How do you crush an Angel?

How do you crush an Angel?

6 December 2015


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It was winter’s cool

Evenings spent in the garden

Time struck Eleven


Flickering white pairs

All but the one destitute

Lulling lights Seven


Jasmine exhaling

Frangipanis twining in

The scent of heaven


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A whiff of her frame

Mother, she speaks to my Heart

In my soul she plays


Tell me then blue child

What upset now your belly

That Trinity bore?


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Mind in between thoughts

Webs of feelings alternate

Confusion galore


Heart spoke of fatigue

The tireless clocks that wound

Butterflies’ pathways


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Famine and hatred

Fabricated woven webs

Bitterness and lies


She pointed to skies

How do you crush an Angel?

As your faith slow dies


I blew them a kiss

Gifted streams of my eyes’ pearls

Hushed in Heart my cries


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Angels calling me – Denean

A choir of angels Ave Maria (Caccini) – Tom Cully – slowed down


Humanity stuck in throat

Humanity stuck in throat (With Love only Creed)

6 December 2015


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Sometimes I throw up

From a small tightened belly

Waters muddy brown


A share of disgrace

From non-existent lean wells

River banks of stench


Sometimes I throw up

Endless fights in name of Gods

Blind to their fake creed


Giddiness alerts

A wave of nausea strikes

Within pulsing Heart


Sometimes I throw up

Humanity stuck in throat

Like an endless thorn


While the dead bear dead

And life dwindles in lost Hope

As powers grow walls


Fashionable lady on the sea storm


Sometimes I digest

Small miracles of caring

Emblems of sharing


A slice of fresh bread

Multiplied not divided

For aching stomachs


Sometimes I digest

As the young outgrow shackles

With Peace in their trails


New Dawn beckoning

Skies of reachable Nature

Resting place of coils


Sometimes I digest

Small measures of blue freedom

With Love only Creed


Unstoppable Grace

Traces of Ancient Wisdom

The Death of the Greed


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The Old Ways – Loreena McKennitt

The Mystic’s Dream – Loreena McKennitt

Seeds of Love – Loreena McKennitt

A Time for Us – Andy Williams

A Tale of wincing virtues

A Tale of wincing virtues

5 December 2015


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Of broken items

Furniture, relics and dreams

She had a room filled


The bustling places

Livelihood of ghostly gait

Simmering ashes


Mocking birds’ speeches

Tunes of ivory and stone

Cast in slow pavements


Slippery ridges

On banks leading to nowhere

From rivers of ice


Stretches of treasures

Meaningful pebbles of Life

Appealing to none


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Cruises for the dead

Box of chatter for leisure

Frigid drooping shores


Songs of soft nothings

Of quiet little measures

Distilling poisons


A hymn to the knaves

The unrelenting few dazed

Strewn astride her past


Book of small paces

Featuring starlets and sods

Blank fading faces


Of quirks of the game

A Tale of wincing virtues

Of falsehood and blame



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Boulevard of Broken Dreams – Greenday

I walk Alone – Tarja Tarunen