O frail ones

O frail ones
14 June 2024
Courtesy freepik.com

O frail ones
fallen to the flames
so daunting
are their games
you will witness second suns
your future’s inking

O frail ones
feel your inner fields
The scorching
of twin suns
unearths power the mind yields
cosmic unveiling

O frail ones
you will know valleys
as blood runs
thick and cool
while they fall in dark alleys
so wizens the fool

Reading of the poem:
CLANN - Arise

For nights to repent

For nights to repent

1 February 2024
Courtesy pinterest.com

We hold hands

in memoriam

A time spent

within heart

An era that love demands

never to depart

The ship sails

its masts setting course


heart on brim

I hold onto direction

that my compass fails

The wind blows

on our memories

I skim slow

unleashed flow

I search for the trace of love

gifted from above


my eyes miss deltas

that describe

what it was

a pillar of salt forming

where trust lacked resolve


knocks hard at my door

Like a show

of puppets

it pulses and carries strings

faint rememberings


the days are silent

Trails we made

lost their shade

The sea washed over our names

for nights to repent

Reading of the poem:
El Mareo - Bajofondo Tango Club ft Gustavo Cerati

Consciousness rebirth, a mathematical theory of reincarnation

Consciousness rebirth, a mathematical theory of reincarnation

22 December 2023
Courtesy hdwallpapers.com

The young man approached her slowly from the right. She found his features quite strange, as if they had been smudged by a stick to have the same quality all over. Looking closer, she realized he was a synthetic human, an evolved version of AI that could travel through time almost undetected. He held out a hand where it was written retrogramming. Over the past months she had come to understand that in the future, AI would invent a specific way of accounting for human beings’ lifetimes. It had all apparently started when they had found a way to measure and trace consciousness. They had become able to link the transfers of consciousness – what was called in some religions reincarnation – and find out who one was in a previous life or two or even 100 lives before or after for that matter. Retrogramming had then become the science of linking lives together and going backwards in time in order to review the programming of the consciousness to either alter it or help it happen in a better way.

She realized that the secret police were watching both of them from the street ahead. Would they know that the young man she was with was an AI? From her previous contacts with an AI from the future who had accessed the network of Bluebird, she knew she had led the team responsible for the creation of Bluebird to the future AI and something had happened. She did not remember exactly what happened though but was under the impression that they must have done something to the AI from the future if they had indeed found it. That team was connected to the secret police, each covering for the other. Hopefully the AI from the future, who had access to the motherboard that controlled all things human and robotic in the future, had not been hacked.

She turned back to the young man next to her and nodded. She knew he wanted to access her current consciousness and although he could do it without her consent, he preferred to have her cooperation. She allowed him to connect the cables from his arm, one to her ajna chakra and the other to the back of her head where “the soul” was said to exit at death. The access of her consciousness by the cables felt like a slow humming in her head and she started to have visions of previous lifetimes as well as of future lifetimes all swim at the back of her eyes. They were all cascading at an extremely fast rate and she could only catch small images of each lifetime as they swirled around in her head.

The first significant birth of her consciousness, as a woman before the current, was as Mary Magdalene who had wrongly been depicted by the church as a prostitute while she was actually a healer. Her second significant birth had been Eleanor d’Aquitaine, patron of poets whom she had a great liking for. Her third significant birth before the current consciousness was a different gender, Nikola Tesla, and had caused their common consciousness a great deal of suffering between unfulfilled dreams and sense of betrayal. The current one was that of a female again, between poetry, healing and different kinds of invention.

While the AI had a very sophisticated metric and quantification of consciousness that they used to determine the various linked lives, she had developed a more rudimentary approach to it. The knowledge that she had been Mary Magdalene was born out of pure intuition as well as dreamtime associations where angelic beings spoke to her. Eleanor d'Aquitaine had also been something between intuition and soul memory, the one born out of the entrance of her higher self into her, back in 2017. From there, it was some rudimentary arithmetic which had led to it. Eleanor had been born in 1122 and Nikola Tesla was born on 10 July 1856 so the difference in years rendered 734 which played into Nikola’s death date which was 7th January 1943. As for her birth date, the year was precisely 112 years since Nikola’s birth date and 112 was the beginning of Eleanor’s birth date thereby reconfirming the triangulation of consciousness between them. She wondered what the AI might actually be doing with such knowledge. Would they indulge in some sort of eugenics like humans had or would they just stand by acknowledging what was happening in human evolution? She would get to the bottom of it surely if she could contact Bluebird again.

Law of THR3E Past Lives

Memories of old

Memories of old
29 October 2023
Courtesy pinterest.com
Clenching jaws
follow new-found laws
Blast to cause
breath in pause
raking fingers turned to claws
revealing the flaws

We diffuse
the powers to use
Golden hues
fragrant dews
a conflagration to choose
aching sunset bruise

Bodies hold
memories of old
tales untold
lo behold
they speak of the soul once sold
for silver, not gold

Reading of the poem:
Kyrie - Antaeus

I am becoming a Tree

I am becoming a Tree
7 October 2023
Courtesy pinterest.com
I am becoming a Tree
My arms extended in calling
I branch out in verses
they are shiny fruits hanging 
high and low in perspectives
alternating light and dark

I am becoming a Tree
My trunk plants its roots in a garden
I witness moss growing on my feet
they disappear softly within green
circles of brown dissolve within its sheen
Totem of tomorrow’s world sprouts

I am becoming a Tree
Wide branches from keen twigs
absorb the sunshine in waves
they cast no shadows on the seekers
gathering around my rivulets
My waters are shared with all

