Le cou est fragile les destins funestes / The neck is fragile the destinies fatal

Le cou est fragile les destins funestes

20 janvier 2016

cou somathread ning com
Courtesy somathread.ning.com


Toi invisible loi étoile de mon ciel

De ma soif bulle claire ineffable ruisseau

De mon souffle rauque l’air prisonnier de l’eau

Brève noyade en soi drame circonstanciel


Egérie ma foi inconditionnelle

Ni l’écrit pour plaire ni clé de trousseau

Sort patibulaire de Méduse radeau

Coule de mon cœur roi stérile ritournelle


Oh ma sœur Anne dis vois-tu maître barbu

Le cou est fragile les destins funestes

Le roux se teinte gris le dos las fourbu


Cygne blanc fier gracile le vautour moleste

Prières vendredi sur les prés herbus

Vois la proie facile du cœur on sert restes


Lecture du poème 

Natalie Portman
Courtesy thebestpictureproject.wordpress.com


Below I have included a very rough translation not including various meanings and cultural references but simply translating what meets the eye. For those who speak French they would probably get a different message. Or not J


The neck is fragile the destinies fatal

January 20, 2016

cou accord-desaccords blogspot com
Courtesy accord-desaccords.blogspot.com


You invisible law star of my skies

Of my thirst clear bubble ineffable stream

Of my hoarse breathing the air trapped in water

Brief drowning in the self, circumstantial drama


Egeria my faith unconditional

Neither writing to please nor key on the keychain

Sinister Fate Medusa’s Raft

Sinks my heart’s king in sterile jingle


Oh my Sister Anne say do you see master bearded

The neck is fragile the destinies fatal

The redhead colours himself grey the back is broken tired


Graceful proud white swan the vulture molests

Friday prayers on grassy meadows

See the easy prey of heart they serve leftovers

cou gentside com
Courtesy gentside.com


Waltz No 2 – Yuhki Kuramoto

Sonnet of a fountain – Yuhki Kuramoto

A Scenery of trees – Yuhki Kuramoto

Snowfall of Cherry Blossom – Yuhki Kuramoto

Dreaming little boat – Yuhki Kuramoto

Wind Song And…. Yuhki Kuramoto

Lovingly – Kuramoto




17 thoughts on “Le cou est fragile les destins funestes / The neck is fragile the destinies fatal

    • Thank you, that’s a lovely compliment because I did not take much care to translate the poem into a proper sonnet this time and was wondering if it would really be nice 🙂


  1. From faith to mythology and on to the those images of the pure of heart Swan being taken advantage of, by those waiting and watching vultures, there is a movement towards a sad outcome as if it is almost inevitable. A beautiful and intricately woven piece, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you, again, for providing the translation here, Geetha! I loved it all, i have a feeling that the end is quite sad though. Beautiful images in your style, Dear Friend. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Jean-Paul. The poems are meant to be read with at least one of the accompanying musics. I am glad you chose Cherry Blossom Snow for it is a very hopeful piece 🙂


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