The flaming bushes

The flaming bushes

13 July 2016

colours messiah rassouli artfinehearts com
Courtesy Rassouli on


Thwarting Time

My hands unconstrained

Strumming rhyme

As it rained

From heavens dewdrops gathered

In my blooming Heart


The moon spake

Of suns disappeared

Like spirits

Of the leaves

Upon fall of seasons rake

Disincarnate flow


She said soft

I rise while he sets

I bed him

He bid me

A goodbye morrow’s token

The flaming bushes


Reading of the poem: 

colours newdawncollections com 2
Courtesy Rassouli on

Song to the moon – Antonin Dvorak (Soprano: Renée Fleming)

O Lune de mes nuits blanches / O Moon of my sleepless nights

O Lune de mes nuits blanches

(Poème écrit sous forme de Sonnet Occitan traduit en anglais ci-dessous ou ici)

19 juin 2016

O moon entwists5 rssing com


La chaleur du désert n’empêche froid dans le Cœur

Du temps de l’innocence je garde instants fraîcheur

De courses dans les prés verts avant temps de rancœur

Quand acte déliquescence engendra fruit d’aigreur


Une chanson de Prévert ranime en moi clameur

Du temps de l’insouciance le long d’années bonheur

Chantant à cœur ouvert je recueille les pleurs

De mille nuits d’existence de vies rouges comme des fleurs


O Lune de mes nuits blanches dans tes robes argentées

Vois-tu les traces mortelles de nos ébats blessés ?

J’ai la mémoire qui flanche de trop d’âmes arpentées


Les vies lasses s’amoncellent en des remparts dressés

Echafaud où l’on tranche les cous aux lignes bleutées

Marées mortes ritournelles pour des devins pressés


Lecture du poème: 

O moon pinterest com 7


O Moon of my sleepless nights

(Translation into English of the Occitan Sonnet written in French. See original above or here)

19 June 2016

O moon pinterest com 6


The desert heat prevents not cold in the Heart

From a Time of innocence, I keep fresh instants

Of running in green meadows before rancour time

When deliquescence act begat fruit of sourness


A song of Prévert revives in me outcry

Of an untroubled Time alongside years of happiness

Singing open-hearted I collect the tears

Of thousand nights of existence of lives red like flowers


O Moon of my sleepless nights in your silvery dresses

Do you see the deadly traces of our wounded lovemaking?

My memory fails me from too many souls travelled


The tired lives are stacking up in upright walls prepared

Scaffold where one slices the necks with the bluish lines

Dead Tides chorus for hurried soothsayers


Reading of the poem: 

O moon tumblr com

Sois tranquille – Emmanuel Moiré

Sans dire un mot – Emmanuel Moiré

Beau malheur – Emmanuel Moiré

The permanent game

The permanent game

17 June 2016

game george-redhawk-03


I am wind

Blowing through the ice

Kissing peaks

Lurking deep

Within caverns of the Earth

Beckoning to sun


I am sun

Hiding my glory

Behind clouds

Amongst crowds

Blue red and gold define me

Purple is my frame


I’m water

Flowing through the streams

Gushing forth


Glowing energy for all

As I rush to source


I am hole

Blacker than the night



Birthing rejecting matter

Parallel highways


I am Her

Eternal woman

My hand’s touch

Skies’ magic

The blue womb of creation

In red glove of Love


I am Time

Flowing forth both ways

Thrice forward

Once backward

Step back a recognition

Of the wayward path


I am storm

Darkest hues of skies

When lightning

Kisses Earth

When the sky-kissed lands give birth

To new promises


I am light

Brightening darkness

Waning moon

Fills herself

My inner core endless well

Where she transfigures


I am fire

Bottled in the skies

Like genie

Of heavens

Stormy dome my birthing field

I flying Phoenix


I am sun

Rebirth my credo


Of new shapes

Baring the rocky landscapes

That my glare begets


I am all

Impermanent frame

Inner core


Cells within replicating

The permanent game


Reading of the poem: 

game george redhawk ignant de

Kyrie – Antaeus

The journey

The journey

15 June 2016

journey kaliteliersimler com


Wrapping up

Tying the loose ends

In firm knots

They align

Their drooping figures a sign

Of the oncoming


Move further

The day’s labour calls


Hands obey

Scales for the future they weigh

Disappearing mass


The sun sets

On valleys that sway

In tall homes

Preachers pray

Their rosaries a staircase

Between me and I


The night breathes

The scent of days churned

Through fingers

Still counting

The total bill amounting

To gate keeper’s fee


I fly lone

Through sunrise within

Moon and sun

Face to face

See me through deepest disgrace

Until I reach skies


The journey

Carries me through clouds

White and pure

Like his shrouds

He is King of my castle

His light my Kingdom


Reading of the poem: 

journey pinterest com

Going somewhere – Abel Korzeniowski

Come Gentle Night – Abel Korzeniowski

Clouds – Abel Korzeniowski

Unwinding all Time

Unwinding all Time

14 June 2016

void highreshdwallpapers com


The wind blows

On sands of the mind

Stripping bare


Like wrecked car that truck tows

A recovery


Winding path

It leads to the source

Of all thought

Inner frame

Coil to all what we forgot

The discovery


Do you hear

The voices beckon

Other side

Welcomes air

As the wind hollows the wall

In between phases


In dreamtime

We travel places

Where we see

All that is

Today in tomorrow’s past

The events that last


Beyond Light

There is a darkness

That unfolds

Million leaves

The space tapestry it weaves

Fractal threads twirling


Splitting space

The guiding ridges

They join weave

The cuttings

Loosened ends that minds deceive

On isolation


In the Heart

Shudder throbbing walls

Inner blue

Outer red

In between a thin parchment

Of opposed syntax


The truth lies

In the middle way

Where souls twirl

To fading moon

Where the sage and the fool swoon

In ecstatic trance


Whirl with me

Through the bleak sandstorms

We will reach

Beyond norms

Where everything is nothing

Unwinding all Time


Reading of the poem: 

