers meet defeat

In the one way street


Hate to shun

Days roll into fun

Dread undone

Through the Sun

Remnants of darkness white spun

Prayer to the One


Reading of the poem: 

The Angels Voice – Diane Arkenstone

Simply Love

Simply Love

25 June 2017

wings pinterest com 2


Work of Dove

Flutter of the wings

Peace that rings

In heart brings

Tidings of renewed three kings

Minds’ laden treasures


High above

The goal meets the fate

Death of spate

Wills create

From golden ray we instate

Breadth of our measures


Simply Love

Tracing in the wild

Stellar child

Bond redialed

Chosen treaty they reviled

Weak are dark’s pleasures


Reading of the poem: 

miracles gamma-wings deviantart com

Simply Love – Stive Morgan

Eternal Love – Stive Morgan

In Space – Stive Morgan


The Cleopatra Tales 4: Initiatory Blessing

The Cleopatra Tales 4: Initiatory Blessing

2 February 2017


Please feel free to retweet or share otherwise if you feel inclined to do so

Changing Paradigms

Changing Paradigms

25 January 2017


Hello my wordpress blog friends. So sorry I have not been able to read so many of your posts since a few weeks now for those whom I follow and who follow me. I hope you will enjoy this short prayer which I offer in exchange for not having visited you.

I wish for you an interesting journey throughout the year watching how things unfold in clarity, in truth and in integrity as the Earth shifts towards new paradigms and new energies.

My best wishes to you all and may this year bring all that your souls need and the greatest blessings that your heart desires.

Reading of the prayer: 

Courtesy Christian Schloe


Shells of Flames

Shells of Flames

5 August 2016

shells randomwallpapers net


In glory we set the purpose of Flames

The battlefield signed with blood of the hosts

The hearts we forget in thrill of the games

The endless confined by flags that mind posts


Now laden regret the tears of the Thames

For the bodies lined the conquests one boasts

Hearts aid and abet the hand that them maims

A closure to fret horizon of ghosts


Pray tell me now clear where do rivers flow

When thick with the blood they ravage valleys

I harbour no fear of underground glow


Oncoming the flood of tears that we know

The hearts that we smear in night-clad alleys

Shells of Flames in bud that silent we grow


Reading of the poem: 

shells malwaretips com

Back to You – Brett Anderson & Emmanuelle Seigner




3 August 2016

crimson fields deviantart com My-Immortal-by-k-i-mm-i-e



Reality hums

It welcomes

This darkness

A gathering in prowess

Powers of shadow


We speak word

Of wavering flames

Time’s duress

Cloaked in steel

Edge grazing knees as I kneel

In sunken prayer


Heart slayer

Crouching dragon steams

Birth of Fire

In my veins

Blazing shards of them remains

As embers retreat


Time’s defeat

The waters will surge

Days to purge

Beings made

For the changeling lies the spade

Fire and water


Fourth daughter

Bringer of the realms

In dark ink


The growing heat to harness

Explosions of me


Flying free

In purple clad skies


Light the way

Renew temples where we pray

The newborn sunlights


Reading of the poem: 

Purity Blue-Heaven hdwpics com

Labyrinth of Dreams – Nox Arcana

In Memoriam – Arcana

Un passage silencieux – Arcana

Inner Pale Sun – Arcana