Unfolding mysteries spin

Unfolding mysteries spin

11 July 2016


blue singsnap com
Courtesy singsnap.com


Three fingers

Woven in the skin

Define me

Pink contours

The flash seen without detours

As the heat rises


Still glances

As the ship glides on

The icebergs


Above and below now bound

The law of fusion


Hot and cold

Term me dynamics

Balance point

Zero stance

Two heads one bodied soul joint

As the wizards dance


Dead freedom

Measures of the sleep


False we keep

Lulling us into the fields

Where orphans will weep


Writhing frames

The wilting will slain

Our bodies

Fallen stars

Mummies preserved where we’d lain

Tucked into the folds


Death akin

To ecstasies’ flames

Subtle grounds

My mind hounds

Unfolding mysteries spin

A blue heart to win


Reading of the poem: 

spirit universal-link-888 com
Courtesy universal-link-888.com

Uloin – Tenhi

Näkin Laulu (1997 version) – Tenhi

Haaksi – Tenhi


Infinite dams Breed

Infinite dams Breed

7 November 2015

10348438_904016426284148_9208761794704163258_n pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Hark the flaming fires

Through the lighted maze now flow

In Stillness my Speed


Light and Dark never

More than whims of rhythmic Heart

Broken is the Deed


The flesh spent in wine

Brethren’s stupor drunken dance

Their motto is Greed


setting fire to the moon pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Father fell now slain

His infinite waters spilled

Victim to the Creed


Galaxies pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


The crowd now heartened

Moved across the airborne fields

Within tree my Seed


Mother bellowed fierce

I heed not the power filled

Infinite dams Breed


Bring to me the meek

Those whose backbones subtle spent

Bowing silken Reed


nine moviefancentral com ten was

Aquaria, A Liquid Blue Trancescape – Diane Arkenstone

Seduction – David Arkenstone

Temple of ISIS – Diane & David Arkenstone

Silent Night – Diane Arkenstone

Ocean of Stars – Diane Arkenstone

River of Creation – Diane Arkenstone

The Angels Voice – Diane Arkenstone



19 Sepember 2015

balance everaftermiami com
Courtesy everaftermiami.com


Shielding armours wear

The weight of a million stones

Sinking upon Heart


Straining muscles tear

The rippling of the ribcage

Prelude to Heart scars


In all endeavours

Lack of soul bears muddy ends

Swamp rises with greed


Spell Heart of Dragon

Ask for more than words’ measures

To build a new creed


Whispering Dungeon

Awaits those who bring deceit

Into House of Light


Cursing mocking bird

Befalls those who bring conceit

Into House of Dark


Balance in Houses

Mends between Heart and Mind’s play

Subtle game of cards


Out of balance sways

Thirsting Heart that rises bright

Taking Dark for Light


Look into Abyss

And cloak not your inner qualms

Secret Dark creates


Look into Divine

And shine bright your inner face

Light in Heart you know



Spelling rarer by the day

Fighting through the night


Make your life serene

Between the Truth and the Lie

Choose the wiser cut


balance thegreatcosmicshift blogspot com zhdhart com kuanyinasmall33
Courtesy thegreatcosmicshift.blogspot.com