

English translation below (A Alessandro de RISE)

16 janvier 2016

dénouement dailymail co uk
Courtesy dailymail.co.uk



Ecorchure en mots

Peau qui coule


Alignement de mon être

Musique funèbre naître



Invincible élan



Obsession de tous les temps

Passé imparfait


dénouement pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Les tumultes

Flots de cœur avide



Richesse de boyaux limpides

Cristaux pour rivière



D’autres sens reprennent



Je nage fort contre-courant

Les vagues mon tombeau



Une paix retrouvée



Il me tient la main de loin

Traverser l’enfant


dénouement lovepanky com
Courtesy lovepanky.com


As I realised some of you are kind enough to like my poems in French even though their French is a bit rusty or some just because they like the images and the feel of the poem without understanding much I have resolved whenever I can to put up a translation in English. It is difficult because the French language allows you to hide many more meanings into the same sentence and I find it less possible with the English, especially if one wants to respect the poetry rhythm and requirements. I have attempted to keep the below a Shadorma (in between brackets figures the correct translation of a word that I might have changed a bit to keep the Shadorma syllable count and in one instance I have put up another possible wording where the French word has more than one meaning). Thanks as always for your comments and encouragements 🙂



(To Alessandro from RISE)

January 16th, 2016

dénouement pinterest com 2
Courtesy pinterest.com


Abandoned (Abandonment)

Flaying of the words

Skin flowing

Tuning fork

Alignment of my being

Mourning music born



Invincible force (momentum)

To preserve

To safeguard

Obsession of all Tenses

Past, the imperfect


dénouement 24hoursviral com
Courtesy 24hoursviral.com


The tumults

Waves of hungry heart


To invest

Wealth of my transparent guts

Crystals for river


Abandoned (Abandonment)

Other senses sum [meanings] (resume)



I swim against strong current

The waves are my grave



A reacquired peace

Very slow


He holds my hand from afar

Crossing through childhood


dénouement illuminatingsouls com
Courtesy illuminatingsouls.com


Alain Souchon – Les regrets (Clip officiel)

Mylène Farmer & Jean-Louis Murat – Regrets (Clip Officiel)

Il divo & Celine Dion – I believe in you

Will you miss me when I’m gone?

Will you miss me when I’m gone ?

25 August 2015

couple newlovetimes com
Courtesy newlovetimes.com


Shades of us shone bright

Articulate dark on lights

Playing with eyesight


Century split half

Moving toward our shadow

A bright future lit


What happened behind?

Hindsight now failed me always

As did memories


Arms spread out seeking

I had searched for you all days

A lifetime thus spent


Seeing you never

Though my being you pervade

Etched in all my thoughts


Sun-kissed paths we trod

Walking towards each other

Blindfolded and mute


No touch did we need

Imprints in our very soul

Spoke more than could flesh


You gazed upon me

Seeing me best with mind’s eye

As I perceived you


Abandoned to you

My soul kept for your soul watch

You knew as did I


Time would take its toll

On our hearts that beat tireless

As tunes in ears rang

couple theyesgirls com beach-couple-kiss-sunset-water-Favim_com-212332_large
Courtesy Favim on theyesgirls.com


The World disappeared

No loss would I ever fear

Our Love infused all


Words locked in embrace

A blessed recognition

We held on steadfast


Time flew relentless

Stars opposed but move on

Bow to depths we hold


Careening through Time

Like dances of Golden Age

That all hurt soothes


This body fails me

Though soul keeps it standing still

To hope’s tunes we seek


Your voice now alit

With energy makes me whole

Restoring body


With renewed respite

Will you still reach me in time?

If only I knew


Grim is the reaper

In darkness still he awaits

As days slide silent


Grief to hope skips slim

Boldest instinct: survival

An uneven chance


Mind soared to morrow

Will you miss me when I’m gone?

I will forever

kiss of light on photocommunity com
Courtesy photocommunity.com