Lady of the Lake

Lady of the Lake

1 January 2017

Earthendoors the_black_lake_by_carlos_quevedo-d6jgopr


The fool yawns

Brethren’s darkened spawns


In making

From the skull and bones aching

The truth often dawns


In Legends

Beginning upends

Within dreams

Muffled screams

Of the red roses stutters

Restless mind mutters


Burnt on stake

Lady of the Lake

Red in blue

Infused hue

Holy blood the long-lost clue

In Time will renew


Reading of the poem: 

angelburns carlos quevedo deviantart com

Lady of the Lake – Audiomachine

Legacy – Audiomachine

The Legend begins – Audiomachine

Dissolution Time

Dissolution Time

9 August 2016

stream pinterest com


Mind racking

Shelves of solutions

Magic books

Sever hooks

Tales twisted by clever crooks



Spell woman

Spirit spells nothing

Only heart

Shines bright through

The key to skies in the clue

Code in the heart’s light


Eye sees spark

The heart sees morrows

Brittle ends


Crossing over skulls and bones

Into new alleys


Shiver hard

I breed menestrels

Wilting bard


More than the feat of Moses

Dreamtime creation



Bellerophon slays

We have ways

Set in skies

Splitting they shatter the lies

Breaking all the ties



Measures peak at noon

Dissolution Time

In the rhyme

Where the quakes meet pantomime

Replicating chime


Reading of the poem: 

streams1 legallydark tumblr com
Courtesy legallydark on

La Paloma (No More) – Elvis Presley

Only You – Elvis Presley (The Platters)

It’s Now or Never – Elvis Presley


Before it escapes my reach

Before it escapes my reach

7 December 2015


dawn larrydwwilf wordpress com



This vanishing world

I want to swallow its fluff

Morrows’ candy threads


Let them glue me pink

Upon my eternal blue

Rainbows’ beginnings


Deep within my soul

I want to lock its treasures

Relish them in chest


dance asianetindia com



The throbbing stillness

Lies wake in me through Night’s sleep

Breath in me serene


dance asianetindia com 2



The Sun rises East

Waking new Worlds to the Dawn

That births in Sorrows


Farewell to the world

Heaves in my blossoming Heart

As it lulls the Tides


I touch it fading

Before it escapes my reach

Into Oblivion



dawn pinterest com




Before the Dawn – Evanescence




I thought I should share what sunrise looks like from my balcony so added this as an afterthought. I am yet to take a full video of the time from night to dawn and transform it into a timelapse piece. Meanwhile I hope you like the below:


Now that the trail has gone cold

Now that the trail has gone cold

15 November 2015

trail lovethispic com 45717-Woman-And-Seashell


In the beginning

Time washed me on empty shores

Shell of air that hung


She breathed me Fire

Mother wove me from her womb

Golden thread for stars


She covered me clay

Rising tides her Oceans spent

Nights on my dark hair


trail pinterest com 2

. .

She swelled me tremors

Beating Heart she raised me high

Tidal waves my blood


trail crystallinks com


She kneaded me bread

The black and the white she joined

Every mouth to feed


I wake in her ice

Now that the trail has gone cold

Heart follows her scent

Only my Mother

Scent of Jasmine knew her feet

Ambrosian Life


trail pinterest com spirit of love


The Cranberries – Zombie

The Cranberries – Dreams

The Cranberries – Animal Instinct



Seeing you through I

Seeing you through I

3 November 2015

seeing sophro-analyse pro



When did it begin?

I have no thread to follow

Beginning is end


The mountains are rich

With treasures of Beloved

Icicles are grapes


I who did not drink

Walk dazed in drunken stupor

From heavenly scents


You are everywhere

Earth pulses with your Heartbeats

That call out to skies


You are all sweetness

A slithering snake’s venom

Becomes bees’ honey


For every question

You gave all answers before

Universal One


Seeing You through I

I saw myself in your Light

Your Kingdom become

seeing universunmondeencouleur com

End in beginning

End in beginning

1 August 2015

ecstasy my yoga-vidya org


This house is silent

Its whispers contained within

The sound of stillness


Throb of heart no more

In chest treasures lay muffled

Still-born witnesses


Opening closing

Gyrating elements dance

Renewed ecstasy


All within will still

As the numbers now converge

End in beginning


The waves’ thunder calls

Soul dissolves in the answer

All without merges

ecstasy mamafoothelightworker com