The fabric of dreams

The fabric of dreams

17 August 2015

light favim com (2)


Did I see you smile?

Your teeth flashed white in my mind

Lighting mind darkened


Glimpses of your face

Haunt my every waking hour

As the dream unfolds


Nocturnal flight stilled

Longing of soul connection

As we interlocked


Brief encounters spoke

Of challenging times for hearts

That had shunned true Love


Racing pulse set free

Twin bodies from worldly ties

Back where they came from


Soaring in delight

Giddiness of the fusion

Overcame the souls


Daybreak cut through spleen

Ripping bond of nighttime’s cares

Joys now forgotten


Lost souls retreated

To realms of blue wilderness

Wishing for morrows


Purity of hope

Interwoven with light makes

The fabric of dreams


light favim comcouple-darkness-light-water-Favim_com-218347 (2)

Fleetingly daytime joined in

Fleetingly daytime joined in

17 August 2015



Birds nestled subdued

Into blissful deep slumber

Keeping us in mind


All nightingales sang

In rapture of the beauty

Of us coiled, uncoiled


Stars whispered secrets

Night had been sole accomplice

As jasmine overheard


Precision tuning

Mind waves sought more attention

I listened intent


Dusk like dawn flickered

In recognition of light

Engulfing our flames


Moons envied the sun

Peering bright into our souls

As our limbs we seek


Urgency in times

Set fire to the stillness

We moved not, lazy


You and I stretched out

Fleetingly daytime joined in

Unveiling future

couple belleandchic com Couple-session-in-bed-from-Mireia-Cordomi_0008
Courtesy – photography by Mireia Cordomi

When you and I sleep

When you and I sleep

17 August 2015

sleep webmd com getty_rm_photo_of_woman_sleeping



I lost you in dark

Confusion reigned everywhere

As all lights went out


Your hand reached silent

Through walls that surrounded me

And lo set me free!


We flew like angels

Wings redeemed glorious light

Warming our wane hearts


Night silent aided

Memories flew to heartbeat

In stillness we spoke


I listened to drum

In between chest and soft throats

Where your life quivered


Making of dreamtime

Called to mind wand of magic

Our waves were stronger


When you and I sleep

Time folds on itself slumber

So deep is our bond


sleep worldsciencefestival com the_mind_after_midnight_where_do_you_go_when_you_go_to_sleep



إشتد البرد

إشتد البرد

١٧ أغستس ٢٠١٥

cold wall321 com


أنظر فأنظر

هل رأيت عينيا؟

لقد شكتا


إلمس فإلمس

هل أحسست بشفاه

نطقت بلا؟


إسمع فإسمع

هل سمعت أنين

آهات الحلق؟


العقل ملَ

من قول نعم و لا

فإلتزم الصَمت


نطق الجسم

ولكن لفظه

إشتدَ ضعفا


ما سمع القلب

لقد جمد فيك

و نطق الجسم


نزعت ثوبي

و في لوية وحدى

نزعت قلبي


إشتد البرد

تركتني عارية

لا ثوب ولا قلب


time debradml com