Death converts to life

Death converts to life

8 September 2018

death converts to life deviantart com a_woman_in_the_stars_by_cloudy_melody


Highways will lead North

Where fog and sea surrender

Intimate lacing


Wish upon my bones

Call to the elders that know

Stories of caskets


Moonbeams grow shadows

Within heart of the meadows

Fairies live prancing


Hold my gaze to skies

Illuminate my bosom

Rose insulates me


Lightning bears a door

In between threads and the bolt

A crack reveals light


Invert destinies

Redress stories of duress

Death converts to life


Reading of the poem: 

Don’t let me down ft Daya – The Chainsmokers

Unchain me

Unchain me

17 October 2016

chains shift is



Of my mind’s content

Glossy starch

On collar

Spirit cycle underwent

Remnants of dollar


Piece the meal

The banquet is served

The lurid

The blind herd

Each one gets what is deserved

In alleys of white


Give up fight

The papers are creased


Etched in quill

The weak minds not sitting still

The bosoms diseased


Derail me

Trains reset on tracks

Cutting ice

Like water

The magicians oft falter

When throwing the dice


Restrain me

Packets of the wave

Surge uphill

As I strive

By the call of banshee shrill

Leading through my Tribe


Contain me

I seep through the cracks

Eyesight lacks

The foresight

We bend where you will see might

Bringers of the Light


Unchain me


Freed me fore

Molten core

The frame wedding the intent

Messengers we sent


Reading of the poem: 

chains deviantart com


The Old Ways – Loreena Mc Kennitt


I fall through the cracks

I fall through the cracks

8 January 2016

falling marenkemp photoshelter com (2)


I fall through the cracks

In between tiles that shudder

Winter’s ice-clad touch


I fall through the cracks

Dropping from the wall’s peelings

That autumn rain cast


I fall through the cracks

From one ledge to another

That summer clad beige


falling imgbuddy com (2)


I fall through the cracks

Where the light clung to ceilings

White like spring’s jasmine


falling en egg-life net (3)


I fall through the cracks

As the air opens its pores

Sizzling mist around


I fall through the cracks

As the skies open their arms

Shedding me sunrays


I fall through the cracks

Between needles and clock’s face

As Time slowly dies


falling hdwyn com (2)


Her Scene – This is Who I Am Now

Rumi – You will not know me

Liquid cracks parallel portals chime

Liquid cracks parallel portals chime

18 November 2015


liquid pics-about-space com


In cracks energy surge, peak of Love

The Northern star spoke to Aurora Borealis


Backward loop fuels parallel Time

Pegasus tamed, light like a feather, split the lightning


Sinusoidal Heart shapes waters

As the flames split the circles axis ripple unites


Slow as hay joins needles flies Dove

Parallel rotation four roots support flames’ white Lys


Three by one sinusoidal rhyme

Twirl to peak of stillness quadrant ends in beginning


Circle where blue meets the red covers

Red on blue sinks the white flesh bubble rises death rites


liquid messier seds org



Pathway frozen in Time, flames above

Three by one tilt purple, square blue skies rise, gift one bliss


Liquid cracks parallel portals chime

Fractal crown blooms resurrection eight by one joining


Triangles slide, cores fuse, crack hovers

Pegasus loves two weights, blue veils triple stillness writes



liquid deviantart com the_rebirth_of_pegasus_by_bloodmoonequinox-d5qwl8f




Tarja Tarunen – Oasis

Yanni – Love take me

Omar Akram Passage into midnight

Omar Akram – The Promise

Secret Garden -Aria

Secret Garden – Just the Two of us


The cracks in the wall

The cracks in the wall

25 September 2015

ruins comicvine com



This house fell ruins

To the dark tides in making

Ebb and flow of Time


I followed with palm

Of ivy green throbbing veins

That on the walls stood


Intricate weaving

The ivy throttled and held

A slayer though guard


elfdreams com

Everywhere I look

Drastic move is creating

Inception of change

ruins deviantart com quarry_ruins_by_josheiten-d5ogym1


Will there be a dawn?

My system follows, pursues

Of systems the new


The cracks in the wall

They gape at me answering

To cracks in my Heart


Mutating morrows

Crumbling with the walls that fell

To fires now slain

ruins fallout com