Unfolding mysteries spin

Unfolding mysteries spin

11 July 2016


blue singsnap com
Courtesy singsnap.com


Three fingers

Woven in the skin

Define me

Pink contours

The flash seen without detours

As the heat rises


Still glances

As the ship glides on

The icebergs


Above and below now bound

The law of fusion


Hot and cold

Term me dynamics

Balance point

Zero stance

Two heads one bodied soul joint

As the wizards dance


Dead freedom

Measures of the sleep


False we keep

Lulling us into the fields

Where orphans will weep


Writhing frames

The wilting will slain

Our bodies

Fallen stars

Mummies preserved where we’d lain

Tucked into the folds


Death akin

To ecstasies’ flames

Subtle grounds

My mind hounds

Unfolding mysteries spin

A blue heart to win


Reading of the poem: 

spirit universal-link-888 com
Courtesy universal-link-888.com

Uloin – Tenhi

Näkin Laulu (1997 version) – Tenhi

Haaksi – Tenhi


Hushed star’s path

Hushed star’s path

26 February 2016

tomasz Alen Kopera aphrodisiacart tumblr com
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Kopera on aphrodisiacart.tumblr.com


The wonder

Unfolding slowly

Higher sights

Within range

Vivid photons now derange

The smooth horizons



Past present future

Wondrous views

Earth renews

Icy age follows the fires



Moon hurtling

Out of its orbit

Sparkling death

Knitted net

A sun its son to remit

Within starlit skies


There is love

Woven in my heart

As I walk

Free and lone

Into the blue wilderness

Breathing the waters


I dive slow

Into melding sand

While the winds

Hold my hand

New heavens and Earths greet me

As I emerge low


Her scents whiff

Guiding star shines bright

Mother calls

Silent voice

They starch her choked collar stiff

As she exhales light


Talk to me

Between you and me

Hushed star’s path

Broken maze

The sights of you in a haze

As we gather core


Reading of the poem: 

Lovelife art-spire com Tomasz_Alen_Kopera_05
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Kopera on art-spire.com


Lights & Motion –  The Spectacular quiet

Chronos my brother

Chronos my brother

2 November 2015

chronos fineartamerica com
Courtesy fineartamerica.com



The road now coming

I walked in simplicity

Pathways opened up


From within darkness

I picked up scents of the light

Both woven within


I held on divine

There was a thread in the winds

Blind child heard the call


Chronos pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com

In between hours

Walking on the broken glass

I heeded not cuts


chronos deviantart com moon_lake_girl_by_sexydeathparty-d3gg9w2 - Copy
Courtesy deviantart.com

Mermaids walk on shards

Life is spent thus balancing

Teachings of the soul


Chronos my brother

Lent me his precious bounty

He like I just gave


What within forgive

What without never forget

All Love eternal


chronos love kipbaldwin tumblr_mtksla9ssl1qb38ylo1_500-2
Courtesy kipbaldwin.tumblr.com


krisnaradha archetype pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Manish Vyas – Tumi Bhaja re Mana

Love’s deepest calling / Divine Lover of Woman – Peruquois

Manish Vyas – Ishq (Love)

 Manish Vyas – Prasad (Offering)


The bread of Mercy

The bread of Mercy

11 September 2015

bread pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


When you had grown old

Tired and worn out by life

Kissed dreamtime over


I watched over you

As you swam in oblivion

With memories wept

breaking waves deviantart the_lightning_witch_by_lowlivier-d5l29tl (2)
Courtesy lowlivier on deviantart.com


I handed you sight

That damned me to see untold

For clocks would not wind


You sank with the weight

Of history unfolded

To death of morrows


I cried for lost nights

For this place was a shelter

To our broken dreams

bread visualnews com 1-The-sleep-of-the-beloved-by-Paul-Schneggenburger
Courtesy Paul-Schneggenburger on visualnews.com


With last strength of age

You reached out to a light stream

Woven across Time


Thumbelina spread

Across infinity’s maze

The bread of Mercy

bread haifa-israel info com (3)
Courtesy haifa-ismael.info