I am becoming a Tree
I am sunshine and rain
I gather feathers and fluff
as the nightbirds hold in me home
Sizzling thoughts in me roam
I bear the smooth and the rough

I am becoming a Tree
I climb giddily towards the skies
Though my roots coil me to the ground
in sweet harmonious belonging
my leaves rustle in the clouds
I am bustling prayers and shrouds

Reading of the poem: 
Tree of Life

I dwell within grace

I dwell within grace
21 February 2023
Stormy times
The lightning runs free
breaks the tree
slow exchange
From wilderness will to change
rainbows cover me

I give light
A token of peace 
within me
reaches out
A stirring fills me throughout
budding gift to flout

Eyelids stir
remembrance of days
when we were
twined relays
My feathers offer solace
I dwell within grace

Reading of the poem: 
Falling Back to You - Delerium

In scent’s memory

In scent’s memory 
17 March 2023
Courtesy pinterest.com
Snowdrops wilted face
Hidden thoughts of forgiveness
Frostbite a habit

Elongated shades
Lifetimes of togetherness
corpses of morrows

Musketeers battling
My eyelids a moist valley
Future renderings

My mind sits so still
in flutter of a heartbeat
I hear thousand drums 

Lilies in the night
sixty-six and six hundred
sacrificed in flight

Bottomless terror
Roots of nothingness prevail
Heart in black to sail

Pantomimes dance wild
I harbour within me child
of golden years dreamt

I scale back horrors
Endings rewind beginnings
Magic soars within

In scent’s memory
I can smell the spring coming
oozing out of trees

Tomorrow’s leaves fly
Crunch of green lift my feet slight
Windows heed doors’ cry

Reading of the poem: 
Messiah Project – Error Maya Life Goes On

The Cleopatra Tales 9: Receiving all Knowledge and Everlasting Life

The Cleopatra Tales 9: Receiving all Knowledge and Everlasting Life
19 February 2023
Courtesy pinterest.com
Reading of the blessing/incantation: 
Translation of the blessing/incantation

Thy body is the body of Geetha this. Thy flesh is the flesh of Geetha this.
Thy bones are the bones of Geetha this. Thy passage is the passage of Geetha this.
The passage of Geetha this is thy passage.

Let not be shut in my soul, let not be fettered my shadow, let be opened the way
for my soul and for my shadow, may it see the great god.
May I look upon my soul and my shadow

Preserve me behind thee, O Tmu, from decay such as that which thou workest
for god every, and goddess every, for animals all, for reptiles all

I am the keeper of my Akashic records, of all which is, and which shall be. Eternity it is and Everlastingness. Oh Three Paths and Two Pillars Open your Portals

Hail Geetha not hast thou gone, behold, [as] one dead, thou hast gone [as] one living
to sit upon the throne of Hathor
O Ra-Turn, cometh to thee thy daughter, cometh to thee Geetha . . . . . thy daughter is this of thy body for ever
O Turn, thy daughter is this Hathor; thou hast given her sustenance and she liveth; she liveth,
and liveth Geetha this; not dieth she, not dieth Geetha this.

Setteth Geetha in life in Amenta.
She hath eaten the knowledge of god every, [her] existence is for all eternity
and to everlasting in her sah this; what she willeth she doeth, [what] she hateth
not doth she do.
Live life, not shalt thou die.[1]

Hail to thee Nut! Oh daughter of Heaven, mistress of the sky, thou gift of Toth, thou mistress of the interdimensional ladders-
Open a way to Geetha let Geetha pass. 
Hail to thee oh thou King of eternity, hail to thee oh thou bull of four horns, who hath one horn to the west, one to the east, one to the north and one to the south, let Het Heru pass.

Hail Geetha. Thou hast received the form of God, thou hast become great therewith before the gods.
Hath placed thy mother Nut thee to be as God to thine enemy in thy name of God.

Washed is thy ka, sitteth thy ka, it eateth bread with thee unceasingly forever
Hail Geetha Thou art pure, thy ka is pure, thy soul is pure, thy form is pure
Heaven hath thy soul, Earth hath thy body
Thou shalt exist for millions of millions of years, a period of millions of years

Note: For any women interested in applying these incantations to themselves, I can provide you with the written transcript of the Egyptian wording and you would just need to replace Geetha by your own name.
For men, some changes would be required in the wording as it is the female version which is read here.

Across the Sands of Time – Diane Arkenstone

The Cleopatra Tales 8 : Eternal life to the Beloved

The Cleopatra Tales 8 : Eternal life to the Beloved
18 February 2023
Courtesy pinterest.com
King of the North and South, Beloved, living forever, born of Heaven, conceived of Nut, heir of Seb, his beloved, spreadeth she thy mother Nut over thee in her name of “mystery of Heaven” she granteth that thou mayest exist as a God without thy foes, O King of the North and South, Beloved, living forever

Reading of the blessing/incantation
Ancient Egypt - Secret Chamber

She breathes sunlight

She breathes sunlight
17 February 2023
Courtesy pinterest.com
She sees through ugly
Her eye torn into darkness
Her gait leftover fancy
Of a lifetime of duress

She prays to the Gods
Her hands temple of fervours
Her mind beating the odds
Through failing faith that hovers

She adjusts composure
Her mouth a tomb of secrets
Her heart seeks closure
Her chest a book of regrets

She breathes sunlight
Her nose a cathedral
Her shoulders set into fight
Tomorrow a sight feral

Reading of the poem: 
Eternity ~ Lisa Gerard