In the wake of Peace

In the wake of Peace

25 June 2017

Courtesy kaoriOgata on


Moonlight crept

On years’ integral

I plotted

Unknown math

The resolution reverse

Falling of a hat



Lightbeams surround frame

In dungeons


The location mystery

Lodged in sunken Time


Dragons flare

From the heaving chest

Orange zest

A glow fit

To fight in battle no wit

In the wake of Peace


Reading of the poem: 

Purity phuntube com

Sojourn (eight string religion) – David Darling

Slow Dawn – David Darling

Prayer and Word – David Darling

The Flaming Doves on my face draw Light

The Flaming Doves on my face draw Light

13 November 2015

Flaming doves


Looking back, rubble and ash faded

Walking in sun the herd more than one force transmission


Pulsing through the night, destiny’s skies

I guide, we sow the seeds of change in fall’s universe


Oracle survives change, knows sees dreams

Mother protects visions, my mind frees, the blind alone


Carry me through burning sun jaded

You made my faith, mother, love forever my mission


End suffering


Take away darkness end submission

End suffering, brace me healing light now pervaded




Time’s pearls, wasted stars, I will atone

Lonely show me, beyond space, might and light I sew seams


Cross Heart with angels, design reverse

Hear timeline redefine souls come home theory lies


The Flaming Doves on my face draw Light

Loud I speak: the greater the Dawn, the starker the Night


embrace naturalignment com

Les Friction – Louder Than Words

Les Friction – What You Need

Les Friction – Who Will Save You Now (2012)

Les Friction – Here Comes The Reign

Les Friction – World On Fire

Les Friction – String Theory

Les Friction – Come Back to Me