whirlpool messier 106 csmonitor com

Gafsa – Natacha Atlas

Maktub (etheric messages) – Natacha Atlas

C’est la vie – Jean-Michel Jarre feat. Natacha Atlas


Together again

Together again

30 May 2016

norns robertcorneliusphotography com


The coastline

Shimmers under sun

Wanton gleam

Daylight dream

Some things are more than they seem

Compounded interest


Your shadow

Crossing over mine

Dark omen

Of chances

Piercing looks replace glances



The story

Reads infinity

Tags misplaced

The soul braced

To your bedside I had raced

The shivering Tides


Silver moon

Overlooks the creek

Where we speak

Silent thoughts

Petals of flowers in pots

Manure of morrows


They will grow

The fading whispers

Of past Times

When we dreamt

All that dissolved and was meant

To be or to waste


Broken haste

Picking up pieces


Songs playing

The soul to soul obeying

Together again


Reading of the poem: 

blue tango bassedef com

Kites Background theme music

Ours Undying Realms

Ours Undying Realms

22 April 2016

realms pinterest com 2


Listen well

We speak in dreamtime

Son of skies

Sun of Earth

We bond beyond miracles

That hastened your birth



Your sinking flesh dives

Into blue

Air bubbles

You are diluted endless

Our tool of the light


Blue in red

Knotted now the thread

Three circles

End the spine

The will then spoken divine

My blood daily wine


realms cosmicpsychic com


Sink your lips

Into my fountains

We chose you

Moon goddess

The tongue more than mere prowess

Pathways to the Gods


realms pinterest com 4


Purple hues

A lost world renews

Blessings born

From womb torn

The openings of wet tides

Dragon tamer rides


He springs forth

The second coming

The mother

A blue bride

Beginning in the ending

The circle is squared


The flames flared

Illusion a wisp

Of dying

Grey kingdoms

Hastened to the fleeting helms

Ours Undying Realms


Reading of the poem: 

realms perierga gr


No Ordinary Love – Sade

Love is Found – Sade

Paradise – Sade

Your Love is King – Sade

Kiss of Life – Sade

Nothing can come between Us – Sade

Feel through lips see through Heart the pain now gone

Feel through lips see through Heart the pain now gone

17 March 2016

flower favim com


Remember the time you fit me like glove

The beach in our minds glistened under moon

We split the waters and gathered in love

Mastered tidal waves that ebbed all too soon


Fusion confusion wild horse and white dove

Through opposites strong wills do sway and swoon

Surrender, compromise to will above

Dark hour like light blaze stops shadows at noon


Take me to zero-point show me your face

Through mists that clear outline of Avalon

The mirror’s surface reflects sunken Grace


Rise above fumes of sorrow’s cloak you don

Come hither ease my frame out of white lace

Feel through lips, see through Heart the pain now gone


Reading of the poem: 

flower wallpapersinhq net

La Genèse – Arman Amar



Glory’s wake

Glory’s wake

26 February 2016




A three letter word


In my streams

Your broken body in dreams

As they take you down


They walk high

Above wilting stars

Their reign dark

Our fate stark

Destiny written in scars

Etched in our feathers


Soul weathers

Many thunderstorms

The heart heals

In the light

From coursing river it swarms

Energy of blue




To renew

A leap of blind faith

Dark wedded

Starry skies

Waking souls discover lies

Under white covers


Moon hovers

Ominous silver

Lost star’s gate

It dissolves

Within the streams of their hate

As bosoms lay bare


Reach within

To morrows’ stories

I hold sight

Of beacons

Soaring eagles beyond might

Of Kings and regents




We are Queens

Within our kingdoms

Bold reasons

Hold our heads

Above the valleys he dreads

Renewal our means


She gives birth

To our sorrows’ death

We inhale

Holy breath

Woven through the times on Earth

Chosen detention


Glory’s wake

Within the surging


Coursing through

The hand extended now you take

Psalms our intention


Reading of the poem: 


All images courtesy

Poets of the fall – Rebirth

Dreamtime’s kiss

Dreamtime’s kiss

13 February 2016


enlace imgur com george redhawk gof
Enter a caption


Wane spirit

Comfortably tucked

Beside me

Breathing soft

Exhaling scent of amber

Musk and sandalwood


The tremors

Silently waking

The body

A snug spoon

Whispering under the moon

Night of no farewells


Inky black

It extended wide

Our slumber

Deep consumed

With heartbeats now soft resumed

Rhythmical slow dance


Play the track


Brought alive

In our ears

Lost in a shadow less dream

Casting away fears


Hearts flutter

Sleep’s proximity

Sheer hindrance

For the love

Waking duty’s vibrancy

No time for penance


At dawn’s stride

Unabashed fingers

Implore sly

Rise and lie

There are landscapes to explore

Under moon then sun


Seek and hide

Abundance in me

Roam the sky

Stir the sigh

Wake the fragrance that lingers

In heart of gardens


Make me miss

The moments of calm

When we knew

Deep and true

The linings of fate and clouds

White and silver shrouds


Dreamtime’s kiss

The most soothing balm

Heart so blue

Stirred anew

Beats to new found melodies

Where soul is at ease



Tomasz Alen Kopera_09_reverse love


9na Sinfonia – Beethoven

Moonlight Sonata – Beethoven

Fur Elise – Beethoven